
While You Are At The Convention Part II

You will have plenty of special things to talk about

This is somehow NOT surprising.

RINOcrat_BairdMlive reports

“Top aide to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder claiming principal property tax exemptions in 2 states”

A top aide to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder who ran for a Republican precinct delegate post this month in Bath Township is registered to vote in two states and has reportedly claimed principal property tax exemptions in each.

Oh snap.

Oh yeah..  Isn’t he a voting delegate too?  Why yes, yes he is

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Monday Around The State

Start the week off RIGHT.

logo-sphereContagious Transformation – On second thought, I’m thinking that isn’t quite right…

Dave Lambert – Troy To Take Transit Station Title I’ve been following this. Perhaps we take a look at how it all developed soon.

Doug Sedenquist – Agema Rescinds Weiser Endorsement.  Tis the season.

Grassroots in Michigan – Latest ‘Wes Press’ This is an interesting floor battle shaping up.  In the end is it REALLY about Calley, or is it about Snyder and more progressivism? Wes Nakagiri talks about the role of Delegates.

Keith Almli – My rebuttal to Paul Neumier slamming tea party/Ron Paul supporters

Capitol Confidential – Union Dues Skim stopped at US Supreme Court. We still argue there are folks that should be behind bars for this.

Do you have some blogs that are missed?  Drop a comment!

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Weiser vs. Devos Staffer Smackdown!

Weiser appears ready to distance himself from Devos funded 'Great Lakes Education Project' and the radical activities of its MAIN MAN.

Or not.

We can be fair here.  I have never had a problem with those from all side airing out their concerns (until it becomes redundant and unnecessary torture) on these pages.  In an attempt to set the record straight before next weekend’s main event, Ron Weiser addresses the specific rumors/charges/accusations made against him in an email blast that we reprint in whole below the fold.

In the mean time, lets allow the spirit of his writing put the pressure on those in the MiGOP apparatus who are insane enough to disagree with the esteemed Mr Weiser on some very KEY points.  Weiser is clear enough in his letter, so that we know that:

  • Homosexual marriage is a bad idea Mmk?  Ron is quite obviously PRO Traditional marriage, and he is standing up and saying so.  If you are PRO Homo (GHEY ‘marriage’) You are a BAD Republican.  Obviously.
  • Common Core is also BAD Mmk?  Ron expressly disagrees with his wife, and is willing to endure interesting dinner conversations to stand on his principles.  That crazy common core is wrecking our education system and he’ll quarter NONE of it at U of M, and states he would actively oppose it.
  • GLEP and its Devos funded operator Greg McNeilly supports both of these, and Ron says will no longer be supporting GLEP financially, and has not since 2008.  BRAVO! Greg McNeilley, who supports (and participated in) both Ghey ‘Marriage’ and Common Core,  promotes the top two items through GLEP and his own personal PUBLIC displays, and THAT is enough for Ron Weiser who opposes GLEP and the Devos hired pop-gun McNeilley and his mechanization within the Republican party.  Weiser and McNeilly, and perhaps McNeilly’s paycheck, DeVos by extension, must surely be natural enemies.

We are with you Mr Weiser.  You gotta be careful who you hang with.

However, in the future, please feel free to be more direct and name names a little faster Ron.  You know who they are, but we had to put the connected dots out there for you.  No need to be coy, Mr Regent-to-be.

The letter as promised, in its entirety for full context below.

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Focus and Frank Foster

Singling in on one major reason for the defeat of incumbent Frank Foster

A quick note on something that cannot be stressed enough.

The fraud of the homosexual lobby and its intent on redefining civil rights, marriage, and decency must end.  A friend of mine says “homosexuality is the door through the heart, in which the devil can steal your soul.”  The reference of course, speaks to the ‘we love’ meme used to defend the behavior as normal.  He is correct.


Is there really any civil rights comparison to be made between a ‘sweet transvestite’ and Rosa Parks?

As uncomfortable as the issue is to some folks, it needs to be highlighted as one of the greatest dangers of our times.  Not because there are prowling homosexuals looking to capture and sodomize our children, but because it is even worse; we have doctors, teachers, and political leaders who will tell us that a dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle is OK, and normal, and ought to be protected.

Protected alongside of those who have suffered for merely having the wrong skin color, or have been born in the wrong lands. Sanctioned through civil rights legislation that has liberty stealing force of law behind it.

In Northern Michigan, a good thing happened Tuesday.  Frank Foster, a man who by virtue of his lunch dates in Lansing alone, should not be representing the 107th district was voted off the animal farm.  Voted most desirable date to go to the Capitol prom by lobbyists, he was a top recipient of food and drink topping Randy Richardville the Senate majority leader in 2013.

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RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 3

Suggestions for Michigan's contested State Representative seats in the Republican Primary

This should have been done a week ago.

Its a little more or less incomplete, but based on FB, websites, personal knowledge and other factors we have compiled a list of those whom we feel will represent their respective districts (AND MICHIGAN) well for the next legislative session.  We recognize that many of the candidates will feel they too represent a more conservative set of values than the recommendation, and we ask that they assist in holding their opponents words to deeds going forward.


RightMi.com has no recommendation.


RightMi.com recommendation is Ken Crider.


RightMi.com has no recommendation.


RightMi.com recommendation is for the guy who DIDN’T vote for the Welfare Medicaid expansion with HB4714, Arzo Smith


RightMi.com has no recommendation.

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RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 2

Suggestions for Michigan's contested State Senate seats in the Republican Primary

Several contested Republican races around the state are worth noting.

In this edition, the State Senate contests are looked at.  We should note that several candidates are lousy at getting their message out, have inadequate websites, and may have not social media skills.  If we had to look too hard to find info on them, it was not helpful.

7TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR – Pat Colbeck vs. Matt Edwards

colbeckRightMi.com gives a hearty recommendation for Patrick Colbeck

This is the guy who has faced down Obamacare, Common Core, higher gas taxes, and general laziness and stupidity in the State Senate for the last four years. Do we agree always? Not so much, however Colbeck is hardly a stick-in-the-mud, and has carefully reviewed alternatives when challenged.

Easy choice for Pat Colbeck

10TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Jake Alexander Null vs. Tory Rocca

RightMi.com Has no recommendation.

12TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Bob Gray vs. Jim Marleau

RightMi.Com Recommends a change from Marleau, who barely hit the 31% on the RightMi.com legislative scorecard.

The former Teamster, UAW, and NEA member cannot be any worse.

13TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Ethan Baker vs. Al Gui vs. Marty Knollenberg vs. Chuck Moss vs. Rocky Raczkowski

RightMi.com Has no recommendation.

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Foster Supporters Court Democrat Crossover

Why won't Frank Foster tell his supporters he does NOT support Democrat crossover voting in the Republican primary August 5th?

Frank Foster’s supporters have some splainin to do.

Foster-DemsFoster-Dems2Foster pretended to be a Tea Party Republican in 2010, he eventually revealed how deceptive that was.  But now its clear that even being a Republican is just not enough.  A recent mailer sent out by his supporters encourage Democrats to crossover and vote in the Republican primary because he can work both sides of the aisle.

As of yet, there is no statement from Foster declaring this to be a bad idea.

Folks, just consider the effect of such a bad idea on all the other parts of the ticket, from the 37th district to commission seats, to delegates who select our convention attendees.  We know how it can destroy integrity of the Republican party even more than is already happening.

Yet Frank Foster could care less.

Its all about HIS election.

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Violators Will Be Trespassed

New signs at the fair offer a warning of violation to violators, or ...something

trespassedOpen carry folks, if you want to be ‘trespassed,’ try going to the fair.

The Northwest Michigan Fair is on in Grand Traverse County, and new signs at the fairgrounds offer a warning (Or and invitation).  We realize that everyone’s a little different, so it MIGHT be something a few operatives in the MiGOP (GLEP, Freedom Fund) would actually enjoy.

Carry with ‘pride’ boys.

The fair runs through next Saturday.

H/T to Andy Marek for photo.

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RightMi.com Voting Recommendations Part 1

Suggestions for Michigan's congressional seats, Governor & Lt Governor, AG, SOS, and Prop 14-1

For the August 5th 2014 Republican Primary

First Congressional District – Dan Benishek vs. Alan Arcand

Rightmi.com recommendation is for Alan Arcand.

We have described in other articles here of the current incumbent’s inability to understand the power of congress. Elected as a ‘Tea Party’ candidate Dan Benishek failed on all levels of political activity, and fell in line with the worst of establishment Republicans earning the next to lowest conservative rating from the Heritage foundation of all Michigan’s Republicans, only second to noted RINO Fred Upton.

Arcand-CarBenishek’s service to the VA should have given him an especially good look at the inner workings of the VA, and as oversight for the last few years, it seems he is at least as culpable as the administration that Republicans are targeting on this issue. This neglect of our veterans would bite him in November when facing retired two star general Jerry Cannon who will capitalize on it. Democrats are COUNTING on Benishek being the GOP candidate.

Arcand on the other hand offers a fresh chance for Republicans to get it right. As a disabled vet, he takes the opposition tactic off the table. He understands Congress’ role as defined by the constitution, would not be afraid to withhold money from an out of control administration that has already threatened Upper Peninsula residents on the electrical grid alone.


Second Congressional District – Bill Huizenga vs. No Candidate

RightMi.com has no recommendation.


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