Monthly Archives: January 2021

Navarro Report Part III – Final

Clarified proof of election fraud.

The election was stolen.

Yeah we know this.  The final Navarro installment came out focusing on specific parts of the fraud. This excerpt regarding Michigan is very clear, and does not even address some other issues that I believe contributed to the steal.

The Michigan Battleground

Figure Four tabulates by category a total of 446,803 potentially illegal votes in Michigan. This is almost three times the alleged Biden victory margin of 154,818 votes.

Figure Four

The largest amount of ballots in question in Michigan stems from inexplicable vote tabulation surges along with alleged voting machine irregularities18 and ballots counted despite lacking voter-registration numbers.

There were also two major questionable “Biden vote spikes” in the early hours of November 4th. At 3:50 AM EST, Michigan added 54,497 additional ballots cast for Joe Biden and just 4,718 votes cast for President Trump.1 At 6:31 AM EST, an update showed an additional 141,258 votes cast for Biden, while President Trump received just 5,968 additional ballots.

Additionally, it is illegal in Michigan to count absentee ballots without having corresponding voter registration numbers for corresponding precincts, according to state law. Despite this, election officials allowed over 174,000 of these ballots to be counted anyway.

Michigan also processed ballots of over 35,000 voters without addresses on state records, at least over 480 confirmed dead voters, and over 13,200 voters registered to vote in other states—in blatant violation of state election law. Lastly, over 27,800 ballots were requested under the name of a registered voter without their knowledge and/or consent.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Cox Family Lives Up To Its Name…

As the Republican Party collapses, all of the RINOs are doubling down on their despicable behavior.

Case in point: Mike Cox, who is obviously extremely butt blasted that his loser wife, Laura, bowed out of the MIGOP chair race after failing to do anything to stop voter fraud and blowing the entire election, perhaps dooming our state and nation with her overwhelming incompetence.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Just Do It

The courts have now set the precedent for dealing with complex issues.

Just do what you like Mr President.

You don’t need permission from the courts. They’ve already told you that they want no part in the decision making process anyhow. One way or another, there will be a side (our side or their side) ready to rise up when this is all said and done.

Have all your ducks in a row, and have the courts come begging to you for attention when they are submissive and ready.  The courts which ignored your pleadings for the sake of keeping THEIR hands clean have no authority over you any longer.  They took a Nike Knee.  And frankly, all they do is offer opinion anyhow.  I guess they don’t value it any longer.

And yes, Joe Biden Lost.  We all know it.  And So does Joe.

The constitution says that the legislatures have the authority to set election law.  I know for a fact in Michigan the law wasn’t followed.  Our election was nullified.  In other states you have evidence of the same.  In fact, the Texas lawsuit was absolutely perfect in its approach.  Because the Supreme Court was malfeasant however, it merely puts the ball in your court.

They apparently have no opinion. And given the clear authority you have to enforce the laws and the constitution sans their opinion, it appears you have the opportunity to basically say “f You” to the cheaters.  Disregard the unlawful state counts, and accept the win.

You have attempted to use the normal course.  Those who should have prioritized the presentation of arguments didn’t.  Sure, sSomeone will sue, that you can count on.  At THAT point you can say “Are you ready to see the evidence?”

Just Do It.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)