Tag Archive for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!


Hoping you all have a great day.

A little myth busting for you:

The story about Benjamin Franklin wanting the National Bird to be a turkey is just a myth. This false story began due to a letter Franklin wrote to his daughter criticizing the original eagle design for the Great Seal, saying that it looked more like a turkey. In the letter, Franklin wrote that the “Bald Eagle…is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly…[he] is too lazy to fish for himself.”

Well then. (read the rest here)

Happy Thanksgiving folks!

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TC Rotary Wishes You All A Happy Genocide!

Pass the yams please.

The family is on the way, and your are about to turn off the noise for for a day or two, eat turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and laugh a little, hug the kids, and sleep it off.

Life is good.

And then, in your inbox comes a holiday message from your local Rotary.  You might think it will be a holiday message to bring out the cheer in a crazy and fully depressing 2020.  Perhaps a message of hope and good news from a charity that once promoted community coherence and unbounded ‘charity.’  “Happy Thanksgiving!” ..right?

No.  After reading this email you should do the socially responsible thing and hate your guilty white ass for even existing.

“This week, as many celebrate a Thanksgiving rooted in genocide, join us as we immerse ourselves and our families in the voices and experiences of our Anishinaabe neighbors. Sierra Clark is a local Anishinaabe woman reporting for the Record Eagle’s Mishigamiing project. Sierra became a journalist to tell the stories of her community from her own perspective.”

Yeah, nice opening salvo from the Rotary ‘holiday letter.’

Clearly, we should all fully immerse ourselves in the wokeness that anything ‘white’ ain’t right, and that settlers came upon a vulnerable 1st nation gunning for supremacy.  That Squanto was an original sufferer of Stockholm syndrome, and Pilgrims should have worn masks.

The year cannot get any stranger.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Family gatherings & Politics together are the best, aren't they?

This year, our Thanksgiving gathering will be short four brothers.

No dear reader, they are all still alive as far as I know, but it is one of those years where the annual gathering in our home will have more non-blood extended family than blood related for the great repast. Its just how things worked out.

On any given year prior, the numbers present could have been between 15-20 with an ever changing roster of friends joining us.  White, black whatever, you never knew what the make up would be at the table by the time we blessed the meal with prayer.

No matter the diversity or lack thereof, we could always count on healthy debate and discussion of the day’s political happenings.  As much as so many fear the arguments that can happen, it has traditionally been this part of the discourse that so many of my kin cherish, and so many friends find entertaining (I suppose).

It is my hope that all of you are able to celebrate today with those whom you love and respect, and that your day is filled with wonderful conversations and interesting dialogue.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Ghosts Of Thanksgiving Past

Some highlights from former Thanksgiving related postings.

thanksgiving-washingtonSome selections from prior Thanksgivings at RightMichigan.

Some links might be broken, but the overall effort is worth it.  Starting 5 years ago:

Thanksgiving In the Sphere 2011

Detroit Wayne County Conservative (via the Examiner) Conservative – Thanksgiving 2011

CapCon – Larry Reed Classic – There’d Be No Thanksgiving Without The Profit Motive

Core Principles – Thanksgiving The Result Of Free Enterprise And Prayer

Dave Lambert – The Four Freedoms

The Minority Report – What Your Turkey Ate

Here Comes Later –A Morning Salute

Michigan Right To Life – Abortion Clinics Closed Permanently

Motor City Times – Thanksgiving Morning Linkage!  WOW!

The Stoeker Factor – Last Comment Worth the Link.

The Wizard Of Laws – Giving Thanks

More below

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Happy Thanksgiving!

We have been so incredibly blessed as a nation. How could we not offer our thanks to the Lord?

thanksgivingWe give thanks each year as tradition dictates.

As we are today, our forefathers were both good and evil. They were productive and prosperous, or lazy and in despair.  Human nature leads us on many paths, and we often forget where that path started. Sometimes we are purposefully confused so that we do not remember.

With that in mind. Enjoy the following stories of Thanksgiving, each from a different perspective.

Mises – The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

“In his History of Plymouth Plantation, the governor of the colony, William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years because they refused to work in the field. They preferred instead to steal food. He says the colony was riddled with “corruption,” and with “confusion and discontent.” The crops were small because “much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable.”  “

And in a similar vein

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