Jeez louise, could Governor “That woman from Michigan” Half-Whitmer dream up any more things that would prove to be even more destructive to Michiganians? All this (school closings, Stay-at-home, non-essential dictates, etc.) just because she and her fellow Democrat governors want to crash our once booming Trump Economy during an election year and, all they have to work with for now is pervy Sleepy Joe? I mean, this whole scamdemic charade is becoming so blatantly obvious that even Stevie Wonder could see what’s going on. Really, Brad Pitt? Dude, it’s the fricken flu and, you’re a big-nosed dwarf with delusions of grandeur.
I just hope President Trump uses his wisdom and strength with ignoring the two quacks Dr. Fraud-ci & Dr. Neck-scarf, and get this nation back to work so we can all get back to living normal life- ASAP!
This I do know, with what’s going one right now, there is not one other person alive that I want in the Oval Office…
As proven with Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer… elections do indeed, have consequences.

In case anyone is wondering about the video, I'll just leave this here.