Yep. Lemmings.
There are only 25 of any value to America, in D.C., the rest suck.

Yep. Lemmings.
There are only 25 of any value to America, in D.C., the rest suck.
Tho, heed caution when a Family of Flip-floppers open their mouth’s.
Anyhoo, don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya, Willard.
Sorry, crony MI-GOP toadies, however, you cannot say you all were not warned.
Remember December 20, 2012?
Besides it being another disgusting theft, and redistribution of our tax dollars by Rick (wear a tie and I’ll use Governor Snyder), and his crony ‘Team R’ looters in Lansing…
That’s right, only a stone throw away in Cleveland.
Slow news day. Was looking past candidate Terri I’m a Mom™ continuing to expose her lack of brain with the Common Core© crew an interesting WaPo snippet boasts of billionaires in the Team R Country Club wailing for another Willard loss.
Well, let’s recap from December, 2011:
1. Before Barack Obama trounced John McCain in 2008, McCain trounced Romney.
2. Romney couldn’t crack 50% when elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002.
3. By the end of his first and only term, he had a 34% approval rating and a 65% disapproval rating.
4. Survey USA ranked Mr. Romney’s popularity 48th out of the 50 governors.
5. The supposedly electable Mitt Romney walked away rather than face the voters – even though he had just signed the – supposedly – wildly popular and successful MassCare legislation with its mandate into law in April of that year.
6. During his time as governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job creation in the private sector.
Go away, Willard. Take your “soccer mom” niece and old fart brother with you.
Jeb Bush to campaign with Michigan Republicans on Monday in GR, Lansing and Troy ahead of Governor's Gala with Snyder
— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) October 8, 2014
Anybody care to make a gentleman’s wager that li’l Jeb has a room reserved at the hotel Dick and Barracuda Betsy™?
And, more news on their control game:
I have to hand it to whatever brainiac who Snyder hired to dream up his highly orchestrated overly scripted *town halls* with the wealth of documented lies they bring back to light.
Rick Snyder then:
Rick Snyder now:
ALERT: @onetoughnerd on #RightToWork: "I supported right to work before I became governor." #MIGOV
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) September 30, 2014
Want another doozy of a Snyder lie?
Rick Snyder then:
Rick Snyder now:
Folks, this is where today there is a growing contingent who see the wisdom of not giving Snyder his “lame duck” term, in which his Progressive agenda will go completely unchecked by just enough legislative losers who run with Snyder’s big government agenda. Is Mark Schauer a loser? Only about a shade paler that of what one can see with a term limited Rick Snyder.
Bottom line. If Conservatives must bird dog our Republican legislators to vote consistent to Party platform and principle, then we can do that just the same with a confirmed Democrat governor as we do with this center-Left abomination named Snyder under the Republican banner, now. Frankly, our task as Conservatives will most likely become easier with removing the facade of “going against their own” without Snyder.
And, before any simpletons start their crap about absolutists, y’all’s can just go park your “No true Scotsman fallacy” bullshit elsewhere. You aren’t welcome here.
From the files of “I know you are but what am I?”
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land has sold her shares in a mutual fund that invests in an oil company she has criticized Democratic opponent Gary Peters for owning direct stock in, a campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday.
So, there’s that {yawn}. Same ‘ol same old schoolyard nonsense when inept competes for the same office.
Frankly, I believe pet coke Stone Wool is a wonderful product, and I sure would not change my investment portfolio simply because of Peters’ hypocrisy, nor due to these jackals writing policy in Washington, which receive lobbyist payola from Socialist tax-exempt Foundations, their EnviroTard™ cults, and a cabal of billionaires, some real sleazy with pork laden schemes.
“ComMITT to the Comeback Rally”
I can already hear the sucking sound from Livonia, at my house.
This state is so f**ked.