Conservative News

Weekend Reading Assignment

logo-sphereThere is so much going on; much of which deserves a spot here but takes time to chronicle.

Current Michigan Gems?

Watchdog Wire – Did Frank Foster Lie To His Constituents? Going Negative on a challenger?  Mr Foster seems genuinely scared.  Liars Lie.

FedUpUSA – Oh, So Free Water Is Next? Crazy. Just shows how completely dumbed down the spawn of progressivism is in Detroit, and in this state, and elsewhere.

Activist Post – Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs Food.  They are throwing away FOOD. Government oversight is so beneficial is it not?

The Complete Patient – Food Dump Meant To Send A Message. Indeed it is. Another look at the story above.

Say Yes To Wes Blog – A Victory in the Supreme Court. Wes Nakagiri’s take on the Supreme court ruling and his opponent’s positions.


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!


2008 was a dismal year for the MIGOP. Election wins were far and few between. Another 2 years of Granholm and Democrat rule were what we had to look forward to. Many remember the GOP offices manned (if at all) by skeleton crews, with very few volunteers showing up.

Then came 2010 and the rise of the Tea Party. Offices were Packed with excited volunteers. (I can remember tables of volunteers being asked to use their own cell phone for calls, as all the other phones were in use.) A constant flow of people streamed in for Literature and signs to distribute. Tea parties sponsored rallies, forums, and debates, statewide, inviting all the republican candidates to attend. Some of these events attracted tens of thousands of people.

Media attention was at an all time high. The result was a Grand slam in MI, SUPER majorities in both houses, and a new republican Governor Rick Snyder. The pattern was repeated nationwide.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

SHOCKER: did you Know That CEO’S Grow Things?

It’s good to see the folks over at Michigan Capitol Confidential are finally addressing this.

State Budget Has Increased Almost $5 Billion the Past Three Years

Click on the linked headline above. Read Mr. Gantert’s article. Let that sink in, Boobus Michiganderus. You are getting the government in Lansing that you voted for, and getting it good and hard. Snyder started from the path paved by Mike Bishop’s State Income Tax Increase in 2007 (how anyone could even considers sending this to an already dysfunctional D.C. is amazing), of which, Lansing’s current Republican Majority violated it’s roll down back to 3.9%, then doubled down on Democrat-lite with a 5% pension confiscation, which has netted Lansing results of a minimum 10+ Billion leaving the state. Yes, the reason a particular Tag is born.

RepublicratDo I think J-man is accurate in his assessment that folks are overwhelmed by Snyder’s relentless and completely repulsive Democrat-lite agenda? Damn right I believe there’s a good majority of us who are suffering burnout. I know that I’m sure as Hell tired of Slick Rick, his Chicago Democrat *adviser*, and his Obama-love for Growing Dependency, baiting illegal alien gatecrashers (Let this sink in), and fellating Bedouin moon pagans (they’re “national treasures,” don’tchya know?). Enjoying Snyder’s vision of us on the Home Team sent to the back of the bus? No, didn’t think you did. Problem is that most folks are busy just trying to raise their families, get in a few smiles and laughs along the journey of Life 101, and don’t have the time to bird dog the Ruling Class on both sides of the alleged different sides of the political aisle in this state. Nevertheless, what folks elected to Lansing in 2010, is an Executive Office that is ran by a crony capitalist agenda of Big Government solutions, a corporate snake that you were warned about.

You’re working as debt-slaves for the Government Store, Boobus Millennial Michiganders. Enjoy a future of less than your predecessors.

As I’ve stated before, if it weren’t for Ruth Johnson, I’d stay home in November. That also applies to Pettallia, and Stamas. Mrs. Terri Hibma? Forgettaboutit. Not interested in her dimwit opinions and blatant pandering to perversion, either.


You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(1)

Just how stupid do they think people are.

A lot of interesting happenings this week.

The continuing conditioning of Michiganians to accept illegal aliens up in Vassar (among other places).

Netroots Nation Conference in Detroit (including appearances by Chief Fulla Manure & some guy who things that just because he plays the Hulk somehow IS  the Hulk).

More shenanigans with Detroit Water (along with our long time friend Maureen “The Moocher”  Taylor)  with the inhumane and appalling concept of having people pay for a service.

That “One small step” thing.

But, I’m going to focus today on the (yaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn) Michigan Gubernatorial “Race”, a link that someone sent me, and a troublesome detail that was missed by everyone covering the story this week.

And that detail?

That would be telling.

{Just kidding, details below the fold}

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Rep. Candice Miller gets it (sort of).

I’ve indicated before that try to catch up on current events as much as I can when working.

It’s not easy, but I manage as best as I can.

I get a good chunk of it from e-mail blasts from people whom I trust. Much of it is on material that the MSM wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot poll.

The latest has to do with the continuing invasion of illegal aliens along our border and the (sort of) correct response that has been lacking as of late.

{Details after the fold}

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Building Dependency and Estate Confiscation with BaRick Snyderbama

This just in from the “Take a vote, not a vacation” files.

More people have enrolled in Medicaid’s expansion in less than four months than were expected to sign up in the entire first year of the program, the Snyder administration announced Thursday.

The expansion, called the Healthy Michigan Plan [click HERE], opened April 1 with a first-year goal of 322,000 sign-ups. The state said it exceeded that projection Thursday with more than 323,022 residents enrolled.

The Michigan Department of Community Health estimated 477,000 Michiganians would sign up by the end of 2015. The Healthy Michigan Plan opens the federal health insurance program for the poor to all adults with incomes up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $30,000 a year for a family of four, as allowed under the federal Affordable Care Act.

FourOdiousAssholes“We still continue to see a couple thousand (new enrollments) every week get added to the program,” Community Health spokeswoman Angela Minicuci said Thursday [Go figure, Angela]. “It’s a little bit too early to say how long it will take to reach (total expected enrollment.) We certainly will continue to see that number grow.”

Snyder was among a small group of Republican governors who broke with party lines to support expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. He waged a bitter battle with Michigan’s Republican-controlled House and Senate to push the measure through last year.


What’s this? Karen Bouffard didn’t include the part about being forced into estate confiscation? Nah, I don’t think that would be a selling point for her propaganda.

Anyhoo, congratulations on Public Act 107 of 2013, ya bunch of Obama enabling Nerdpublicrat fools, and yes, that includes these two “conservative” frauds, too.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Shut up, John

Oh, the outrage

AFFS, hit Teh iWon with your gottdamn purse, John! Sorry folks, but I just have no tolerance for all the Beta male bitch-boy nonsense House Republicans display, especially, when House Republicans not only fund this despicable president, you have cretins like John Boehner-RINOhio, and House Republicans also heaping on another $3+ Trillion of debt.

Pot meet kettle, Weeper Boehner.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Quote Of The Day

The stupid, it burns

“The establishment strikes back,” said Paul Welday [narcissist fool], a GOP consultant who was congressional chief of staff for former Republican Rep. Joe Knollenberg.

Just remember folks, the above is the slime that wants a Foreclosure Shyster in CD-11, orchestrated by Democrat-lite losers who are also trying to hold up the clean end of a turd in CD-8.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(2)

Not on The Editorial Pages Either

And in other news…

Nolan appears to be suffering from a “heavy flow” day. Whatza matter Nolan? Not enough “pragmatic” losers for you to champion, anymore?

And, some Boomer generation Femocrat with the Progressive two last names thing going on attempts to whitewash The Religion of Peace™ and a whole lot of dead bodies. American Sharia? Really? Good luck with that.

BONUS: Want to see how quickly Bobby Schostak turns away from the Republican Party’s unanimous commitment to the definition of marriage? First, click here. Then, click here.

Does money or principles prevail? You decide.

Have a FaBuLoUs rest of the afternoon.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Through the Gates of Common Coreism

Alas! The corporate cat is finally out of the crony capitalism bag.

“There is a massive transition to digital happening across the country and around the world in education, and schools looking to prepare their students for the world beyond the classroom are empowering their students and teachers by providing devices, services, training and other elements needed for improved student outcomes,” Margo Day, vice president of U.S. education at Microsoft, said in the news release. “At Microsoft, we are proud to be a partner with so many great schools that are leading the way forward for education and in preparing our youth for tomorrow’s workforce.”

If the last part of that Day’s quote sounds familiar, it should. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and other Common Core supporters have used that same language – probably word for word in some instances – to justify the one-size-fits-all learning standards that they’re busy foisting onto schools in more than 40 states.

The official fairy tale – er, “narrative” – of Common Core goes something like this: THE REST

So, what might fit perfectly in Michigan, for that agenda? Oh, perhaps a Slick former CEO of crappy computers with cow patterned boxes who is well versed in the art of government contracts? Hmm, I wonder. Perhaps, a billionaire with stealth agenda glomming onto his longstanding crony Bush family ties to a Board that’s chaired by li’l Jeb, sniffing at a disastrous presidential run so he can share bragging rights at get togethers on the holidays?

Nah. That’s just “Wacko-Bird!” kind of thinking. Then again… res ipsa loquitur.

Good God! Frank Foster is either a functional illiterate or, a liar.

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