Tag Archive for Trump

Republican Senate Contender Sandy Pensler Hammered With Misleading Video Clips

Across the country, electoral politics have been extremely fun to watch as chaos besieges the entrenched establishments of both major political parties. With Trump out there doing his thing, we are seeing the establishment vs. insurgent dichotomy emerge throughout the country. There hasn’t been too much of it going in Michigan, as calls for ‘unity’ win the day, with the exception of the tense GOP primary battle between John James and Sandy Pensler for US Senate.

Pensler is a Wall Street tycoon with plenty of independent wealth that he is using to fund his race for Senate. He is similar to Trump in substance rather than style as he will not owe anyone favors if he is able to win his seat. James runs his family business and has an admirable record serving his country as a military veteran. Other than that, he is virtually a complete unknown. Pensler has run for office in the past as a moderate, but claims he has evolved over the years on social issues like abortion (similar to Trump yet again in that regard).

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Manasseri: Enemies Within at War with Trump’s Army

Who are we really fighting on this issue?

Dick Manasseri has been chronicling illegal immigration, the refuge crisis, and the effect on Michigan for some time now.

He writes today on the effort made by our president, and then about those who presumably wear the mantel of Republicanism.  Manasseri points out the contradictory elements within the GOP and other leadership ranks, and how they affect our fight to keep our country safe and viable.

He Reports:

If you voted for President Trump, you need to take the protest, chaos, and general blowback directed at him personally. The Muslim Brotherhood [MB] protests/chaos triggered by his executive order on refugee resettlement are a direct attack on you and your personal security.

Good Guys

These are the people who understand the refugee threat, speak out and take action like President Trump:

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Trump And Other Team Stops Sunday & Monday!

Trump Palin Pence ..Oh My.

Michigan Goes Trump in about 72 hours.

To make sure, Donald Trump is making another stop on SUNDAY November 6 at 6:00pm at Freedom Hill


Freedom Hill Amphitheater is located at 14900 Metro Parkway, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312.

Please get tickets for the event here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule/register/sterling-heights-mi/

Sunday, November 06 2016, 6:00 PM  Doors open at 3:00 PM.

— More below! —

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WOW – More Michigan Trump Visits

Michigan efforts demonstrate rising probability of Michigan winning it for Trump!

donald-trump-jrDonald Trump Jr. is now coming to town!

With this level of activity in Michigan, its hard to imagine we are no longer in play.

Grab your friends, family, and anyone you know and get them active.  This is the year we start to take government back from the Cronyist cabal that manipulates policy from both sides of the partisan aisle.

Stopping first at Michigan State University in East Lansing and then going to Grand Valley State University in Allendale. Below are the details of each event:

Wednesday, November 2nd: Michigan State University at the Ballroom, MSU Union Building

49 Abbott Road
East Lansing, MI 48824

Doors Open: 11:30am
Event Begins: 12:30pm
Register for tickets here*

Wednesday, November 2nd: Grand Valley State University

GVSU Russel H. Kirkhof Center
South Campus Drive (Building 18)
Allendale, MI 49402

Doors Open: 2:30pm
Event Begins: 3:30pm
Register for tickets here*
*Tickets are required for admittance

And don’t worry..  Brian Calley won’t be there to spoil the fun.

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Donald Trump Coming To Grand Rapids! – AND Warren!! (UPDATE)

Michigan could go Trump!

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames

We can always count on the left to implode at just the right time.

The good Lord has given us another chance to get it right.  New investigations into Hillary’s criminal activities put Michigan in play again after the most brutal media driven anti Trump effort ever.

The Donald will have a rally on Monday

Deltaplex Arena
2500 Turner Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49544

Monday, October 31, 2016 at 12:00 PM

Get your tickets here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule/register/grand-rapids-mi2/

Then join Donald Trump and team in Warren, MI, tomorrow, Oct. 31st @ 3:00 PM (EST) for a rally! Get your tickets here. Details about the event are below:

Monday, October 31st: Warren, MI
Macomb Community College South Campus
Sports and Expo Center – Building P
14500 E. 12 Mile Rd.
Warren, MI 48088

Warren Tickets available https://www.donaldjtrump.com/schedule/register/warren-mi1/

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Trump Stump

This should be the only speech Donald needs for the rest of the campaign…

“This is NOT an election between political parties, it is an election to determine the fate of future America…and there are only two…”

-You can vote for the America that has secure borders, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that has enforceable immigration laws, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that deports illegal alien criminals, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that has no ‘sanctuary cities’, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that has a strong military, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that defends its global interests, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that builds and manufactures goods again, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that reduces your taxes, or more, and more, and more of the same…

-You can vote for an America that creates good jobs again, or more of the same…

-You can vote for the America that respects the middle class, or more of the same…

-You can vote for an America that respects the Constitution, and Bill of Rights, or more of the same…

-You can vote for Donald Trump….or…more of the same….”

It’s pretty simple…14358635_622857464555469_1104066230296564179_n

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So You Think Its Over?

Were the words spoken on a 'hot mic' eleven years ago the end for the GOP presidential nominee?

Oh My Goodness, Donald Trump said some vulgar things!

Some Republicans think it matters.  All the Hillary supporters think it matters; yet stand and boo God, crap on police cars, promote police slaying,  blithely stand by while liberal women objectify themselves (caution link includes naked liberals –  prepare eye bleach prior to visiting) in protests, murder the unborn in numbers that never stop increasing, and call for equal standing of those who would marry the same sex, animals, or children.

Yet what Donald Trump has said; the disgusting NY machismo statements made to a [Bush family] television personality during a soap opera shoot over a decade ago, is the end of all paths presidential?  Maybe Barack Obama might think otherwise.

Oh, but that is not in it’s proper context dear reader.  It’s only the president in his former life reading his fabled “Dreams from my father ” work.  He is simply doing a reading ..of what he wrote.

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The Movement

Statewide rallies for Trump firing it up!

DSC_0481Meshawn Maddock laid it out the best.

In a Freep article, she correctly assesses the reasons to have the micro events across the state in support of Trump and Pence. She says:

“This is an action thing, you take an hour out of our life, you don’t wait all day to hear a Trump speech,” said Meshawn Maddock, one of the organizers of the flash mob. “We came out to show people who are undecided a movement. We’re trying to show all of these people that we have hope again.”

DSC_0500She is spot on.

The typical media treatment of anything Trump is anything but reality.  Right now as these stories are going on out there, the social media trolls are hard at work attempting to diminish the positive effort made on behalf of the GOP presidential team.

Typically, each social media posting has one or two trolls who are either paid, or simply have no life.  They refuse to let any positive statement go unchallenged through ridicule and insults.  Many supporters rightly avoid the verbal melee, and opt to keep their opinions silent; the goal of such subterfuge.

Reality can rear its head with proper reporting however.

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