
Thursday’s Divertere: Dr. Sebastion Gorka

Sad as it is to accept this is where we’re at today, folks. For those who have been paying attention, if your memory serves you well, you will recall the indoctrinated functioning illiterate in this video posted here are today’s 52%, which Dr. Gorka is speaking about.

That stated, this is why for at minimum the next 4 years in Michigan, we will not be moving ahead, no, we will be expending that energy on curtailing if not stoping dead in its tracks- garbage like this.

Oh, I know, losing the top three offices was completely unavoidable because of a “boat anchor” and/or The Grassroots™ had a fart stuck crossways or, something to that effect. It is how Boobus Michiganderus rolls on the Right.

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So, where is the REAL “Constitutional Crisis”?

This is a buzzword that you’re going to be hearing quite a bit over the next several days.

The democrats, along with their willing accomplices in the republican party (NO, this is NOT a typo), are going to be pulling out all of the stops and throw a temper tantrum worthy of a three-year old child as they allow the crisis along our southern border to fester and grow while they try obfuscate along with deflecting attention away from and prolong the problem for as long as they can.

Turning away potential voters/cheap labor/brand spanking new entitlement recipients does not bode well during the next election cycle.

Oh, and there’s more…

{Hit that little red button below find out what that is}

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Caliphate Curser Strikes Again

So, let us understand, this fun advertisement for a pub crawl is offensive and, this article Rashida wrote for Farrakhan is not.

Got it?

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Showing your true colors.

Despite the calls for “bipartisianship”(remember when THAT was the buzzword), “tolerance”, blah-blah-blah, etc, AG Nessel officially went off the reservation yesterday and signed Michigan onto a multistate lawsuit AGAINST Pres. Trump and his actions to protect everyday Americans from the illegal aliens massing along the southern border.

This is what happens when the republican kakistocracy runs a boat anchor at the top of the ticket and p.o.’s The Grassroots when it doesn’t cut ties with a certain Supreme Court Justice. Tom Leonard would NEVER have signed off on this!

Curiously, as of this morning, she didn’t feel that it was important to share her passion to protect a major threat to Michigananians with the rest of us through official channels.

I’m running late for a run, but more to follow later…

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Hispanic Women for The Wall Rally – February 9th

From my inbox:

Trump supporters, 100% Fed Up and SHUR (Sterling Heights/Utica Republicans) invite you for a “Build the Wall” Rally.

Join us with your family and friends, at Van Dyke Ave., north of 15 Mile Rd. in Sterling Heights. It will be on Saturday, February 9th from 1:00 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Snow, Rain or Shine, we will be walking on the sidewalk. Dress warm.

Bring your signs (be respectful) and/or flags. Let’s show our county, state and country that WE SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT. Trump Unity Bridge will be with us!!!!

We will meet at the Marketplace Court street Mall at the east side of Van Dyke Ave., north of 15 Mile Rd. It is across the street from the Chrysler Sterling Stamping Plant. You can park by the street mall. Then, we will spread out along Van Dyke Avenue. See map below.

More details will be coming up soon. Stay tuned! The event is free, but please register to plan accordingly.


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Lead, follow or get out of the way!

Or, current events that might come as a shock to you.

Did you catch the story about Virginia wanting to pass an infanticide law? Don’t worry, someone threw a similar bill in the hopper here in Michigan.

The answer is probably not. The democrats speaking out in favor of that story got it buried after their democrat Governor was exposed liking to pose either in blackface or with a sheet over his head (and no, I don’t mean cosplaying as the villain in a Scooby Doo episode).

Did you catch the story about the democrats plan to address health care in America? As if, Obamacare isn’t as much of a spectacular train wreck as it is. Probable not, it seems that Team “d” is still working out how to package it, in order to make it palatable to voters.

Did you catch the story about the democrats plan to “reform” tax rates? The economic wunderkind from The Bronx is looking at taking 70% of your paycheck before you even see it. Her muslim comrade house colleague is shooting for 90%. Again, probably not.

How about the American jobs and economic numbers for the previous month?

What! Are you kidding?

Now, this might come as a shock to most readers, but despite the top-notch job for what passes for news media here in America today, (I know, I know, that whole “global warming”-thing really took a toll on everyone last week), President Trump will be giving his State of the Union Speech this Tuesday from the floor of the US House Chambers.

What might be part of that speech you may ask yourself?

Let me throw out there an idea (or two).

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And the democrats will now do…what?

While we’re all asking ourselves what now?

Well, this one caught everyone off guard.

I think that you’ll all know where I’m going at with this. Not much of a hook is required today.

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