So, where is the $200,000,000 over 30 years, not to mention the taxpayer subsidized advertising, going? Let us not seek answer to that question, no, let’s volunteer!
Thus, proving once again that MPAI.

So, where is the $200,000,000 over 30 years, not to mention the taxpayer subsidized advertising, going? Let us not seek answer to that question, no, let’s volunteer!
Thus, proving once again that MPAI.
Sure, we’ve seen Lt. Nerd post his bloviating nonsense on Facebook, however, what you won’t see is Lt. Nerd, much less any official within the MI-GOP apparatchik call out The Nerd himself for his rather unseemly profitable actions.
Think there isn’t big money in dead babies? Try $24,250 for a vial of 5 million cells. That is fact.
Now, do you want to know what else you won’t see the MI-GOP apparatchik do? You won’t see any within the Party give the Nerd’s mentor, this doddering old Leftist tool, a boot ride out of the Party.
Folks, I’m beyond tired of the quislings in the “big tent”. It’s past time to start booting their treacherous asses out to where they belong.
Read: http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?2015-HB-4672
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever pay a $500 fine to those in government for smoking a legal product in a personal vehicle.
But, hey, you know what? All those liberal Republicans and their barking moonbat Progressive Left Democrat counterparts just love children to death.
Actually, let’s rethink the title of this post. Somehow, our state government found a way for our tax dollars to fix the roads (see page 7) where Roger Penske’s and Government Motors’ crap rolls, and now the DNR has another share of $6,600 in bait monies to throw at the Nerd’s playpen and ongoing money pit.
This Saturday, 600 more vehicle owners (and their friends and family in the vehicles) will get the opportunity to explore Belle Isle Park free of charge – courtesy of the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix.
The Recreation Passport giveaway begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 23, at the White House (administrative building) lawn, located at 2 Inselruhe Avenue across from the Belle Isle Aquarium. Grand Prix officials and the Department of Natural Resources will distribute the Passports (normally priced at $11 for Michigan residents) to the owners of the first 600 Michigan-registered vehicles that currently don’t have the Recreation Passport. Complimentary Recreation Passports will be distributed through 2:30 p.m. or until 600 have been given away.
Bread and circuses, folks. Bread and circuses.
The Public-Private “Partnership” us taxpayers continue to support.
Congratulations, Boobus Michiganderus.
As before, we now return to regularly scheduled Fat, Dumb, and Happy programming…
What a tragic squandering of a legendary name.
#Snyder: Naming new #Detroit River bridge after @DetroitRedWings great Gordie Howe a no-brainer http://t.co/jDBpI6QH3x via @LeonardNFleming
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) May 15, 2015
One day the Howe sons will realize they’ve allowed their father’s name to be remembered as propaganda for a corrupt supplication of wealth redistribution governors and billionaire parasites.
We now return Boobus Michiganderus to their regularly scheduled Fat, Dumb, and Happy programming…