Though many may be casting a protest vote, it won't likely be for Mark Schauer
Bad guys is just plain bad guys.
We police our own, but fact of the matter is that Democrat Mark Schauer had the biggest campaign finance violation and fine that Michigan has seen to date. In 2007 former RM editor and operator Nick DeLeeuw noted the unmitigated gall of Schauer, and the 22 counts of his election violations:
“Here’s how it worked. Schauer decided to go ahead and raise a bunch of illegal campaign cash. He received illegal money from Democrats including Carl Williams, Alexander Lipsey, Bob Schockman, Gretchen Whitmer, Mickey Switalski, Buzz Thomas, Liz Brater, Mike Prusi, Gilda Jacobs, Glenn Anderson and Mark Slavens and then pitched in $187,000 himself. Mind you, the limit is $20,000.
Once the Democrats realized they’d been discovered each of the folks who currently serve in the legislature went ahead and asked for refunds. Essentially they said “oops, our mistake, don’t punish us for it!” Prusi, Whitmer, Switalski, Brater, Thomas, Slavens and Jacobs all took their illegal cash back, essentially admitting they’d been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and trying to make things right (well after the fact).
But no such change of heart from Mark Schauer. When he breaks the law he stands by his criminal activity! And he stands by his man, too. Ken Brock, the anti-Semite who’s racist comments drew the ire of everyone in Michigan except Mark Schauer, was the Senator’s treasurer on this particular money laundering operation and signed all of the papers. “
The scheme was noted and investigated.