An email I received recently mentioned the writer’s inability to reach our current representative.
The fact he would get no response, never heard anything that the incumbent of the 104th was doing, and didn’t know what that incumbent was doing was troubling. “He just disappeared” was the statement and theme.
And absence from representation is spot on correct.
During a kick off last Tuesday I recorded some video that I will torture the regular readers of this blog with over time. But I also had some good spots; One in particular in which I issued a challenge that might be useful to any district’s voters.
Posted on Facebook, the challenge was posted with this:
“Everyone reading this has the ability to find that legislation sponsored by our current incumbent, which enhances our liberty, creates new efficiency in government, or fixes our infrastructure. HB5152 is close, but even having 14 co-sponsors cannot make it out of committee. Anything else???
Challenge your legislators too perhaps?

Hmmmmm--let's see, I chatted with Ray Franz, got my photo taken with Gov. Snyder, said Hi to Dave Agema, waved to Lee Chatfield, saw Wayne Schmidt walking backwards--why does he always do that when he sees me? BTW, he stayed outside of the caucus room for the most part, hanging with his comfort zone and even sat with his comfort zone in the alternate delegate section--Got a photo opt with a really big and soft Spartan (he was wearing a skirt--is that right?) Talked with Casperson who handed out candy bars. Chatted with Gen Jack Bergman and the Mrs.--both are delegates. Chatted with Wes Nakagari, who was elected a delegate to the RNC. . . Nope, never saw Larry--that's not to say he wasn't there--I just never saw him. Where's Larry? Sounds like the title of a best selling book.
It would be a surprise to nobody you cavorting to those names you mentioned would tickle your lily, *Barb*.
Helping out cuckboy? Nah, not so much.