All of Michigan residents are winning from the Republican tax reforms.
The left would have you believe that only billionaires are the winners from the GOP/Trump tax reform measures.
While some claim the tax cuts only increase the debt, the reality is that the economy must expand, it must grow. It is only growth that can support the already ballooned national debt, and it is only growth that can free those who are chained to dependence on others including services that cost taxpayers so much.
So is it the rich who are the sole beneficiaries of the tax reforms? In Michigan alone, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. From Bonuses, to lowered utility bills, the tax breaks extend to all, and allow the state’s economy to expand and create new opportunities that The Democrats would prefer you didn’t see. Democrats like Debbie Stabenow, who wouldn’t support such performance increasing reforms.
Americans for Tax Reform have documented specific financial benefits (by state) that have developed as a result of Republicans taking the queue from President Trump. They report that:
Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Republican congress and signed by President Donald Trump, 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay. And companies of all sizes are already giving bonuses and raises and expanding the scope of their operations.
Michigan specific benefits are as follows: