Tag Archive for Race

Lively – Beware The Trap

Scott Lively on race and the mechanisms used to divide us.

Scott Lively is a guy who in his own right can split a room down the middle, depending where one is at.  However, his words are most often thoughtful and well considered.

But he warns those in the MAGA movement about those who vindicate arguments made against them. Popular figures who draw attention to themselves as representatives of a movement but can do more harm than good in the end.  He points out the way in which the ‘elite’s’ have positioned themselves to politically profit from divisiveness based on race.

In his most recent writing that I received by email (and you can see here), he discusses the way in which MAGA folks can be manipulated and polarized. Those of you who find their family members going off the rails (no matter which side of the argument) might look deeper to find that their (or your) arguments might be a little antagonistic and possibly fomented through hyperbole.

His concluding thoughts:

” .. What most bothered me was that Fuentes was literally and blatantly vindicating the accusations of the left against the MAGA movement, and that struck me as intentional, and thus Obiden-orchestrated. That hypothesis and the whiff of a potential homoerotic undercurrent in Fuentes’ network was partially vindicated in the recent (joint venture?) sabotage of President Trump by self-declared “ex-gay” (but still “gay” acting) Milo Yiannopoulos, using Fuentes and Kanye West as either allies or props.

Thankfully, Fuentes was only a small sideshow in the wild carnival atmosphere on 12/12, where tens of thousands of MAGA faithful from every conceivable constituency flowed and swirled like white-water rapids around both the several officially planned and the many spontaneous mini-rallies all over the Washington Mall and its environs – none of which echoed Fuentes’ themes (except a suspicious-seeming speech-maker at the Proud Boys stage the members there didn’t seem to know).

My point here is that the MAGA faithful need to carefully guard ourselves against the temptation to join the “right-wing” polar extreme that is characterized by blaming “the Jews” or “the blacks” collectively as the problem because that is just another “Whitmer trap” of the elites – used to justify the violence and cancel culture of the left, and to prevent the empowering unification of the conservative/populist Jews, blacks and whites against the elites themselves. ..”

The entire article can be read here:

Nick Fuentes and the elites’ manufacturing of white resentment

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Pro-Black Lives Matter Social Justice Warrior is Running as Republican Candidate in State Board of Ed Race

In recent months, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has shaken the country to its very foundation. The movement has razed cities, desecrated cultural icons, unleashed an orgy of violence, and made a mockery of the rule of law. It is an existential threat to our civilization and has the nation on the verge of civil war.

Unfortunately, a Republican candidate for the Michigan board of education – Sonjalita Hulbert – has a long history of supporting Black Lives Matter with very left-wing stances on social justice issues.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(8)

A Proven Grassroots Republican Leader is Challenging Rashida Tlaib for Congress

Rashida Tlaib has become a household name in the world of politics—just not in a way she would like. The boisterous, foul-mouthed member of the far-left “squad” has been one of the most divisive members of congress since her election back in 2018.

Before even taking office, Tlaib exclaimed in front of her supporters and her 8-year-old son, that she was “going to impeach the motherfu**er!” Tlaib, who has also served in the State House has gained a reputation of being a problem seeker, not a problem solver. Since her swearing in, Tlaib has sought the limelight blaming conservatives for the fake beating of actor Jussie Smollet as well as assigning blame on “white supremacy” for the Jersey City shooting which turned out was committed by two black individuals.

Tlaib has angered many who see her as being more loyal to her native Palestine (and very hostile to our greatest ally in the state of Israel) than she is to the residents of Michigan’s 13th Congressional District.

You Betcha! (75)Nuh Uh.(3)

How Did We Ever Survive Without THIS?

New bloat in state government a waste of time and effort.

From the still shaking-my-head dept.

Melanin content might soon have its own do-nothing department.  ‘Racial justice’ warriors found their champions in our legislature, as the Michigan Senate found thirty-four willing huzzahs beating out the two belligerent harrumphs on 2015 senate bill 90.

Passed 34 to 2 in the Senate on January 14, 2016, to create an “Office of African-American Affairs” in the state Department of Civil Rights, and a government African-American Affairs Commission consisting of 15 political appointees who have “a particular interest or expertise in African-American concerns,” with the mission of developing “a unified policy and plan of action to serve the needs of African-Americans in this state”

Ok.. but what about section 26 part 2 of the Michigan Constitution?

§26 (2) The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.

And given that, it begs the question:

“What’s the point?”  What might this commission accomplish outside of the areas that government has business operating in?

Unless it is ALL ABOUT getting federal aid.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)