
Baker Farm Event With Sheriff Mack and KrisAnne Hall

SUNDAY 11AM till 5PM Rain or Shine

Go to early service and bee-line to the Baker Farm in Marion, Mi for a great time and education!

SUNDAY 11AM till 5PM Rain or Shine

From the Baker event announcement:

baker-eventFrustrated over political stalemates? You are not alone! There is a rich history to refer to and to use to change the political scene. Come and learn from nationally acclaimed speakers who have done it!

  • 11:00: Farm opens and tours start
  • 12:30: Our own “DNR approved” hog will be roasted and served for lunch, along with some of our pasture raised chickens.
  • 1:30: KrisAnne Hall and Sheriff Richard Mack take the mic.

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who travels the country teaching the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne will connect the dots for you like no one else can! Host of The KrisAnne Hall Show, she pulls no punches, puts Liberty First and gives no quarter to those who hide behind party labels. Like no other host KrisAnne you will tell you what the founders had to say on today’s relevant issues. Learn more at KrisAnneHall.com.

Author/speaker and former Sheriff Richard Mack has served in a wide variety of roles over the course of his nearly twenty year career in law enforcement. During his tenure as sheriff, federal officers informed the sheriffs of the state that they would be required to enforce the so-called “Brady Bill” and run background checks at their expense under the law. Mack and six other sheriffs from across the country challenged the constitutionality of the Brady Bill and fought it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, where they won a monumental decision for freedom in a landmark 5-4 split decision based on the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Sheriff Mack will talk about the Constitution and a Constitutional Sheriff’s role.

Come join us for a fun and educational afternoon on the farm! Freewill donations accepted to help us bring these incredible speakers to northern Michigan.

More Information at the Bakers Green Acres website.

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Calley Ended The MBT, So There.

Brian Calley was instrumental in ending the "stupid" business killing Michigan Business Tax

I’ll be clear, my preference for a challenge in the executive arrangement for Michigan would have been to go after the Governor directly.

However, the cost difference between a statewide gubernatorial contest versus a delegate election is significant, and Wes Nakagiri in his bid for LT Gov at convention STILL has a high hurdle to leap. Especially with MiGOP resources being used to recruit ‘establishment-GOP’ loyal delegates throughout the state; with rumored bribery in some districts raising eyebrows. Some delegates might already have made up their minds whom they will support if they are selected to go to state convention. I wonder if all the delegates are even aware of easily identified history?

I wonder too, if it even matters to them.

This weekend’s Governor’s breakfast in Traverse City had all the top players present.  The guv, lt. guv, AG, SoS, and candidate Land all there.  Brian Calley was touted by the governor as the man responsible for eliminating the MBT. 

The MBT as you know, was a stupid tax.  No Doubt about it. Snyder even said so.  Right in this video:

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M.I.C.E. Alert – July 14

UPDATE 07-14-14 – FACEBOOK is removing all references to this post.

I have heard about post removals, but have never seen how sneaky and underhanded the operators of face are firsthand.  Facebook CANNOT be trusted as an information outlet.


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Annette Kirk Weighs In On The Fourth Congressional District

ConservativeMind_cover-202x292If I had my Druthers, the best man for a seat in Congress is the guy willing to take a few arrows, and guard the purse a little better than all those before him. (or her)

There are certain folk who I have no question would be outstanding legislators, yet cannot muster the financial resources enough to pay for 30 seconds of air time. They have a great message that resonates with constitutional types.  Those folks have a clear understanding of this ‘Republic’ we are a part of.  One of them is THIS guy whom I personally believe is as solid a conservative as they come.

Then there are OTHERS who certainly have the resources, but no history, and frankly seem to have no message other than “I am a conservative” (and play an accordion, shoot crossbows, etc.) Yeah, One particular guy has CASH, and piles of it to work with. And anyone who thinks money can’t fake out Republicans in primary elections has never heard of Rick Snyder.

There is an another candidate who has impressed the wife of Russell Kirk, author of “the Conservative Mind” sufficiently, that she has written an op-ed endorsement exclusive for RightMi.Com

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No Powder In This Cannon

Truth be told, THAT gun has probably never been fired.

poachingMichigan is indeed a sportsman’s paradise.

Naturally, the coveted NRA scoring and endorsement will be flaunted by would-be Michigan politicos who want an edge up on their opponents.  In the strange circumstance however, the NRA has been rewarding legislative support for ammo registration in Michigan yet is fighting it in California.

Go figure.

Yes, in Michigan, several legislators are being punished by the NRA scoring process for voting against a package of bills designed to ‘Keep ammo out of the hands of felons.’ Certainly the NRA is acting responsibly, right? Until you carefully think through what it takes to enforce such an act.

Lets consider what the NRA uses as legislative candidate scoring criteria first.

A+: A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.

A: Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.

AQ: A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate’s responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.

B: A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a “B” candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.

D: An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.

Emphasis in bold.

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Rob Steele In Traverse City

SteeleA few Nights ago, we had the pleasure of a visit in Traverse City by Dr Rob Steele for a visit with Representative Greg MacMaster, a talk on the ACA and health care in general.

Dr. Steele has a place up in this neck of the woods, and is quite at home in his home away from the Peoples Republic of Ann Arbor. In 2010, Dr. Steele came as close to victory as any have over congressman John Dingell; holding Dingell to his lowest percentage of votes in his 55-year career in Congress.  He is again pursuing a spot as U of M Regent.

In any event, we recorded his presentation.  Enjoy.

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TPX For Tom?

tpxThe Tea Party Express is one of those PAC groups that knows how to throw a party.

Typically they will show up for Tea Type Republican candidates in congressional races, put on a performance, and raise money for advertising and campaign ‘assistance.’ Our own experiences in Michigan have certainly been colored by their visits to our communities, and in Traverse City in 2010, we pulled off a 2200 plus person event that was able to celebrate the departure announcement of Democrat congressman Bart Stupak.

We now know they are looking at State Representative Tom McMillin who properly represents traditional conservative views; those most deeply held by most in the ‘Tea’ movement. An Email blast from the TPX advertises their discussion:

mcmillin_2In this week’s “On the Campaign Trail” podcast, we are joined by Tom McMillin.  Tom discusses his campaign for U.S. Congress in Michigan’s 8th district where he hopes to fill the vacant seat left by retiring Republican Mike Rogers.

Tom’s discussion with the TPX is on audio here.

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