
Study: 40% of Michigan Families Can’t Cover Basic Survival Expenses

Huge Decline in Wages for Michigan’s Working Families

Pay Falls for Low-Wage Men yet Women Still Far Behind,” found that real wages of Michigan workers have fallen by more than ten percent since 1979 for broad sections of the working class.

Hourly pay for low-wage workers of “prime working age” in Michigan fell 13.4 percent between 1979-2013, while pay for mid-wage workers of prime age fell 12.7 percent.

The collapse of wages in Michigan also illustrates president Obama’s and Governor Snyder’s “insourcing” policies, which involves pushing for lower corporate taxes and lower living standards and wages for workers in order to make American cities “attractive” for business. Snyder Obama Meet

Speaking at a Milwaukee factory in 2012, Obama celebrated the results of his and Snyder’s “bailout” policies in Michigan as a model for the rest of the country: What’s happening in Detroit can happen in other cities.

Declining work rates, stagnant wages, the rise of female-headed families, inferior education, and the arrival of millions of “immigrants” with poor education and low skills are little engines pushing up the poverty rate.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)

Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay

No, not joking about Graham Beal (actually, Ron Weiser organized the theft from us for that money pit), as you soon will see who is selected to operate the DRIC boondoggle.

Canada appointed Kristine Burr and Genevieve Gagnon to the International Authority while Michael D. Hayes, Birgit M. Klohs and Matt Rizik [more Pricewaterhouse cronies just like Rich Baird] were appointed by Michigan [Slick Rick]. Burr will serve as the chairwoman of the authority. Officials said a third Canadian member will be selected soon by the new Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, which also had appointments announced Wednesday.

Burr recently served as assistant deputy minister of Policy for Transport Canada; Gagnon is president of XTL Transport Inc.; Hayes is president and CEO of the Midland Center for the Arts; Klohs is the president and CEO of the Right Place Inc.; Rizik is the chief tax officer for Rock Ventures LLC.

The International Authority will oversee and approve key steps in the procurement process for the crossing.


I guess cousin George didn’t want a seat at the table (pun intended) of the NAFTA Bridge.

UPDATE: our good friend, Mr. Ed Arditti has more at Windsor Square.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

PETAphiles pay for 10 Detoilet Deadbeats: Get Lambasted by The Left

Sometimes it is entertaining to take a look at what the Utopians define as *logic*. Say for instance something like THIS. See that? Even “free money” and “free food” from a group of loons is not enough. Now, it’s “food deserts” to blame. Never mind the abundant supply of EBT Cards in the land of redistribution plenty Detoilet (access denied in casinos and booby bars – draconian, yes?).

So, water is a human *right*. Access is provided to all, and the burden of collecting on the debt for provided access now transcends to the pursuit of Happiness. Rewarding bad behavior only begets more bad behavior. Deadbeats loafing in an abundance of taxpayer provided hammocks still bitch and whine in the Nerdpublican’s “Grand Bailout” Detoilet.

Bottom line. Progressivism is a mental disorder. Being stupid should be painful.

Yes, I already know… That’s Rayciss!

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(2)

You have it. We want it. And thanks to the power of government, we’re just going to take it from you anyway.

“Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce.” – Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged”


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Johnny Ain’t No Fool

EconomyPrinting1967RiotsJohnny buys him some votes.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers wants President Barack Obama [Bacon, mmmm, bacon] to sanction use of an earlier multimillion-dollar award to Michigan to help pay delinquent water bills of low-income residents threatened by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s most aggressive shutoff campaign ever.

“Assisting low-income residents with paying their water bills would help avert a public health crisis,” Conyers, D-Detroit, said in a letter to Obama Thursday. Separately, he asked Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell to declare a public health emergency, calling the shutoff campaign “draconian” and raising concerns about what it could mean to the young, sick or elderly.

See that? All these decades later, and still working the bullhorn. The Democratic Party is the true Party of “the poor,” and that’s exactly why the Progressives create so many of them as they are their voting block crop of indoctrinated moochers and looters. Marx, Engels, and Lenin, referred to them as Human Resources for a reason. The “Big Tent” Party of Democrat-lite A/K/A the alleged Right merely attempts to syphon away votes from the Democratic Party Plantation.

VPERED!, mo’fos

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You Don’t Say…

For regular readers none of the following should come as a surprise.

Really? You don’t say. Yet, there are still some Boobus Michiganderus out there that *think* they’re really cutting a hog in the ass by turning over control of their Rights to an unelected, public sector unionized, centralized State bureaucracy.


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