Tag Archive for Progressives

Oh & BTW – Convention Edition

Though many may be casting a protest vote, it won't likely be for Mark Schauer

Schauer-xBad guys is just plain bad guys.

We police our own, but fact of the matter is that Democrat Mark Schauer had the biggest campaign finance violation and fine that Michigan has seen to date.  In 2007 former RM editor and operator Nick DeLeeuw noted the unmitigated gall of Schauer, and the 22 counts of his election violations:

Here’s how it worked.  Schauer decided to go ahead and raise a bunch of illegal campaign cash.  He received illegal money from Democrats including Carl Williams, Alexander Lipsey, Bob Schockman, Gretchen Whitmer, Mickey Switalski, Buzz Thomas, Liz Brater, Mike Prusi, Gilda Jacobs, Glenn Anderson and Mark Slavens and then pitched in $187,000 himself.  Mind you, the limit is $20,000.  

Once the Democrats realized they’d been discovered each of the folks who currently serve in the legislature went ahead and asked for refunds.  Essentially they said “oops, our mistake, don’t punish us for it!”  Prusi, Whitmer, Switalski, Brater, Thomas, Slavens and Jacobs all took their illegal cash back, essentially admitting they’d been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and trying to make things right (well after the fact).

But no such change of heart from Mark Schauer.  When he breaks the law he stands by his criminal activity!  And he stands by his man, too.  Ken Brock, the anti-Semite who’s racist comments drew the ire of everyone in Michigan except Mark Schauer, was the Senator’s treasurer on this particular money laundering operation and signed all of the papers. 

The scheme was noted and investigated.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Nerd is now Palling Around With Paulson …DRIC Bridge

You read that right. Henry Paulson, the same creep that stole $700 million to nationalize the banksters based upon his 3 page *document* that is TARP (Remember that, TEA folks?), is now the Nerd’s new best friend.

Gov. Rick Snyder and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. teamed up Monday to emphasize why Michigan should continue to forge closer economic ties to China, in a panel discussion hosted by the Detroit Economic Club.

China is one of the United States’ biggest trading partners, but both men emphasized that its economy will soon change from one of cheap labor, exports and government investment to one where a growing middle-class shifts to a consumption economy, leaving China with money to invest overseas. Snyder has made direct foreign investment in Michigan one of his priorities for building the state economy.

“Globalization is only going to continue,” Snyder said. “Historically, China was an exporter but they’re looking at consumption now.”

Yes, it’s a dog eat dog world out there so, Boobus Michiganderus, crony capitalists like Snyder say, “get on your MilkBone underwear.

Calling China a potential “consumption engine,” Paulson noted, “We’re going to want some of our dollars to come back and be invested here.”

Carlin_Government_EducationWell, at least this time the two scammers are not bullshitting you. Eventually, the Chicoms will be the consumers, and the cheap labor will be you, Boobus Americanus. Actually, it’s happening now where the Chicoms are attempting to set up their own colonies on U.S. soil, and why not? Aging orientals with 5 large in their pocket for U.S. citizenships have figured out a way to escape their gender selective abortion Communist government for a more appealing Socialist-lite Medicare and MEDC provided hammock ride to the Great Dirt Nap.

For that matter, who is it that said that if it weren’t for their business with the gender selective baby aborting Chicoms, “If we hadn’t reached out we’d be one-tenth of the size we are today”? If you answered The Wooden Shoe Mafia, you were correct. Thus enters, Doug DeVos. Naturally, that means those Canadians need a make-work union labor *project* that connects their Port in Halifax, so the Chicoms can import what they manufacture to America, and receive their food supplies and other natural resources like coal (do you like this article, Boobus Americanus?), which is for the most part paying the interest on our .FEDGOV borrowing.

Oh! And, lisping Prince William II, wants the hidden agenda of the DRIC bridge – new tunnels. Yes, railcars. No, those as of April 30, 2014 homely “Kinetic” boxes won’t be heading to the ChiComs. Besides, folks like Gary Peters, and the Nerd are fond of trains. That’s a fact, Jack.

Snyder is heading back to China in the fall for another trade mission. He has made a trip there every year since elected.

For some strange reason Slick Rick did not visit Jinhua City. That is a shame as the Nerd could’ve brought back snacks for his doppelgänger in D.C., Barry and Moochelle.

In a few wordsMade In China.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(4)

Building Dependency and Estate Confiscation with BaRick Snyderbama

This just in from the “Take a vote, not a vacation” files.

More people have enrolled in Medicaid’s expansion in less than four months than were expected to sign up in the entire first year of the program, the Snyder administration announced Thursday.

The expansion, called the Healthy Michigan Plan [click HERE], opened April 1 with a first-year goal of 322,000 sign-ups. The state said it exceeded that projection Thursday with more than 323,022 residents enrolled.

The Michigan Department of Community Health estimated 477,000 Michiganians would sign up by the end of 2015. The Healthy Michigan Plan opens the federal health insurance program for the poor to all adults with incomes up to 133 percent of the poverty level, or $30,000 a year for a family of four, as allowed under the federal Affordable Care Act.

FourOdiousAssholes“We still continue to see a couple thousand (new enrollments) every week get added to the program,” Community Health spokeswoman Angela Minicuci said Thursday [Go figure, Angela]. “It’s a little bit too early to say how long it will take to reach (total expected enrollment.) We certainly will continue to see that number grow.”

Snyder was among a small group of Republican governors who broke with party lines to support expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. He waged a bitter battle with Michigan’s Republican-controlled House and Senate to push the measure through last year.


What’s this? Karen Bouffard didn’t include the part about being forced into estate confiscation? Nah, I don’t think that would be a selling point for her propaganda.

Anyhoo, congratulations on Public Act 107 of 2013, ya bunch of Obama enabling Nerdpublicrat fools, and yes, that includes these two “conservative” frauds, too.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Buy ‘Merican!

My inbox never ceases to amaze me. I really do keep a good circle of Patriot friends. Here is a li’l something sent to me from my friend Pres, that relates directly to what Gov. Snyder has accomplished by Executive Order #2014-2, and his wants of 50,000 cheap laborers for his Big Corporate cronies.

Maybe it’s time we re-think what a proud American brand the Harley Davidson motorcycle company is. Not too long ago I told you about the man whose warranty claim was rejected by the company because he was flying an American flag on his bike. And who can forget their new addition of an all-electric motorcycle (seriously?) But those things pale in comparison to a story I just found: Harley Davidson uses the services of a company that helps them replace fairly paid American employees with cheap foreign-born workers through the H-1B visa program.

The LA Daily News tells us about Kelly Parker, a divorced mother of three, who landed her dream job at Harley Davidson in tech support. That dream turned into a nightmare when she was laid off less than a year later, replaced by an H-1B “guest worker” from India. The biggest indignation: Parker had to train her replacement before she was fired.


You were warned here on RightMi.com, Boobus Michiganderus.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)


Pure Michigan Schadenfreude.

Michigan authorities say the influx of seasonal workers [Illegal Aliens and H-1B visas] into the job market drove the unadjusted unemployment up 1.3 percentage points to 8.6 percent in the latest month.

Well, no kidding. Nearly $1 Billion a year is cooked into our state budget for those “seasonal workers“. Just wait until the self-invented Nerd persona really sticks it in all your unemployed/underemployed asses [I’m retired] with Rick’s “Office” for 50,000 STEMinist “jobs” scAmnesty.

Home Team comes first, with Rick Snyder? Completely laughable.

So be it. Enjoy your undischargeable student debt loans, kiddies… ‘hic

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Speaking of Schadenfreude

Uh-oh, there’s that cool German word that Bush-ite money bundler Ron Weiser and his toady Yob don’t like.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign said Wednesday it has fired an unpaid [how is one fired from an unpaid “job”? Are folks really that stupid?] college intern after he attempted to volunteer for rival Mark Schauer’s campaign.

Taylor Grenawalt, 19, was dismissed Tuesday evening after a liberal blogger published emails the Schauer campaign received from Grenawalt asking about opportunities to help Schauer get elected, Snyder campaign spokeswoman Emily Benavides confirmed.

“This is concerning a former intern who did this of his own volition. He’s no longer a part of our campaign,” Benavides told The Detroit News.

Benavides said Grenawalt was an unpaid part-time intern who joined the campaign in late May.

“As soon as we found out about all of this, he was dismissed. It’s nothing that the campaign condones,” Benavides said. “We did not know about it at the time. It’s definitely not in line with our campaign ideals.”

Of course it isn’t “in line”. That kind of behavior is reserved for Slick Rick’s paid professionals…

Slick ‘hicRiiiiiick. More Kool-aid, kiddies?

Just remember, you can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ya, it is a Big Swamp


As Synder states on record about another one of his transparency indiscretions, “My cousin is involved in an office equipment business that has been doing business with the State for well over a decade, and the contract, the correct contract was done under the prior governor. So there was nothing involved in that”.

Not even a smidgen, Slick Rick? And who served out his Chair of the MEDC under the prior governors? Slick Rick. Who was it that selected the current Chair of the MEDC from the Progressive Utopia of Ann Arborstan? Jennifer MoleRattler …and Slick Rick.

The take away? Always follow the money, and keep a watchful eye on the man from Chicago behind the curtain now rolled into the Lansing fold, protected by Executive office privilege, and with a taxpayer funded $40,000/year raise.

In one of the July e-mails to Baird, George Snyder also thanked Baird for helping his accountant’s daughter get a job with the Michigan Department of Human Services.

Another take away? Being a Constitutional Conservative has absolutely nothing in common with the make up of either Party.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(3)

All Hail the Utopians!

Here comes yet another bailout of .FEDGOV web of entanglement for the Cesspool of Detoilet.

It’s a basic human right: water. [snip]

*cough*bullsh!t*cough* Provide where it is written. Anywhere. What passes for journalism, anymore.

But could the United Nations soon help the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department provide the service to struggling customers?

Water department spokeswoman Curtrise Garner says it’s a possibility — but for now, the water bills must be paid.

“We do have programs that do help those that are just totally in need; can’t afford it — but we also know that there are also people who can’t afford it would can not pay and we know this because, once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full. So we do know that that has become a habit as well,” said Garner.

And while Garner says water is “a God-given right,” [like Ghey “marriage”. See what I did there?] she says there is a cost to move water from the water resource to the customer and that the infrastructure costs money.

According to the Free Press, the average Detroit water bill is now $75 a month — much higher than the nation’s average rate of about $40.

FourOdiousAssholesDamn near double the national average. I’m sure the Public-Private DRIC Bridge will be as efficient. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya.

Disgusting. Can’t come up with $2.50 per day but, have money for going to those three casinos, attending Go Team! nonsense, and plasma HD Tee Vees are a “God-given right” like Obamaphones are too.

Just try teaching our youth that Communism is wrong these days.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)