Daily Archives: December 10, 2024

Some Questions

Gee ..why did Democrats wait until AFTER the election to put this crap out there??

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago.

He notes the Lame Duck Democrats are trying to get something ..anything passed during the most dangerous time in a legislative session. He says:

But the only way the Democrats can pass all of these extreme bills is with 100% unanimous Democrat votes . . . or Republicans crossing over to vote with them.

Even if you’ve already done so, contact your lawmakers immediately and tell them to vote NO on ALL Lame-Duck legislation.

Democrats know how unpopular their extremist bills are. That’s why they didn’t take the votes before the election – and in many cases noted above, didn’t even introduce the bills until after the election.

But it’s critical you and I keep up the pressure.

These are the questions I have.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)