Tag Archive for Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage Insanity Passes GOP ‘Firewall’

Sausage Grinding In All Its Glory. Minimum Wage Today, Higher Gas Taxes Tomorrow.

snyderIn a move reportedly designed to head off a ballot initiative, a higher minimum wage was passed and signed by Governor Rick Snyder.

Snyder yesterday signed ‘bipartisan’ legislation raising Michigan’s minimum wage by September to $8.15, and to $9.25 an hour by 2018, a move he said “will help hard-working residents without hindering the state’s improving economy.” SB 934 is now Public Act 138 of 2014.

Oh, and by the way; It should be noted that a majority of the House Republicans voted NO on this. (albeit a small one)

We support those voting no, including one of our Northern Michigan legislators who gets it.  Greg MacMaster (R-105) says

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Another old Joke That Never Seems to Lose its Luster

Remember what happens when the Republican Majority’s lips move in Lansing? Well, another joke…

So, a husband walks out of the bathroom naked and starts to climb into bed. His wife gives him a pained look as she says, “I have a headache.”

“That’s okay,” he replies, “I was just in the bathroom powdering my schwantz with aspirin. Would you like it orally or as a suppository?”

Essentially why Peter Pettalia is just a dick. He’s gonna screw you one way, or another.

Good luck in November, ball-less dick. You have lost my vote.

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Snyder’s *non-bailout* Detoilet Bailout and Lansing Legislator Looter Scorecard

I have to hand it to the folks over at MCC, this is a great vote tracking device.

A bipartisan 10-bill package has been introduced in the Michigan House related to a proposed Detroit bailout. A link to the concise, objective, plain-English MichiganVotes.org descriptions of all 10 bills is here.

It’s worth noting that the grant (or bailout) bills do not require passage of the reform bills to become law. Also, nothing would prohibit a future Legislature from repealing the reform measures, although in practical terms this could get complicated given that a potential federal court bankruptcy settlement may be all wrapped together with the grant and reforms — if they are approved.


Big, big, Thank You shout out to, Mr. McHugh.

onetermnerdA reminder from the beginning of the year… when Bee-esS Talks – Money Walks.

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Minimum Wage And Restaurant Reviews

Truthfully I have never eaten at the Swiss Inn in Lake George, Michigan, so I have no idea of how accurate some of the statements I have found are.

But I had to find out more about the restaurant owned by a man who commented on one of my own statements.  In response to it, and to a recent Capitol Confidential article, he says with his own words:

“As a restaurant owner in northern Michigan, I would disagree with you! The last time the minimum wage went up (30%) I raised my prices only 15 cents to make up for the difference. What we (Small Businesses) need more than ANYTHING, is more spendable income in the hands of the people who spend it, the Middle Class. Giving me and other businesses a tax break did very little to help me. Adding a NEW tax actually took money OUT of our fragile economy, hurting it more. The ONLY thing that would cause me, (or ANY small business), to hire someone, is if there is an increase in the demand for my product or service. I believe the increase of minimum wage will help everyone, putting more money into the economy will not only help the struggling workers, but it will also help the struggling small businesses, and an increase in taxes for the State. Everyone wins!!! As far as a tipped employee goes, the smaller tips you claim will happen, will be taken care of by the $7.60 per hour they will be gaining!”

Everyone wins!

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They say Complete Streets is a goal?

OK, I’m first to admit that I have totally overlooked the therapeutic benefits of our fuel tax dollars going towards creating bike lanes on congested potholed roadways, and other resourse expenditures such as, Rick Snyder’s “Showcase” $1,000,000.00 per mile bicycle path.

How silly of me to discourage Progressive folks such as Rick Snyder in his pursuit of Jennifer Granholm’s utopian but costly agenda. To borrow one commenter’s expression with regard to BAMN in other topic, “suck it” John Lindenmayer.

Video H/t to Irish’s salute to Earth Day

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MDOT Wastes More Tax Dollars on Hollywood Nonsense

MDOT’s latest effort at abject buffoonery? Click HERE. What crap. Did you count how many union scale jagoffs were standing around with their prevailing wage shovels in their hands? Ya, I did too. Look, it’s no secret that the real waste within MDOT is the layers of bureaucrats who are more interested in their job security than with accountability of our tax dollars squandered so as not to upset organized labor. What has been The Left’s agenda? Raise minimum wage. Who benefits most from raising the minimum wage? Public sector unions. What has MDOT done to modernize its operations? Not a damn thing other than make damage control propaganda wasting more of our tax dollars instead of fixing roads.

Screw ’em. Not another penny in fuel tax and registration fee hikes. Automate their jobs too.

The Kiwis have been doing this since 1985, folks…

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Has Money for a Camera Crew and Time to Play With a Shovel?

Pure Propaganda

“While it’s 30 some degrees, I can’t imagine what it’s like doing this when it’s zero. Um, but it’s a lot of work, and uh, at the end of the day, I bet I sleep really, really good.”

Aw, why that just tugs away at my little ‘ol heartstrings, does it yours? C’mon, they’re getting paid Prevailing Wage to fill holes with the most complex of tools known to all of mankind to operate – a garden shovel. The lengths these bureaucrats will go just to extort more pissed away tax dollars.

If going all Hollywood production on us with our tax dollars, Kirk, at least come up with a new schtick.

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