
AFP Mobilizes Grassroots to Oppose Detroit Bailout, Pension Deal

AFP Grassroots Gear Up to Fight Detroit Bailout Deal

horizontal-black_13 The Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity is launching an effort to contact 90,000 grassroots activists across Michigan and engage them in opposition to the latest iteration of the Detroit bailout deal

The group plans to spend significantly in order to hold state legislators accountable if they choose to support an appropriation of Michigan taxpayer dollars for this deal. Checkout StrongerDetroit.com for more information on the bailout and AFP’s grassroots efforts.  Scott Hagerstrom says:

“Detroit receives more of our hard-earned tax dollars than any other municipality in Michigan.  It should be clear to all of us that throwing more good money after bad can’t save Detroit from big-government policies that constrict private growth and rob taxpayers of wealth. Allowing the City of Detroit to sit on $3 billion in assets while pensioners see cuts is not acceptable. Lawmakers in Lansing need to know that 90,000 Michigan activists are watching closely as they consider appropriating more money to throw down the drain.”

And we agree.

Detroit tries to have its cake and eat OURS too, and our GOP legislators could very well sell us down that river.

Go get em AFP.

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NOTICE – Tax Increases Imminent – Update – Cancelled (for now)

Please bend over.
COMMITTEE:           Senate Appropriations Committee – Senator Roger Kahn Chair
DATE:                        Tuesday, May 20th, 2014
TIME:                         9:30 a.m.
LOCATION:              Senate Appropriations Room, 3rd Floor, Capitol Building
                                    100 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI  48933
Re-Referral of Bills:
·         SB 6 (Sen. Proos) Sales tax; distribution; percentage of sales tax collected on motor fuel to be earmarked to transportation funding in 2013 and each year thereafter; establish.
·         SB 84 (Sen. Casperson) Natural resources; funding; recreation improvement account; authorize to receive portion of 2% sales tax dedicated to transportation.
·         SB 85 (Sen. Pappageorge) Transportation; motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax act; repeal.
·         SB 86 (Sen. Pappageorge) Vehicles; registration; registration fees; modify.
·         SB 87 (Sen. Kahn) Transportation; motor fuel tax; motor fuel tax; modify, and implement tax rate based on the average wholesale price of gasoline.
·         SB 88 (Sen. Kahn) Vehicles; registration; registration fees; modify.
·         SJR J (Sen. Richardville) Sales tax; rate; increase in sales tax and use tax; provide for, and revise distribution.
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AFP Begins Obamacare Punishment Regimen

Watch for sweaty brows.

afpmiLansing’s legislators who sold their souls during the Medicaid expansion trick are already learning of the failure (job losses, hospital staff reductions, false savings) that they enacted in Michigan by embracing the Obamacare mandate.  Unheeded warnings by activists, REAL economists, and a history of failure by government resulted in a number of Representatives, and Senators expanding welfare through healthcare, and accepting a few shekels from the most tyrannical US federal bureaucracy ever.

And now its time for them to pay the piper, and AFP has started its reminder campaign.

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Traverse City RTW Victory

FTWAlmost missed this one right in our back yard.

From Up North Live

”  A Traverse City UPS employee won a federal settlement against Teamster Local 406 union for violating her rights under Michigan’s Right to Work law.

After Michigan’s private-sector Right to Work law went into effect, Plamondon sent several letters to the Local 406 union stating that she was exercising her right under Michigan’s Right to Work law to refrain from union dues payments. In the letters, Plamondon attempted to comply with Teamster Local 406’s procedure to end forced dues payments by revoking her dues deduction authorization, a document union officials use to take dues or fees from workers’ paychecks. “

But as is the case across the state some leeches are hard to pull off without a little help.

H/T Tanya Hill via Politibrew

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Four Options

A toilet at Highland Park Community High School. Photo by Audrey Spalding. (courtesy of Capitol Confidential)

More examples of enlightened utopian planning.

Not surprisingly, Highland Park has found itself as one of the latest symptoms of leftism. The city that boasted a 3712 to 43 win of Marxist Barack Obama over Moderate Mitt Romney in 2012 has achieved its natural evolutionary state. The canker sores of progressive policy have found a new (and old)  host.  From a Snyder admin release yesterday:

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Michigan Citizens Targeted By CAIR Lawsuit

Hamas front group CAIR abuses Pittsfield TWP residents with legal thuggery.

Silence!  I Keel you!

Or at least I shut your infidel trap up!

No this isn’t a Jeff Dunham Comedy hour, and its not Achmed the dead terrorist.  Yet for some folks in Pittsfield Township Michigan, it is the silencing terrorism of lawsuits being used to prevent vocal opposition to a new islamic center.  The not-so-funny efforts of [Hamas front group] CAIR, to shush neighbors of a proposed speaker laden madrassa and prayer center comes as no surprise as efforts to use Michigan courts against local residents continue.

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) explains:

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Frank Foster Views Race And Lifestyle Choice Equally

fosterIts not surprising to see the comments by Foster in today’s Petsokey News story.

Lee Chatfield, a candidate challenging Frank Foster for Michigan’s 107th State Representative race is being questioned for campaign donations accepted from true Republican Dave Agema’s pac.  Agema, a conservative who (contrary to progressives and apparently Frank Foster) believes in the sanctity of marriage, and that is between one man and one woman.

Foster, utilizing the Alinsky tactic of isolation would like to paint Chatfield in the manner that progressive liberal Republicans have tried previously with Agema himself.  But there is a very good reason he would do so. A reason that most folks might not be aware.  From The Petoskey News

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Secretary of State Ruth Johnson Starts Second Term Campaign

Johnson Launches Statewide Tour to Meet with Families, Ask for Their Votes

RuthMichigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson officially announced her bid for a second term Monday, sharing her vision with voters to build on her success enhancing customer service, protecting the ballot box, fighting fraud and improving the lives of Michiganians.

Not exactly a boring candidate, Ruth shows up in different ways yet always in style.

Johnson’s high-energy, four-stop Campaign Kick-off Tour included motorcycles, buses and boats. Johnson rode a Harley-Davidson Sportster in Waterford, was flanked by a fleet of buses and other motor vehicles in Lansing, met with supporters in Grand Rapids and paddled her kayak in Holland to highlight the many ways her office positively impacts residents across the state. 

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Freedom Fund Silent On MCRI Victory

Why is such an influential 'conservative' group so silent about such a civil rights victory?

cone-silenceA funny thing happened on the way to yesterday’s US Supreme Court victory for Michigan.

Greg McNeilly, and the DeVos funded Freedom fund were unusually quiet.  The all-things-go except true equality “Freedom Fund” was silent on the issue, offering no opinion, no support, or any insight where it stands with regard to racial preferences.  Apparently, this influential, well financed, political advocacy group had no qualms about the state constitution being squashed by activist judges.

The question if of whether we should be surprised was answered years ago.  In 2003, Greg McNeilly, who was the executive director under Michigan Republican party chair Betsy DeVos,  made it clear that voters should not be in charge of repairing the mistaken race based decision making process.

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