Conservative News

So, who is up for another game of chicken?

For the next three years?

Biggest liars in political history.

“I did not have sex with that woman” – Pres B.J. Clinton

“If you like your plan you can keep it.” Pres. B.O.

“That’s ridiculous. It’s nonsense and you know it.” – Then Gubernatorial Candidate Gretchen Whitmer responding to a comment that she will raises taxes if elected governor during the Grand Rapids WOOD debate last year.

Oh, this is getting better…

{Click below to read more}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Remind me again why Michigan Taxpayers were forced to bail them out (and by a republican governor/legislature no less)?

If this post doesn’t get your blood boiling…

That’s right kids…you’re going to school in a wonderful place called Detroit! Don’t worry…someone else will pay for it.


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You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

U of M To Indoctrinate Detroit High Schoolers

Your tax dollars will be used to create the next generation of hard left social justice warriors.

The University of Michigan will open a new quasi charter public high school in partnership with the Detroit Public Schools Community District this Fall. The School at Marygrove will focus on social justice and engineering.  Mostly social justice. The Kresge Foundation is also involved in the school, presumably underwriting some of its finances.

The school will be situated in the former Marygrove College Liberal Arts Building at Wyoming and McNichols in Detroit:




Marygrove College was an esteemed Catholic post secondary education institution which was driven into the ground by Catholic social justice warriors over the last decade. It will be closing its doors just as the latest effort of the secular social justice warriors commences.  The left is nothing, if not determined.


You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(3)

SE Michigan Tea Party Meeting June 14th – Featuring Katie Hopkins

From my inbox:

The Southeastern Michigan Tea Party will he hosting Conservative Commentator Katie Hopkins at their nest meeting on Friday, June 14th. Doors open at 6:00pm with the meeting beginning promptly at 7:00pm.

Ms. Hopkins will be showing her newest project “Homelands” (along with Q&A following).

Here is a brief synopsis of her documentary:

“There is a silent exodus underway in Western Europe – an entire generation no longer feel like they belong. Intimidated by a rapidly growing Muslim population, fearful of the rabid anti-Semitism of the left, and weary of feeling like targets for attack, Jewish and Christian families are on the move, looking for a new place to call home. They have no voice. Homelands in their story.”

The meeting will be held at the Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church located at 3600 Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

For more information, contact the SE Michigan Tea Party via their website.




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SE Michigan Tea Party Meeting – May 21st (Utica)

It’s not on the website yet, but the next meeting of the SE Michigan Tea Party will be featuring former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck who will be discussing the Michigan Grassroots Alliance which is an organization to coordinate interactions with elected officials, community leaders and candidates for public office with vendors and PACs.

The event will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at the Dave and Busters in Utica at the corner of Hall Road & the M-53 expressway. Doors open at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.

If anyone is interested in learning more about the Michigan Grassroots Alliance, you can read more about them at their website or on Facebook.



You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Is Thinkpol next???

If the title of this piece sounds familiar, then it should concern you a great deal.

If not, then you’re looking at the beginnings of the latest round “revisions” concerning what your family will be taught in Michigan’s Public Schools.

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MiCPAC 2019

For some reason I have forgotten to get this up.

Always worth going!

Time is running out for tickets to the Saturday, April 27th full-day Conference and the Friday evening, April 26 Leadership Academy and VIP Reception. Click here to view available Eventbrite ticketing.

Here is an example of what you will see there!

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Crook County, East?

Sub Secreto, Sub Silentio

On the same day Kim Foxx, the State’s Attorney for C(r)ook County, Illinois, ditched the false police report charges against Jussie Smollett, Michigan’s Court of Appeals endorsed Ann Arbor’s successful effort to completely conceal the identity of the Muslim woman who made false charges to AAPD which claimed a white man tried to set her on fire. She apparently suffered a momentary mental breakdown, thinking she was Yazidi and a white guy was ISIS.

This incident supposedly occurred on November 11, 2016, immediately after Donald Trump’s 2016 General Election victory. It was a hate crime hoax which specifically targeted Donald Trump supporters. This Muslim woman was never charged by the Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian L. Mackie, nor identified by the Ann Arbor Police.

This hoax inspired a subsequent anti-Trump hoax in Ann Arbor four days later where another female hoaxer, Halley Bass, was identified, charged, and plead guilty. Ms. Bass was not Muslim, just a very creative student in a Woman’s Literature class at the University of Michigan who hated Donald Trump and his supporters.

The authorities are all over this.  Not….

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