Tag Archive for SOS

Jocelyn Benson: From Election Fraud Adjacent to Aspiring Governor

Jocelyn Benson - a name synonymous with 'election fraud'

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has declared her candidacy for governor in 2026. Yeah, this is the same Jocelyn Benson whose political ascent has been peppered with controversy, eyebrow-raising connections, and what some might call an opportunistic knack for ‘Teflon’ politics. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane and unpack her storied past.

2010: Fake Tea Party Shenanigans

You may recall that in 2010, Michigan witnessed a blatant attempt at election fraud: the creation of a fake Tea Party to siphon votes from legitimate candidates. Two Democratic operatives from Oakland County, Jason Bauer and Mike McGuinness, were convicted for their roles in this debacle. Bauer got probation and a slap on the wrist, while McGuinness faced perjury and forgery charges. Fun fact: both of these fine gentlemen were connected to none other than Jocelyn Benson.

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“It’s Not Your Role”

Counters during "Risk Limited Audit" told to ignore identical 'write-in' handwriting on ballots while they count.

“This is not a time for you to be investigating right now”

This from an MI SOS agent to volunteer counters during a risk limited Audit in Antrim County when they find ..irregularities.  Of course, once this procedure was over we all know those ballots will never be seen until they are destroyed in 21 months.

MUCH MUCH More at Gateway Pundit but this video says ..plenty about the crooks running this state.

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Lawlessness In Lansing?

Jocelyn Benson continues her lawless (or ridiculously failbot) ways.

The Court of Claims today shot down another power grab by the SoS.

This is a good thing.  But not the first time.

Ignoring years of established law on subjects ranging from when votes are counted, to the secretary trying to avoid administrative procedure,  Benson is carrying on SOP.  Arguably the most corrupt official in State government today, and there is one more act from her office that needs to be called out.

Right To Life of Michigan posted this image (on the right) on FB today, a photo of a ‘sample ballot’ issued by the SoS.  It was originally thought to be a ballot, but the state department ‘assured them’ that it was ONLY a sample ballot.

The ballot in question was missing the names of Brock Swartzle, Mary Kelly, and Elizabeth Welch. So ONLY a sample ballot means that the real ballots contain ALL the names, right?  And gosh, Welch (the left’s less-than-stellar nominee) was missing too ..so all is ok?


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Narrative Brokers Don’t Like Rule Of Law

It is especially sad that the writer of a recent editorial may actually think this way ..for real.

I often marvel at how a political perspective can be so exposed in a single editorial.

The left would upend all manner of things traditional Americans and Michiganians stand for. Rule-of-law, constitutional authority, and what constitutes voting access. Today, the Traverse City Record Eagle editorial bemoaned the decision by the Michigan Appeals Court to uphold our state statute regarding absentee ballots:

“There’s nothing more frustrating than a last-minute rules change.

But that’s exactly what voters face after a three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals decided to overturn a lower court’s decision about how and when absentee votes should be counted.”

Actually, the rules have been in place for 66 years. One would think THAT is enough time to get your affairs in order to vote. The rules are the rules, and Act 116 of 1954, MCL 168.764a provides the rules for absentee voting, and specifically in Step 6: “The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. “

So there is that.  (it continues ..)

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New Mary Treder Lang Radio Spot Highlights Expertise

To Combat Cyber Threats to Elections, Elect Mary Treder Lang, a Cyber Security Expert

The Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State Campaign today unveiled a new statewide radio advertisement reminding voters that when our elections and electronic data are on the line, Treder Lang’s cyber security and technology management experience make her the best candidate for Secretary of State.  I have done a quick video to the right (at no cost) which might make it easier to share.

    “Mary Treder Lang has over 15 years of experience in cyber security in the private sector,” says the ad. “Mary Treder Lang has what it takes to protect the sanctity and security of our voter rolls, election records, and your personal information. Don’t send a law school professor to do the job of a cyber security expert. Vote Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State.”

    The ad is on air now and is expected to be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan between now and Election Day. The ad is also available online.

    “Mary Treder Lang’s experience as a cyber security expert and leader at some of the world’s most well-known technology companies makes her the best candidate for Secretary of State,” said Ian Barber, campaign manager for Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State. “When hackers or foreign governments try to meddle with our elections and steal voters’ personal data, Michiganders know Treder Lang has the experience and the modern day skills to make all the difference.”

    Treder Lang has a modern set of skills, developed over a 30 year record of accomplishment using technology to find efficiencies and improve lives. An expert in cyber security and the meaningful use of technology, she’s spent decades shattering glass ceilings, launching her career at KPMG in Detroit before filling a series of management positions at SBC / Ameritech and LINX Technologies. She later joined Siemens, Inc., where she held various senior management positions. Since 2013, Treder Lang has served as a Vice President at Vista Maria, a nonprofit organization in metro Detroit delivering innovative care, support, treatment, and education to at-risk youth.

    For more information, you should check out MaryTrederLangForSOS.com.


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Convention Time

Step Right Up - The Greatest Show On Earth is about to begin!

Every two years, the factions of the Republican party get to have a little fun.

Don’t get me wrong, the democrats run the fun/ridiculous machine overtime.  No matter what anyone tells you, those who hook their wagons to the Socialist lite democrat banner are already exhibiting what should be in the APA DSM manuals.  The GOP has a few critical cases, but generally the differences are in the way we want to approach the argument.

However, there are still too many people who think that a life of crime  ..er a life of service ..  a political paycheck is the way to go.  Perhaps the prestige of those ‘power’ positions, and maybe even the real reward of patronage while in and out of office can make such aspirations appealing.

It may seem that the time spent and asses people have to kiss to grab that golden ring would be far better spent with family, doing vacations, building a business, etc.  I have run a couple of primary challenge campaigns to incumbents, but have no desire to be seated long term.  Some folks do it to effect REAL reformative change however.

I suspect most politicians actually feel that they have a ‘mission’ as well when starting on such an adventure, but also having won a campaign against an incumbent in a primary, I have also experienced the pressure of acceptance.  To the novice of political office, it is exceptionally easy to be sucked into the ‘best intentions’ paradigm.

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Human Error?

Plausible deniability of the year tale comes with "machines bumping up against each other"

I probably could have commented on this several times since the recount nonsense.

The unintended consequences of the Jill Stein recount, was to officially put the Michigan Secretary of State on notice that there are irregularities with the voting in the motor city. Of course the unspoken truth has always been known, but proof of such shenanigans was elusive and considered inconsequential for most elections.

Given the revelation of fraud, and the incredible magnitude which it has appeared, it would seem only proper to fully investigate all of those who are entrusted with our voting responsibility in these precincts.  Criminal sanctions are likely warranted in some cases revealed by Stein’s efforts, yet the players caught with their hands in the cookie jar are not going to admit culpability too easily.  From the New American

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