Corinthian Scales

Gov. Whitmer Dishonors her “Big Gretch” Self-image

Gotta say it’s been an entertaining morning perusing the news. Where do we start with this LOL fest? Well, howza ’bout this.

The declaration, which was set to expire Friday, allows the Democratic governor continued authority to issue the executive orders that have created the framework for the state’s coronavirus-restricted activity in recent months. Whitmer’s response to the pandemic has so far included 122 executive orders.

“The aggressive measures we took at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have worked to flatten the curve, but there is still more to be done to prevent a second wave,” Whitmer said in a statement.

Oopsies. Guess who is in town, Big Gretch?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

If it’s XY it’s a Guy

Elections have consequences…

2020 has become a war between everything that is Good and Right versus all that is unnatural and abhorrent, which the Democrat Party aligns with for them seeking power over the ruled.

This is not a moment of celebration, it is a moment of seriousness to reflect upon the true importance of November 3.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Prediction: November 4, 2020

Common sense would dictate to anyone who has ever been a leader that tying your name to the state of New York is a kiss of death, especially, if required to respond to this formal letter.

So, where is Gov. Whitmer’s latest game leading to?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gov. Whitmer Begs POTUS for Bailout of Nasty Nessel’s Womanmade Disaster

Gov. Whitmer, and AG Nessel’s agendas never once hit pause so, The Man is called upon to bail them out. This serves as lesson for those who vote Democrat.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Monday requested a major disaster declaration from President Donald Trump for $245 million in damage widespread flooding caused in five Michigan counties last month.

The damage done in Midland, Gladwin, Arenac, Iosco and Saginaw counties amounted to roughly $190 million in losses for residents and $55 million in damage to public infrastructure, according to the 50-page request Whitmer sent to Trump on Monday.

Not going to bore anyone with restating all the details here, however, the dam breached one day before Whitmer and Nasty Nessel wasted what could’ve been helpful resources to aid folks whose lives were destroyed, just to have their foot soldiers write tickets at a field barbershop, while also 19 days prior suing to raise the dam’s water levels because, yannow, mussels mentioned 38 times.

Just like we’ve seen that Gov. Whitmer lies, now we do with Nasty Nessel, too.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Has to be Fake News Because, Gov. Whitmer Said….

Remember this?

Headline: State has ‘complete confidence’ in 4 employees who chose COVID-19 vendors

The contract with Great Lakes Community Engagement was signed Monday, but the language indicates the work start date was April 1 with an end date of June 1.

Whitmer said Tuesday the contract was an “unnecessary distraction” from Michigan’s coronavirus response.

“The Department of Health and Human Services doesn’t have a political bone in their theoretical body,” she said.

Oh? So what in the Whitmer administration is this.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Federal Investigation to Begin on Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 Positive Mandate for Elder/LTC Facilities

Follow along to contrast what miraculously appears in our local corporate ‘news’ media within hours of Rep. Scalise’s announcement.

Rep. Scalise’s closing statement viewed HERE.

It’s safe to say Gov. Whitmer is tasked with an indefensible job just trying to keep her stories straight.

That’s the problem when someone operates on nothing but lies, fabrications, and smears. Seriously, even Biden wants nothing to do with Gretchen and, for a creepy dude like Joe, that’s saying a LOT.

Now remember, Rep. Scalise spoke on June 11, right?

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Word Salad News and Emasculated Psychobabble From Ann Arbor

Because the narrative must not die before November 3, a kinder, genteel reminder by corporate ‘news’ media that all the indoctrinated germ-incubator wearing Karen zealots who virtue signal moral superiority over you foolish science and fact based plebeians. This said, Keenan Smith attempts to get through his provided script without tripping over the words.

Aw, darn it Keenan! He almost made it through without flubbing the script and there are no retakes. Bummer. More importantly, did you understand the message? It’s the shame game “professionally” deployed.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

I Can’t Reach™

I had not realized that WXYZ’s Simon Shaykhet has become the Jim Acosta of CNN fame sensationalized Fake News with edited video to perpetuate the everything is an “outrage” narrative.

Full video footage and what WXYZ edited for their newscast, here. “C’mon man this is a government vehicle too“, pure obnoxious stupidity.

For us normal folks, I’d say the delivery driver f*cked around and found out that being an asshole when not obeying the Law while also refusing to comply with all said Law entails, it does indeed have a future of unpleasantry waiting for you.

And, to the virtue signaling neighbors and Mayor Jim Fouts that WXYZ gathered for their narrative furthering report, I say to you that when your neighborhoods go to Hell, you only have yourselves to blame for your lawlessness enabling actions.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)