Corinthian Scales

America or, a Thousand Years of Doom

Race Warlord and Poverty Pimp Rashida Tlaib, is not a path anyone with a brain in congressional district 13 would choose to follow. She lies, and she knows she is lying.

In Detroit, the Department of Justice will supplement state and local law enforcement agencies by sending approximately 42 federal agents from the FBI, DEA, and ATF to the city. An additional 10 Detroit ATF agents have been reassigned to work on violent gun crimes. Under the leadership of Matthew Schneider, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, these federal agents will work cooperatively with the Detroit Police Department to combat gun and gang violence, as they have been doing since December 2019. These additional resources include 11 new and permanent ATF Special Agents and five new and permanent FBI Special Agents who will focus on violent crime in the City of Detroit.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance will make available $1.4 million to support Operation Legend’s violent crime reduction efforts in Detroit, and the COPS Office has also made $2.4 million available to the Detroit Police Department to fund the hiring of 15 officers.

CD-13, if you want death and mayhem in your backyard, follow the Tlaib path.

Those who want a better life- choose better representation.

TRUMP – PENCE 2020! 🇺🇸👍🏻

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(4)

What are BC/BS former CEO Richard Whitmer’s Daughter’s Perks?

No, not just trying to cut in line to go boating in the only less restricted area allowed to in the state at the time… Democrats, being Democrat.

They don’t even bother to hide their crimes anymore.

It’s time for everyone to start seriously digging into Whitmer, Nessel, Benson/Friedrichs, and Duggan’s, money trail.

Care to wager the names Rossman-McKinney, Nessel, and RINO Rick Snyder/Rich Baird surface? Think Detroit Water contract, and how Mike Duggan became installed as mayor.

Quite incestuous, yes?

Ps. stack another dead body onto the Whitmer/Nessel pile of carnage.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Big Gretch Fails … Again

The latest political stunt from our leading executive office deadly Democrats.

Did you ever notice all these mask harpies are the same people that hoarded all the toilet paper? They don’t care about anyone else, they only care about deflecting their own insignificance they see in the mirror every day onto others- science and common sense be damned!

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

See You in Court

More court information, here.

OABTW, headline November 7, 2018: ‘I Don’t Have A Penis’ Jewish Lesbian Wins In Michigan

That said, to the two old-fart ‘normies’ in other post, Mr. Stillings, and Mr. Ward, when they celebrate who and what they are, and somehow come to the conclusion that when restating said fact is a anti-semitic ‘tone’you are the problem in today’s societal decay. Kindly leave discourse to the adults in the room until you both catch a clue or, grow the hell up.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(6)

Mr. President, wait for July 23 to Send

What better way to mark a 53 year anniversary than sending in the feds, again.

Peacefully protest? Sure they aren’t. And, “systemic racism” in 78.6% black Detroit? That’s a helluva trick to pull off. Besides, the entire world sees Detroit for exactly the lawless hellhole it is.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

She’s Only right about One Thing

Michigan’s lesbian jew AG should’ve learned in law school that only the legislature makes law/statute, which are then either vetoed or, signed into law by the executive branch, as was Public Act 188 of 2009.

If this mask bullshit is “law,” then show us the votes, Nasty Nessel.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(4)

You Broke it, YOU Bought it: NO FEDERAL BAILOUT!

Liars gotta lie.

Michigan Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist is calling out the U.S. Department of Education for its lack of involvement in helping schools across the state restart.

On CNN’s “Inside Politics” on Sunday morning, Gilchrist said the federal government needs to step up with more financial support.

“We’ve been putting out this mandate for schools to start saying we have allocated resources but $256 million … We’re going to need a lot more because our education professionals deserve to be safe when they go into schools to educate our children,” Gilchrist said.

Want to see the money spent, and the kind of quality that Gov. Whitmer’s best friends provide to America?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Limited Exceptions “During an Election Year”

If it’s not an alleged Republican Oakland County Sheriff turning Michigan into a shit show, then it’s the elected Democrat females.

Fear-mongering for Mail in Ballot vote by mail fraud because… outside in the sun or something like that.

The sweaty, greasy-forehead one above is crazy, and by design ruthless. Michigan Retailers Association has a right to be concerned because the governor and AG have killed before.


Bottom line? Democrats never change. Ever.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

False Imprisonment is a Thing Now in Michigan

I’ll beat your White ass too!


We see the police subjected to similar dysfunctional, lawless behavior, see 750.349b (3)(a).

“Restrain” means to forcibly restrict a person’s movements or to forcibly confine the person so as to interfere with that person’s liberty without that person’s consent or without lawful authority. The restraint does not have to exist for any particular length of time and may be related or incidental to the commission of other criminal acts.

So, does the average citizen in Michigan, even stand a chance surviving this crap?

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)