I guess this is the kind of propaganda one tries to legislate if they can’t make a buck showing a two-headed cow at a circus.
“Whereas, Every person needs and deserves to feel a sense of belonging [snip]”
But of course they do, Rep. Switalski…

I guess this is the kind of propaganda one tries to legislate if they can’t make a buck showing a two-headed cow at a circus.
“Whereas, Every person needs and deserves to feel a sense of belonging [snip]”
But of course they do, Rep. Switalski…
We’re tied for 15th lowest uninsured rate in the country.
The state should experience a further decline in the uninsured because 386,000 adults signed up for Michigan’s version of the expansion of the federal Medicaid health care plan for low-income residents, a Michigan League Public Policy official said Tuesday.
Gov. Rick Snyder helped [Modus OpeRandy] push Medicaid expansion through the Legislature last year and it took effect April 1.
That’s because the Nerd CPA knows he’ll be long gone when the .FEDGOV monies dry up.
Take a vacation, not a vote – except for Ruth Johnson.
Screw the rest of ’em.
Conservatives may have a choice in the 11th Congressional district after all.
Nothing says I love you like “I’m not going anywhere, thank you very much.”
David Trott has a few extra bucks lying around I am sure. The foreclosure king’s self funded primary netted him a win over under-financed Kerry Bentivolio in the August primary. But what the heck, Kerry still has signs, and is an incumbent congressman. Its not a stretch to say that he COULD pull off a write in win, if people can learn how to spell B-E-N-T-I-V-O-L-I-O in time for the general election.
He told MIRS on Monday that he and his family will write in his name on the ballot in November and that he is still considering filing for an official write-in campaign.
Write-in candidates in Michigan have until Oct. 21 to file declaration of intent forms for the November election.
“I’m trying to decide whether to send my opponent a congratulations or receipt for the purchase of the 11th Congressional District,” Bentivolio told MIRS.
This guy is OK in my book.
What perfect timing to have us some Wayne County Jail indictments.
Jail contractor Walbridge Aldinger was selected over objections from contractors who complained the process favored the company. Its CEO, John Rakolta, served on a board of a nonprofit led by Mullin that was paying her a $75,000 bonus atop her $200,000 salary from the county.
Nah… nothing to see here, here, here, or here.
Move along rank-and-file Romney/Rakolta cult Party sheeple.
There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.
Rick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.
We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan. It also seems to be a nationwide condition. Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He writes:
I don’t care which side you are on. This is funny.
Phillip Hofmeister (President of Michigan OPen Carry, Inc.) addresses Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan regarding his stance on guns.
Governor Snyder,
I am a frank man, as many people who know me could echo to you, so I will get straight to the point: you need gun owners this November. I know you have read the polling numbers, it’s real close — you might lose. Those few ten-thousand gun owners that won’t vote for you (along with me) may make the difference. Aside from the people who mindlessly follow the NRA, you don’t have them. I know many of them are planning to do one of the following regarding their vote for Governor: under-vote, vote third party (Libertarian or Constitutional), or vote for Mark Schauer (just to teach you and the Republicans a lesson).
I’m not sure which I will do yet, but I do know this: I won’t be voting for you. The purpose of this letter is to express what you can do to win my vote (and more importantly my personal support and endorsement). It’s simple, really. I only ask you to do 2 things:
Yes, between now and November the NRA-ILA will sing your praise for passing its FOIA Package. I will yell just as loudly, that FOIA package accomplished nothing. Here’s the thing you and the NRA-ILA don’t want people to know: these records were already exempt from FOIA under Mager V. Department of State Police (Michigan Supreme Court, 1999, 460 Mich. 134). I will make sure as many people know this simple fact as possible — that despite all the NRA’s praise, signing this bill accomplished nothing.
So really, that’s it — those two, small things. Let’s face it: the anti-gunners are already going to vote for Mark Schauer so you won’t be losing their vote as it has already been lost. Not to mention, the number of pro-gun voters in Michigan seemingly far surpasses the number of anti-gun voters. All you have is gain. Do these two things and I will travel the state with you as well as sing your praise on every social media.
I look forward to working with you to accomplish these goals. Mr. Posthumus knows how to contact me.
"The EPA does not even Constitutionally exist"
At the Constitution Celebration dinner tonight, Keynote KrisAnne Hall touches on a couple points that ought to be ‘self evident.’
I’ve had a few people ask me about what we can expect to see from the Michigan Legislature in the coming days.
My pat response has been to the effect nothing of substance for a few weeks. This is after all, an election year.
They are surprised by my response until I include the caveat that prognostication will hold only until November 5th. After than date, you will see legislation introduced that you would never have imagined by republicans.
{Continued below the fold}
Hey you hosers wanna thrown me a vote?
We got the bacon, eh?
Many of you might recall the fictional Canadian brothers from the “
Now imagine if they were running for office .. in the united states.
What if I told you that a for real Canadian resident was on the ballot for a Michigan congressional seat?
Meet Jim Casha PO Box 308 Norwich, ON N0J1P0 Jim served in Lansing
welcome to bizarro world.
as an aside.. This gives me a laugh out loud. Former 8th congressional district candidate from Lincoln Park, now running for the 1st?