"I'll just hang out here in the white house and sulk about the wall.." LOL
It drives those with TDS crazy when they think the guy has finally made some major blunder, then finding out they’ve been fooled again.
If you aren’t sure what I am referring to? Its OK. Not a big deal. in the mean time Just appreciate that we have Michigan Service members in that crowd below. May God continue to bless the Trumps, and our nation.
You Betcha!
(12)Nuh Uh.

What really ticks me of about this "story" is the extremes they are now engaging in to make this even remotely newsworthy.
I cannot imaging why that is?!?
It has been quite illuminating watching the fourth estate reveal itself as a fifth column.
There is nothing they won't do if they feel it undermines the legitimacy of the presidency when their pick is not in office. Truth be told, I was never a fan of calling the press what they are, but it becomes more clearly evident on a daily basis.
Corporate Fake News media complex, has for well over the past half century, been the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.
It is just easier for us to see it clearly now thanks to Al Gore's invention of the internet. 😉