Corinthian Scales

What’s This all About?

#BidenForPresident? So, it’s safe to assume the rona was all part of The Plan, after all.

Let’s us never forget Big Gretch’s words…

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Amidst Statewide Election Fraud: a Moment for “a friend and mentor”

It’s beginning to make more sense now…

The other name might come as a surprise to everyone: Michigan State Senator Tom Casperson.

Yes, the same A-21 backing, Syndercaid supporting, and RTA promoting Tom Casperson.

With “republicans” like these?!?

Readers are now scratching their heads and asking themselves what a politician from Escanaba has to do with a corruption scandal investigation in Southeastern Michigan.

Read the rest, CLICK HERE.

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Is That So?

No, an agonizing existence is when Rudy, and Sidney along with Military Intelligence, come after you three corrupt Democrat broads for each of your roles in committing election fraud.

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It’s NOT the Size of The Dog in the fight. . .

It’s the size of The Fight in the dog, and my God, with all the fraud that is just beginning to be exposed in Michigan, the following should leave e v e r y o n e completely Gobsmacked.

Folks, you have GOT to start making better choices.

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How Much did Snyder Pay Aaron?

Mr. James’ lawyer shouldn’t be befuddled. After all, when a RINO House Speaker hires a RINO shyster and, a RINO governor appoints him… Clown World is to be expected.

Are you NOT entertained????

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