Tag Archive for Snyder

What HE Said.

Glenn urges Gov. Snyder to reverse call for Syrian refugees.

Michigan State Representative Gary Glenn has stepped out in front of this, and sends a message to our naive governor.

We called for this to happen earlier, and specifically from my own rep.  From a press release only moments ago:

glennMidland, Mich. — Michigan state Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, in the wake of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris by Islamic extremists carrying Syrian passports, Saturday called on Gov. Rick Snyder to reverse his call to relocate Syrian refugees in the state.

“I respectfully urge the governor to act cautiously and conservatively to fulfill what in the sad reality of today’s world is the most fundamental responsibility of state government, to protect the public safety of our families and our communities here at home,” Glenn said. “We should not rush to offer an open door to the high-risk importation of individuals from a known hotbed of Islamic extremism who security officials say cannot be safely screened to identify and block jihadists masked as ‘refugees’ who’d love to bring suicide vests and grenades to Ford Field or Fisher Theatre or Great Lakes Crossing.”

Glenn disputed Snyder’s earlier assurances that Syrian refugees can be safely vetted to block terrorist threats, citing testimony last month by FBI director James Comey, who told the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee that “we can only query against that (data) which we have collected. And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there would be nothing show up because we have no record on it. You can only query what you have collected.” (Video: http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/fbi-no-way-to-screen-refugees-coming-to-u-s/#ooid=ZqNGpjeDrxjmhlHEDNbae70T1uHSPvqj )

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

Three Cheers For The B Team

House Democrat turns on the heat.

Steudle-GranholmKirk Steudle was appointed long before Rick Snyder was the new sheriff.

Jennifer Granholm appointed Steudle to the Michigan Department of Transportation post in 2006. He did such a bang up job leading to our current road conditions across the state, that no local communities have had to pursue their own millages for road fixes, and the trunklines, bridges and arteries are in top notch shape.  In fact, we have been able to lower taxes, return money to taxpayers and by-golly, put shock absorber companies at risk due to lack of business.

Now, [SARC OFF] a Democrat legislator is doing the job that any one of dozens of Republicans should have done LONG before ever asking taxpayers to bend over last May.  From the Lansing State Journal:

In a news release late Wednesday, State Rep. Scott Dianda, D-Calumet, a former MDOT employee and state employee union official, said he’d introduced a bipartisan resolution citing numerous issues — from idle railcars that cost millions of dollars to state auditors’ repeated warnings about weak oversight of MDOT’s warranty program — that he says show Steudle is “unfit to lead the department.”

Huh, I wonder where we have seen that before?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Bi-Annual Reminder

Mackinac Island is always with great views, great fudge, and unforgettable politics.

As the Mackinac Island conference winds itself up, and the “drank” is consumed, we give our salute to the finest of the finest.

Six years ago, we witnessed the stunning display of so many of the ‘millennial’ generation.  When Cash was tossed around to get slick Rick some name recognition.  And a guy who for the price of a ‘drank’ and paid lodging, was willing to parade around in a free bright neon t-shirt with a Bill Schuette sticker.

The resulting hilarity is classic.

Indeed we are all laughing now.  Nothing is so funny, as expanded medicaid,  higher road taxes, reinventing ‘cool city’ utopias, a Granholm bridge, bigger and better authorities, Detroit bailouts, and payouts to crony friends.

And nothing so completely knee-slapping as a reinvention of the color green.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Glad To See The Free Press Still Reads RightMi.com

Sometimes it just takes the 'B' Team to get the conversation going.

SnydercaidA shame however that they still don’t quite understand why we are ‘right.’

We have pointed out consistently why the ACA was a bad deal.  We have pointed out correctly why Michigan should never have engaged on the self destruct that is ‘Healthy Michigan’ And just the other day we pointed out with reliable and credible sources that our predictions have been spot on.

But knowing there is a problem and correctly identifying it are two different things. We have on multiple occasions offered an accurate ‘why’ of what is going to happen.

Its what we do.

The Ivory Tower now sees there is a problem, yet opines that we are too afraid to pay the taxes for the problem, and that the FEAR of paying IS THE PROBLEM!

“If the Legislature doesn’t extend, and increase, a tax on insurers and some claims administrators, the state won’t be able to fund its current Medicaid programs. In 2017, the state’s costs will go up, something lawmakers have known for years and have they had sufficient time to craft a plan to cover the cost increase.”

A tax increase, or replacement is ALWAYS the solution, yes?

Its like food.  Fill the belly, and eventually there is a biological event that is unavoidable.  The beast that is government is still eating every last liberty and washing it down with the fruit of our labors. The editorial board of the Detroit Free Press bemoans “those who live by this ideology, all taxes are bad, all government is bad, and the only reason to get elected is to cut government past the point of functionality.”

Why should we be surprised that it is, and will continue to be defecating all over the taxpayers

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

Why Did It Take So Long?

And how much taxpayer money has been lost to cronyism over the last 7 years?

kwamewoodWe’ve been lied to.

Michigan politicians have been telling us that the film credits were needed to compete with other states for years. Its just not so.

People in the industry have been remarking how successful other states have been by giving filmmakers taxpayer money to ‘create’ jobs in those states; all the while competing against Michigan’s excessive subsidizing of the vanity industry which HQs in Hollywood.

But the bottom line?

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Let Them Buy Their OWN Damned Insurance.

We finally have a chance to tell Obama where to shove the atrocity known as the ACA, but ...

proud-of-obamacare copyThe play is set.

State Senator Jim Marleau is simply a two faced Obama sycophant.  He operates under the Republican banner, but he has presented himself as a wimpy cradle-to-grave patriarchal potlicker.  On the upcoming decision in the Supreme Court he doesn’t represent the stated GOP view that Obamacare is bad, but rather wonders aloud (sympathetically) what all the leeches in Michigan will do if their precious health care entitlements go away.  And then he suggests something must be done!

“He could have done it that way to begin with, but he wasn’t really excited about that,” said state Sen. Jim Marleau, R-Lake Orion.

“I think he’d have to. Our back is up against the wall, and we’ve got a lot of people in this state who are using it. That’s the thing. What do you do with those people?”

Let them find their own insurance without fear of penalties you imbecile!

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Acta Est Fabula

Proposal 15-1 died as it was supposed to, but there is still work to be done.

tombAssume ‘gloat mode,’ then get back to work.

If anyone thinks it ends here, they have forgotten the lesson of 2013 when we eased up pressure, (if only temporarily) and the governor slammed us with Medicaid expansion.  In fact, when looking at the way things happen with this progressive mess in Lansing, scales put it this way to me directly:

“The gross underestimation has only brought a hike in the State Income Tax, Medicaid expansion, retirement pensions being raided, Common Core, 300+ Ghey *marriage* licenses, a quarter of a billion to the Ilitch’s ice rink who vote Democrat, a Detoilet bailout for the DIA, a recapture of control of the state Party via his pal Baird from Chicago and the Rockefeller-wing Romneys, a monolith of a Health Department, a NAFTA Bridge, a cousin with furniture contracts, more slightly faster Amtrak railcars, driver licenses for illegal alien anchor brats, a H1-B visa center operating out of his MEDC, the launch of moonslime Day at the Capital, Boji payola buildings, no-bid Medicaid contracts with moonslimes, a pending abomination of energy policy waiting in the House and Senate, and this goddam ballot proposal, of which, you notice the Nerd ain’t wooing anybody who falls within the Right side of the political spectrum, yes?”

His point can be taken to the bank.

And it will earn interest.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

It Only Gets Worse

Taxes that increase every year to keep up with inflation.

STOP-167Say What?

We have used the 16.7% tax increase in the stop sign logo, (at the right) and will continue to do so.  However, it is hardly a complete look at the tax implications if proposal 15-1 were to pass. We are attempting to find all the ways in which our prior legislative session gave us the shaft, including train to nowhere projects, redistribution of wealth, and the fuel tax replacement components.

Folks might actually be aware of the replacement fuel tax and that it will be more than what the was tax was before. Presumably, it simply replaces the sales tax that has been collected on fuel, that does not go toward roads.  However, when one looks at the analysis done by the House Fiscal Agency, there is a paragraph that explains the mechanism accurately; and in particular, a line at the end of that paragraph points out an easily missed point.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(0)

Video Of The Day – Special Interest Deals

"Oh Yeah .. You Did.."

Classic “vote No” television ad as the first salvo in the epic failure that will be Proposal 15-1

The original ‘grubering’ in Washington merely required the power hungry congress critters to stick the fork in the voters.  In this new catastrophic mess, it requires full participation in the self flagellation.

Indeed, effective ads need to mock the stupidity that are presented in the proposals appropriately.

This one does the job well enough.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Northern Resistance

Two Northern County parties on record in opposition to proposal 15-1.

STOP-167Antrim and Grand Traverse County Republicans have said “nope.”

Last Thursday (February 5, 2015), a couple of Northern Michigan county conventions had the opportunity to vote on a resolution in opposition to the 17% sales tax increase.  With only ONE dissenting in the Antrim County convention, and NO vocalized dissent in the Grand Traverse County convention, both county Republican parties made it clear that the tax increase was unacceptable.

The GTGOP event had about 70 voting delegates present. Antrim had 43 signed in

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