Conservative News

So, what could possibly go wrong here?

Just whose side are they on again, anyway?

Will this go into the goodies and new “rights” Gov. Whitmer will most certainly be espousing on tonight’s SOTS Speech?


This one is more about a certain team playing for the wrong side.

{More to follow below}

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And just who is reaching into your pocket THIS time?

Whose hand is in YOUR wallet?

A few days ago, I tipped everyone off about a Michigan Republican(?) who felt that your money wasn’t your money.

Well, after reviewing the journals from this week, this shemp had some help placing this bill on the floor to be voted upon.

You’ll be disappointed at his accomplices.

{Click below for more details}

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Taxupalozza 2020

Coming when you least expect it!

So, what do you get when you add a ton of special interest groups who feel that they are even more entitled to your money than you are (and their hopes that you’re not paying any attention to them whatsoever)?

You get the makings for a very interesting (series?) of elections in 2020…that’s what!

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Lying liars lying (yet again).

Multiple media outlets in Detroit are reporting that the Detroit Institute of Arts will renege on their pledge made after the passage of their Regional Art Tax (aka “Art Institute Authority”) in 2012 and seek a renewal on the March 2020 ballot, two years ahead of its statutory end.

Yeah, I cannot wait to see how they’ll justify spending even more money on “art”?

I’m currently running on very little sleep, but more details to follow…



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Making a deal with the devil.

Buried in the headlines this week between yet another fake news story regarding the pending impeachment of Pres. Trump, fixing Gov Whitmer’s line item frenzy (contrary to the media buzz, there is serious talk behind the scenes pertaining to fixing Gov. Whitmer’s not-so little temper tantrum screw-up) and the comedy of errors with the GM-UAW Strike, this story from Lansing surprising got very little attention.

Which gets even more interesting once you are made aware of what the topic of discussion was all about.

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So, who is up for another game of chicken?

For the next three years?

Biggest liars in political history.

“I did not have sex with that woman” – Pres B.J. Clinton

“If you like your plan you can keep it.” Pres. B.O.

“That’s ridiculous. It’s nonsense and you know it.” – Then Gubernatorial Candidate Gretchen Whitmer responding to a comment that she will raises taxes if elected governor during the Grand Rapids WOOD debate last year.

Oh, this is getting better…

{Click below to read more}

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Remind me again why Michigan Taxpayers were forced to bail them out (and by a republican governor/legislature no less)?

If this post doesn’t get your blood boiling…

That’s right kids…you’re going to school in a wonderful place called Detroit! Don’t worry…someone else will pay for it.


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U of M To Indoctrinate Detroit High Schoolers

Your tax dollars will be used to create the next generation of hard left social justice warriors.

The University of Michigan will open a new quasi charter public high school in partnership with the Detroit Public Schools Community District this Fall. The School at Marygrove will focus on social justice and engineering.  Mostly social justice. The Kresge Foundation is also involved in the school, presumably underwriting some of its finances.

The school will be situated in the former Marygrove College Liberal Arts Building at Wyoming and McNichols in Detroit:




Marygrove College was an esteemed Catholic post secondary education institution which was driven into the ground by Catholic social justice warriors over the last decade. It will be closing its doors just as the latest effort of the secular social justice warriors commences.  The left is nothing, if not determined.


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SE Michigan Tea Party Meeting June 14th – Featuring Katie Hopkins

From my inbox:

The Southeastern Michigan Tea Party will he hosting Conservative Commentator Katie Hopkins at their nest meeting on Friday, June 14th. Doors open at 6:00pm with the meeting beginning promptly at 7:00pm.

Ms. Hopkins will be showing her newest project “Homelands” (along with Q&A following).

Here is a brief synopsis of her documentary:

“There is a silent exodus underway in Western Europe – an entire generation no longer feel like they belong. Intimidated by a rapidly growing Muslim population, fearful of the rabid anti-Semitism of the left, and weary of feeling like targets for attack, Jewish and Christian families are on the move, looking for a new place to call home. They have no voice. Homelands in their story.”

The meeting will be held at the Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church located at 3600 Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

For more information, contact the SE Michigan Tea Party via their website.




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