754 search results for "prop 2"

Vote NO on Proposal 2

All of our informational videos made on Michigan's proposal 2 in one place.

All five of the videos created to let folks know what a disaster proposal 2 would be for Michigan. The latest video is first. The remainder below.

The bottom line is that proposal 2 is merely a change to a different form of gerrymandering. One that does its best to exclude one side, and make the process irreversible by eliminating answerability to the voters.

If you value accountability in Michigan politics, you MUST make sure all of your friends and family members understand what is at stake.

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Proposal 2 Funders

Who are the largest donors of the campaign to screw up Michigan's election districts?

The ‘grass roots’ effort to end gerrymandering in Michigan is a scam.

There was an effort by progressive liberals, to rig the game in their favor using the California model as a template.  Gullible voters could give them the win, but the funding for the proposal’s passage leaves us with more questions as to what they really want to do.

Out of state money is pressing hard to destroy accountability, but fighting the yes-vote is Michigan only Money.  MCFN notes the Tony Daunt comments:

Out-of-state special interests are trying to buy Michigan’s constitution, but our constitution is not for sale,” said Tony Daunt, spokesman for opposition group Protect My Vote, in a press release. “Hypocrite is too kind a description for the liars behind this sham proposal, and voters who’ve been duped by their scam have every right to be outraged.”

Over 80% of the funding for Prop 2 passage efforts comes from elsewhere.

Enjoy the video and pass along.

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Proof That Proposal 2 Cannot Work

Progressive left Democrats masquerade as Republican group to fool voters

A political action committee that is calling itself Republican Women for Progress is promoting Democrats in the general election.

Gosh, have we ever seen this happen before?    Each election cycle it is axiomatic that someone attempts to paint themselves as what they are not, in order to elect their guy (or gal).  Politics makes for great liars.

And this time they are targeting Mike Bishop and Lana Epstein.  Nothing says bipartisan feminist like targeting a Jewish woman because of the Kavanaugh hearings, the premise upon which this group was supposedly founded.

Does it surprise you that the primary funder for the group Republican Women for Progress is Reid Hoffman?  It shouldn’t.

The group’s founder Meghan Milloy was (also no surprise) previously the Chair of Republican Women for Hillary (RWFH). Incredibly, her bio also notes her ‘day job,’ something potential donors to ‘center right’ think tanks ought to note.  How long does one have to shill for the other side’s candidates before they lose any credibility in the party they pretend to support?

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

2016 Annual Personal Property Tax Exemption Reminder

5076-2016Folks its that time again.

Our annual duty to make sure you pay not ONE MORE DIME to a bloated government than necessary.

Recall that 14-1 didn’t do away with the PPT entirely.

Michigan business with $80,000 or less in fixtures, desks, computers etc., are STILL required EVERY YEAR to fill out the form to get their exemption. You must fill out the MI Treasury Form 5076 with your local assessing offices by Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2015. You can use the link to the affidavit form (once again) here.

Fill it out and for best results deliver by hand to your assessing office ASAP.  You have until February 10, 2016 to turn this in.  Do not get this confused with the February 20th due date on PPT reporting of over $80K.

Never, EVER, give em no more than is absolutely necessary.


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Why is Prop 15-1 a $2 Billion Dollar Tax Hike?

I don’t have time to mince words today so, I’ll let the headline speak for itself.

Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote

Speaking of muddlers, it’s the parasite from Monroe, who wouldn’t go away.

allah Shazam! Yes, here’s how they voted on SB 509 and SB 1149 (Take note of names alleged Taxed Enough Already folks). More background here. Furthermore, good riddance to an Engler era affirmative action toady. Downside is Meekhof replaced that with a Richardville toady.

That said, Governor Spanky presented his $54 Billion dollar budget yesterday.

Ps. with respect to the MCC article above, well, Jim Stamas is a documented a**hole.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

AgitProp in the 21st Century

Mercenary Research in the Service of Greed

News stories on the Michigan road tax proposal are replete with compelling, eye popping factoids about the costs poor roads impose on Michigan drivers. These factoids are so compelling that our colorless Governor cites them to sway voters in the upcoming sales tax proposal debate. Some examples:

  • An inadequate transportation system costs Michigan residents a total of $7.7 billion every year
  • Driving on rough roads costs Michigan motorists a total of $2.3 billion annually in extra vehicle operating costs
  • Driving on rough roads costs the average Detroit urban area motorist $536 annually in extra vehicle operating costs
  • Driving on rough roads costs the average Michigan motorist $357 annually in extra vehicle operating costs

You are expected to conclude that a 16.67% sales tax increase is a just trifle to escape these ghastly financial burdens. These factoids are always attributed to “TRIP, a national nonprofit transportation research organization”. Sounds like an independent, credible source – right? The adjectives ‘nonprofit’ and ‘research’ give you a high level of confidence in their pronouncements? Perhaps you should dig a little deeper than our conniving politicians and their lazy media scribes.  The TRIP report they are mining for these factoids is: MI_Transportation_By_The_Numbers_TRIP_Report_Jan_2014

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(0)

Laura Cox Reveals Herself as Enforcer of the 2020 Stolen Election in Jan. 6 Committee Testimony

Recently, it has been revealed that former MIGOP chair Laura Cox worked to undermine efforts by patriotic activists in the state of Michigan who were trying to stop the steal in the aftermath of the grotesque fraud that occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

Even while she was rubbing elbows with Rudy Giuliani publicly, Cox was working behind the scenes to undermine efforts to defeat election fraud in 2020. She was simply running out the clock while posing for photo ops with Giuliani and acting like anything would come out of those sham “hearings” set up by RINOs in Lansing. Cox has additionally cooperated with the unconstitutional and overreaching federal Jan. 6 probe that is straight out of Soviet Russia.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

A Proper Application Of Government Policy

Grand Traverse County to make a statement affirming Constitutional Rights in light of Covid fear pandering.

On Wednesday, the Grand Traverse County  Board of Commissioners will address in a small way, the potential for yet another round of mandates, and the pressures currently being made for the population to accept and receive as-yet unapproved and untested vaccines.

Those who oppose the effort, a resolution in support for your constitutionally protected rights, will attempt to abuse the constitution in their own way arguing for ‘general welfare’ as reasons to support mandates, lock-downs and other restrictions placed on your liberties.  Those who oppose the statement of liberty would gladly see government toss it’s constitutional limits any time fear can be applied successfully  – As it has in the past 18 months.

The resolution reads:

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