Certainly, 'politics' has been the buzzword for what should be completely accepted as simple coincidence.
Some amazing things have happened over the last couple of years. A transparency bill that had 100% support in both houses was vetoed; likely because of its implication of deals going down with Canada on the international trade crossing. The only other way besides political pressure to stop an override of the veto would literally be a gun to the head of our legislative leaders; and we know that didn’t happen did it?
Somehow, his legislative lapdogs (Bolger and Richardville) still pushed through (against caucus desire) the medicaid expansion which has an even more threatening effect on Michigan’s treasury. Again, seeing no open coercion, it seems he was able to get his way quite easily.
Now in lame duck, all bets are off for a couple of moves that are sure to keep the crony friends of Rick Snyder rolling in dough. Randy Richardville has moved forward on a monster GAS-TAX increase that will stuff the wallets of a lot of contractors, put steam in train engines, and make all the bike riders ‘complete’ly happy. I don’t even need to drop the links on those; you know we’ve talked about it before.
But what pray tell might be the payoff for Richardville? What might he see for his part in sticking it to the taxpayer of Michigan? Well certainly he has been shtooping us for the love of shtooping, right? But I would wager that if the interviews for the following happened last Wednesday as they were supposed to, I’ll bet you can guess what happens next.
Lets lay it out there. There is an open district judge position in Novi. Over 30 people applied for the gubernatorial appointment, which is expected this month. On Wednesday the governor’s office was interviewing the five finalists. They are:
- Marsha Kosmatka
- Beth Hand
- Gary Klein
- Lori Fitzpatrick Timar
- Margaret Scott