Tag Archive for Trump

This Is Why

To fight evil we must first call it out by name.

In 2007,  Congressman Pete Hoekstra told me that the Bush administration was going to call terrorist attacks “Man-Made disasters” going forward.

It was a report of incredulity. It was the first time I became aware that our federal government was not at all interested in fighting a ‘holy war,’ and was actually more concerned that any reference to Islam in a negative way would incite more violence and hostility from Muslims as such.

It was at that point, I knew we had lost a major battle in the fight against radical Islam.

Words matter, as other popular pundits note.  The failure to recognize one’s enemy can only guarantee that enemy remains invisible until it is too late.  This administration has made no attempt to reverse that policy, and has in-fact embraced it to the point that Islam Jihad has occurred on our soil several times since 2008.

No change would be expected under a 2nd Clinton administration either.  Of this we can be certain.  Hillary’s European style pandering would likely give us more Charlie Hebdo, or Paris theater style attacks.  As it is, she is calling out for more refugee settlement of radicalized Muslims in the US and IN MICHIGAN, a position that the Obama administration has been obliging.

This speech by Donald Trump should remind folks that he is not afraid to call out an evil by its name.


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Inside Job

Just order the damned happy meal and be quiet.

Customer:     A Whopper with cheese please

BK Guy:    I think you would like the Big Mac better.

Customer:     Big Mac? Isn’t that McD’s?

BK Guy:    Yes.  They are quite good too.

Customer:     Is this BK selling Big Macs now for the McD’s next door?

BK Guy:    Oh.. Not really, but I am.  I just think that is a better choice.

Customer:     But you work here at BK?

BK Guy:    For about 60 years. Yessiree.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

So Its Trump

Donald Trump has passed through the gauntlet and is the Republican nominee

trump article openerIts been a personal quest to stay out of the presidential contest debate to whatever extent possible.

Now the nominee is clear. Though not surprising today, it was not the person most folks would have predicted in July of 2015.  In fact it was likely that even Donald Trump thought he could roll for a while, be outrageous, and then get back to business as usual.

The more he stretched credibility however, the more he appealed to those looking for the ‘not normal’ in politics.  Many, whom we might describe as angry and disaffected with politics-as-usual, found his antics refreshing and (in some strange way) appealing. They see in him a willingness to confound convention and ‘normalcy’ in the body politic; “normalcy,” being a condition which has proven inadequate for our nation, and has created a slow road to some bizarre and unrecognizable dystopian squalor.

At the same time, those who created this environment through passive aggressive politics and (even worse) outright compromise of principle, have been freaking out.  The #NeverTrump brigade was born and now faces a conundrum with an impending Hillary presidency.  ‘Moderates’ who give in to the liberal agenda frequently, screamed “He’s not a conservative!”

As-if conservatism was ever really important to them.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

A Path To A Brokered Election

Subject: Look At The Numbers Michiganians

Kasich-RubioA vote for Rubio or Kasich in Michigan is a vote for a RINO brokered convention. Look at the numbers.

Rubio will not win Florida! Why? Northern Florida…aka the “red neck riviera”, will probably go for Trump. Southern Florida, which is predominantly Cuban Americans, will go for Cruz. Why? Rubio’s support for amnesty and immigration reform allowing more Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and other non Cuban “Hispanics” into the U.S. will be his downfall.

Cubans trace their heritage back to mother Spain as do the Argentines and Chileans. They are the true Hispanics. Lyndon Johnson bastardized and generalized the term Hispanic to mean all persons living in Latin America. There is significant bias and prejudice in Southern Florida between Cuban Americans and Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other Latin American cultures that do not derive their heritage and roots from mother Spain. They are predominantly perceived by Cubans as indigenous Indians.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Turning The Tables

Last night's debate revealed the true order of things.

I really dislike having to cry foul about the ‘mainstream’ media.

Michigan has its own media issues, much of it protecting the bad actors in Lansing.  Some of it locally even pursuing its own agenda.  But in the national scene?

Indeed, after last night’s CNBC GOP debate, it will be a lot easier to do so.  After the assault of “Do you still beat your mother” line of questions to a number of the candidates, it was apparent that there was no intention of talking about policy and the crushing debt our nation faces.   The only purpose any liberal media outlets might have in such an event is to personally destroy each and every viable GOP contender for Team D’s advantage.

However, after Ted Cruz (to the right) said what needed to be said, it was clear the candidates would not be victims for the remainder of the carnival.

It simply got better from there.   With little to no ‘friendly fire,’ in the balance of the show, there was something to cheer about from nearly all of the candidates.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Trump “mystique”…

What's a RINO to do???...

The establishment Repubs are in a tizzy over what the attraction to Trump is by the American mainstream….Just proves how out of touch with reality they actually are…The ‘mystique’ surrounding “the Donald” is no secret to those of us who have been trying to convey the same message to people we can reach for at least a decade…He tells it like it actually is: America is in trouble, and Washington IS the problem….period…

Giving the GOP complete control of the US Congress has not helped the situation in the slightest…Campaign promises from the establishment are now falling on deaf ears…They are scrambling to ‘adjust’ their campaign rhetoric to mimic “the Donald”, acknowledging him whether they attribute the shift to him directly or not…They KNOW they are in trouble…

I just received a notice from the RNC that my membership has “now expired”, and would I PLEASE renew it immediately???!!!…Not a chance…Until the GOP acts like they have the principles described in the party platform, I will not send any of them one dime of my hard earned cash…They will only devise devious ways to steal it anyway…

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

For All The Wrong Reasons

Trump and the 16 dwarfs

Reposted from Redstate.com For permanence. ( I am again deviating from the ‘Michigan’ centric mission of this site for obvious reasons – JG)

The talking heads and putative conservative pundits have it very wrong.

A palpable fear of Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee consumes the media from left to right. Fox host and debate moderator Megyn Kelly’s first question to Donald Trump “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. On your Twitter account, your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks,…” might well have been asked by Candy Crowley, or nearly any other left wing operative determined to ruin a GOP debate.

Kelly wasted Trump’s – and our – time by advancing the theme that ‘Trump is too brash, and says things that are hurtful or boorish’. By focusing on his periodic extravagant statements, perhaps she felt the viewers would be persuaded to abandon Trump and his candidacy. ‘The Donald’ can indeed be brash and say things that are both hurtful and boorish, but with 10 candidates to evaluate and a two hour time limit, it just wasn’t a productive line of questioning.

Kelly and many other talking heads who profess conservatism seem to think that ‘brash and boorish’ is a fatal flaw in Trump’s candidacy. Civil discourse, in their opinion, is the only acceptable path to the Presidency of the United States. Trash talk, such as calling people “stupid,” “moron” or even “disgusting animals” does not elevate the campaign discourse to the level they seek.

Perhaps our self appointed media censors should reassess ‘The Donald’ in light of our current predicament.

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