Corinthian Scales

Gentlemen’s Wager: Boomers and Those Under 35-years-old are Regretting Their 2018 Vote

Yeah! An old-school return to cigarettes.

Because once one reaches Age of Majority (that’s 18 for slow folks), they all of a sudden don’t like bubblegum, Fruit Loops and, apple juice anymore? 🤦‍♂️ But seriously, Gov. Blue Shamu recently outlawed vaping for minors so, this is just a Democrat nanny-government ploy to tell adults how to conduct their life.

It is also sad to note that the only Republican leadership in Lansing, that appears to be worth a damn is- House Republicans.

On a particularly amusing note, some Boomer Gen acquaintances of mine who have switched to vaping to help them quit smoking are bitching up a storm about this. It tickles me to no end to remind them that they voted for Whitmer.

True schadenfreude it is. 🤣

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchen Wants to be a One Term Governor

How unstable can one possibly be to not heed the warning of a 80% rejection from a few years ago to blunder on with a bigger and more dubious fuel tax hike of 45 cents per gallon on top of the last tax hike? Michiganians have no appetite for handing over more of their hard earned money to Lansing, which has been completely irresponsible with its contracts, especially, with favoring the union parasites that endorsed Whitmer. This women is pure evil and, she’s using school-age children as her political agenda hostages as well.

Sorry, deary, this ain’t the vagina monologues anymore. Gretchen’s station is to sign a responsible balanced budget and, honor her campaign promises (Whatever the hell they may have been), which did not include disrupting children’s education.

If Gretchen is smart she will sign the damn budget presented to her and, fix the damn roads with the increased funding provided by the Republican Majority without any tax increase. Then again, there is no trusting a snake who has lied throughout her campaign.

Ps. SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, it would behoove you both to ignore this duplicitous twit as proven over the years he’s little more than a windsock as long as tax monies are tossed his way.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

There Goes the Neighborhood

It appears one of our straying pachyderm within Lansing’s Recucklican Majority believes that an ever overreaching State government knows best for how your local community functions than youthe homeowner.

Local bans on short-term rentals in Michigan could be barred themselves under controversial legislation being considered by a Republican-controlled state House committee.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Temperance, said the local zoning rules created to ban short-term rentals such as those available through Airbnb, Homeaway and VRBO infringe on private property rights and are an abuse of Michigan’s Zoning Enabling Act.

Now, bare in mind folks, this is the same jagoff that wants to ban boating for the majority of a 24 hour day on all inland lakes. Sell that one in a Pure Michigan ad campaign? Yah, Jason is a real deep thinker.

Furthermore, I smell a rat.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(3)

The Most Powerful Office in the State

Fellow Michganians, try to keep in mind that we still have 1,335 days remaining with smear merchant, Dangerous Dana.

Nessel’s revelation of the complaint against retired Michigan Court of Claims Judge Michael Talbot is problematic, experts said, since such accusations are usually kept confidential by the Attorney Grievance Commission until and unless public admonishment is deemed necessary.

The gravity of the disclosure is compounded by the fact that the complaint against Talbot had been dismissed months before — something the Attorney General’s office initially did not reveal. One expert said the result of such disclosures is “besmirching reputations,” while another called Nessel’s conduct an “unseemly inconsistency” between two separate parts of government.


Hmmm, exactly where do I recall such reprehensible tactics used in the past?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)