Do NOT forget how Michiganians were abused in the past couple of years.
2022 Michigan Gubernatorial Race, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Elections, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans
I’m sorry, but who are you people again?
by KG One • • 1 Comment
I’m a little perplexed.
I don’t know whether or not to shake my head in disgust, or to laugh at the sheer stupidity of these people.
And who might they be, you are asking yourselves right about now?
{Click the little red box below and ye shall be enlightened.}
2022 Michigan Gubernatorial Race, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Economy, Government Incompetence, Immigration, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Republicans
Republicans for Whitmer-Gilchrist 2022!
by KG One • • 2 Comments
Don’t be stupid!
There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why this year’s election, especially the gubernatorial portion here in Michigan, shouldn’t be anything more than a formality this November.
After all of the Wuhan virus induced fear mongering has been exposed for the charade in which it truly was, destroying our economy & disrupting the lives of most Americans, Team-d has nothing to run with.
However, if the Republican kakistocracy has its way, it looks like they will be pulling the same stupid trick they used in 2018 in order to get Gretchen Whitmer re-elected again in 2022!
How you may ask?
{You know the drill.}
All the Other Stuff, Democrats, Liberty, Michigan, Opinion
Year Of The Woman
by Jason • • 2 Comments
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Taxes
Just one more won’t hurt.
by KG One • • 2 Comments
I just wanted to dove-tail on an earlier post made by Jason regarding SB-653 to institute a museum tax on Southeastern Michigan.
Well, not ALL of Southeastern Michigan.
Even the backers of this heaping, steaming pile of legislative waste sponsored by the entire Michigan Senate democrat caucus realized that well is running dry, so they were going to focus on the easier marks in Oakland & Wayne Counties instead.
No, I’m not kidding.
They didn’t call them easy marks directly, per se (that would’ve been too obvious), but they did spell out their plan when they went before the Michigan Senate Committee last December to push for this little shakedown.
Check it out for yourself, it’s a short video cued up to the best part. OABTW, be sure to check it out at the 5:23 mark regarding the “Time sensitivity with the bill”
So, what insulting here?
Oh, the fact that not only did four “republicans”, namely Sen. Ken Horn, Sen. Curt VanderWall, Sen. Kim LaSata, Sen. Mark Huizenga, voted to move this bill out of committee, instead of letting it die a slow death, but they voted to have it take immediate effect!
Now, why would a “republican” from Frankenmuth vote to promote a tax hike in Oakland & Wayne Counties?
Better yet, where is that same zeal shown in the video to let Taxpayers know how that money is being spent?
Or better yet, to allow communities to opt out of this grift?
Stay tuned…
Constitution, Democrats, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy, Republicans
by Jason • • 1 Comment
Proving once again, that Republicans can be as moronic and ignorant as Democrats
Don’t ever let your kids or the dog drive your car.
That might be a good idea if the ‘bi-farcian’ sponsors of HB5272 have their way, anyhow. On Tuesday at 9am, the Michigan House Judiciary Committee will take up testimony on House Bill 5272, which would authorize state and local police to use un-manned “photo radar” machines to issue speeding tickets on Michigan roads. Language in the bill actually says you are presumed guilty until proven innocent:
(4) In a prosecution for a violation of this section, prima facie evidence that the vehicle described in the citation issued was operated in violation of this section, together with proof that the defendant was at the time of the violation the registered owner of the vehicle, creates a rebuttable presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the individual who committed the violation. The presumption is rebutted if the registered owner of the vehicle files an affidavit by regular mail with the clerk of the court that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation or testifies in open court under oath that he or she was not the operator of the vehicle at the time of the alleged violation. The presumption also is rebutted if a certified copy of a police report, showing that the vehicle had been reported to the police as stolen before the time of the alleged violation of this section, is presented before the appearance date established on the citation. For purposes of this subsection, the owner of a leased or rented vehicle shall provide the name and address of the individual to whom the vehicle was leased or rented at the time of the violation.
Those are a couple of iffy “if” statements there comrades.
Perhaps these losers: Gary Eisen (district 81) Joseph Bellino, Gregory Markkanen, David Martin, Ben Frederick, Robert Bezotte, Pat Outman, Beth Griffin, David LaGrand, Julie Brixie might get a call or a letter from their misrepresented constituents?
Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Economy, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion
One more step…
by Kevin Grand • • 0 Comments
2020 Presidential Election, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Democrats, Government Incompetence, Opinion, Republicans
0-2. Michigan democrats (along with RINO’s Upton & Meijer) must be so proud of their accomplishments.
by KG One • • 3 Comments
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
So, if you haven’t heard the good news (albeit it, very unsurprising), the US Senate voted to not impeach PRIVATE CITIZEN Donald J. Trump over the weekend 57-43. I shouldn’t need to tell anyone how Michigan’s US Senators embarrassed themselves voted.
No Chief Justice from the Supreme Court presiding. Patently obvious evidence tampering by democrats. Sheer naked hypocrisy from democrats when own actions were highlighted.
But why should something like that get in the way of good political kabuki theater?
The talking head shows went into a tizzy yesterday. You had “strategists” from the republican & democrat party trying to rationalize this blatantly unconstitutional act.
I’m not going to bore readers with hours of adults acting like petulant children because they didn’t get their way. But I do want to share one excellent clip of an adult, President Trump’s lawyer Michael Van Der Veen, taking CBSN journalist activist Lana Zak to the woodshed. If you want to see an excellent example of what happens when you stand up to propagandists, that clip can be viewed here.
Sadly, this isn’t the last of it. Not by a long shot.
More RINO’s are beginning to appear on the radar (i.e. McConnell)
The democrats are going to throw everything including the kitchen sink at him because…um, it beats having to show actual leadership.
And that has worked out well for them…when?
Let me wrap this up on the plus side with a nice summary by DJT Jr.
“Trump beats impeachment. Dems in disarray. The Lincoln Project burnt to the ground. The RINOS in the GOP establishment exposed & collapsing. Cuomo & Dem Govs in free fall. The media depressed and lashing out at Dems for their impeachment fail. #MAGA ascending again!“
Stay Free.
2020 Presidential Election, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Elections, Michigan Politics
Must have been ordering a pizza?
by KG One • • 6 Comments
In an interesting twist to the farce that is the Detroit/Wayne County Clerks Office, new video has been found from the cameras inside of Cobo Hall showing VERY late night deliveries from the loading dock area (H/T to Gateway Pundit).
Video showing a late model White Ford Transit Van with City of Detroit logos on it was seen making at least two deliveries at around 3:30am and 5:00am Wednesday Morning and unloading numerous cardboard boxes (NOT sealed voting boxes nor sealed voting bags) which were then wheeled into Cobo for counting.
{More below}
2020 Presidential Election, All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Constitution, Cronyism, Democrats, Economy, Elections, Government Incompetence, Liberty, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Republicans
And yet, they continue telling us even more lies.
by KG One • • 4 Comments
To say that keeping up on actual LEGITIMATE news recently is an understatement.
Between what has essentially become an increasingly deafening echo chamber from the cancel culture obsessed progressive media and their democrat party masters, actual bona fide news is still out there, just skillfully hidden from the masses.
From President Trump’s call to, um, I’m not sure exactly what it was he said to trigger the snowflakes in Congress. But whatever it was, it was sufficient to get them to pass one of the quickest bills I’ve ever seen in my lifetime and impeach him a second time. Great job at misdirection, BTW! All of the attention from last year’s election fraud was masterfully redirected elsewhere. Whew, that was a close one! Let the people’s agenda commence!
Say, how does that whole impeachment a second time work after the 20th anyways? The politicians pushing for this and the pundits were a little fuzzy with their logic.
In case anyone is still unsure about what Pres. Trump really said, feel free to watch the entire speech here (don’t worry, it won’t get banned anytime soon).
Then we have the ominous “unspecified threats, from unknown origin” calling for violence across America this week.
Does anyone know about any “protests” schedule this week, because I certainly have not heard of any? And I spent a better part of my day texting, e-mailing and calling people to get to the bottom of that.
Still, it’s amazing what turns up with just a little bit of digging.
{You know the drill}