
Extremist Democrat Candidate For Governor Agrees With Abolishing ICE

Whitmer's leftist extremism on display in Lansing

They’re going to have to own this nonsense.

Tomorrow she might say something very different to salvage any middle of the road Dems, but folks have been wising up to the extremist views held by Democrat candidates. Gretchen Whitmer bobble-heads her agreement to abolishing our immigration enforcement in this video.

“I think we need a governor, who will stand up to the federal government” she says.  As governor, she COULD make enforcement of our borders problematic.




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Coming Out Swinging

Bill Schuette is immediately ready to face down the failed ideas of the left.

The left is bereft of ideas.

Well, maybe not ‘bereft’, but the ideas they have are generally failed attempts at creating equal outcomes instead of promoting equal opportunity.  Socialism, a well documented catastrophe of civilization’s epoch is now the new norm for the Democrat party.  The tragedy of the ‘best intentions’ has no equal in ways of starving and inciting misery in otherwise viable populations.

Venezuela is easily offered up as the latest misadventure of re-distribution.  Million Plus percentage inflation, pets on plates, and political corruption that would make the bolsheviks of old blush with envy.

Yet there are people in Michigan who still idealize such ‘planned society’.  They exist primarily in the Democrat party, and their newest flag bearer is not shy about pandering to the promises-that-can-never-be-kept in order to gain power.

Bill Schuette, having earned the nomination of the Republican party is wasting no time challenging the nominee of the Democrats.  In a press release today he appears confident that a comparison of her record and rhetoric will expose the regressive policies of those who once upon a time preferred to be called ‘progressive.’

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The Price Of Incompetence

Filling out a form is hard.

Its just a lousy address.

That is all it would have taken to get on the ballot; using his correct address.  Instead Matt Morgan, who apparently aspires to be one more representative of the disaster known as the Democrat party in Congress, failed at the mere task of properly gaining ballot access.

Aside from the institutional failure of socialist ideology, the Democrat party has had it’s own trickle down of success.  The bench is thin, and the possibility of getting a real live veteran (Morgan) who actually believes in redistribution, cultural denigration, and murdering the unborn has them ..energized.

This photo represents the full out effort of the local and state Democrats to drag him over and onto the November ballot.  This is duplicated throughout the district at each polling place complete with nearby Subaru with a ‘Bernie’ bumper sticker.

It says so much.

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In A Couple Of Pictures

Analyzing $500 Plus contributions to El-Sayed Gubernatorial bid reveals significant outside interest.

The total amount contributed to Abdul El-Sayed through contributions of $500 or more as reported to the SoS is nearly  $1,500,000.00

This is not the total amount he has raised, but simply the aggregate amount by contributors who really really really want him to be the first Islamic Governor in the United States.  It INCLUDES his own minor personal and in/kind mileage contributions, which in the tables shown are reflected in the Michigan portion.

Let this sink in.  Less than 50% of this particular candidate’s receipts $500 and more are from Michigan voters.

The BIG money comes from somewhere else.



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The Devil is DEFINITELY in the details.

Multiple news outlets have reported that the Michigan Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision upheld the democratic party “independent/grassroots” Voters Not Politicians petition initiative to create a non-partisan commission to redraw every voting district in Michigan.

In writing for the majority Justices Viviano, McCormack, Bernstein & Clement said;

“Here, that approach leads us to conclude that a voter-initiated amendment under Const 1963, art 12, § 2 is permissible if it does not significantly alter or abolish the form or structure of our government, making it tantamount to creating a new constitution.”

Yeah that’s sounds great on paper, but exactly how did they intend on accomplishing this nigh impossible feat?

{Well, I’ll go into that more after the fold}

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Fractured Fairy Tales and other flights of fancy finding their fantastic and far-fetched fables in a Michigan Classroom near you very soon.

Did you know that Harvey Milk and Huey Newton were very important figures in early American History?

Even moreso than the likes of say Dr. Joseph Warren or Patrick Henry?

Did you know that the federal government is not actually a creation of the states and is therefore superior to them?

Did you know that the Southern Poverty Law Center is an unbiased and trustworthy source of information ?

Did you know that the MDE actually proposed expanding a study of Islam in public schools (despite the fact Christianity has been essentially removed from the classroom beginning in the 1960‘s)?

And my personal fav: Did you know that America was founded as a democracy?

Yeah, that one surprised me, too.

If the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has their way, THESE are changes that you might see in the K-12 curriculum in a classroom near you.

Unless you do something about it.

{Find out how after the fold}

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You do know that whole “The Wall”- thing could’ve stopped all of this (or at the very least significantly reduced it).

So in the latest distraction in our 24-hour News Cycle World, the latest “outrage” is coming from a surprising source?

And just whom that might be, you may ask yourself?

{Click below to learn the answer}

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