Tag Archive for Minimum Wage

When is a Failure not Deemed a Failure?: Part Deux

When Republicans raised the State Income Tax.

“We could have balanced the budget without taxing pensions,” [John] Nixon said.

Yes, raised the State Income Tax on E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.

Special thanks goes to Dick and Betsy’s cupcake for once again illustrating the Recucklican treachery within the MI-GOP.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

If RINOs Fought Democrats as Hard as They Fight TEA Folk

Yessirree. They’ve been content being the minority Party at the table ever since the big spenders under Bush, gave up both chambers to Reid, and Pelosi, in November, 2006.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

And On Monday

New Minimum Wage for Michigan Employees Kicks in .. and

We slide a little deeper into the fiery pit of progressivism

Because everyone knows that ALL employers are filthy rich.

Because everyone knows that ALL employers are filthy rich.

Beginning September 1, 2014, Michigan employers will face an increase in the minimum wage rate from $7.40 to $8.15. The first rate increase since Granholm jacked employers in 2008, this new change to state law marks the beginning of a gradual 25 percent increase of the minimum wage resulting in $9.25 per hour by 2018. The State of Michigan makes new online resources available at www.Michigan.gov/miosha to help workers and employers face the facts as the new rate takes effect.

On May 27, 2014 the ‘Workforce Opportunity Wage Act,’ Public Act 138 of 2014 (Act 138), took immediate effect replacing the Michigan Minimum Wage and Overtime Act (Act 154).  Act 138 is enforced by the Wage and Hour Program within the Technical Services Division of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA).  And we know No-One enforces like MIOSHA.

Act 138 applies to employers in Michigan that have two or more employees age 16 and older.  A copy of Act 138, along with guidelines and the required poster may be downloaded from the Wage and Hour Program website.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Rick did say “We Work In Dog Years”

When considering the many consequences of a term limited Governerd, and his unfettered ability to implement a Progressive agenda due to his reliable Generation X underling presiding over the Senate, the Tweet above links to a worthy reminder of what happens when the alleged Conservative facade of Brian Calley is removed.

Progressivism_Woof_WoofNot to mention Calley’s recent “toss ’em a bone” smugness on display in Jim Thienel’s manufactured Oakland County debacle, as if he’s already got the nomination in the bag.

That’s a fact, folks.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)



A group that sought to increase Michigan’s minimum wage to $10.10 per hour effectively ended its ballot campaign Friday.

The Raise Michigan Coalition said Friday it would not wage a legal battle to get on the November ballot after the Board of State Canvassers rejected the group’s petitions last week because they contained too many duplicate signatures.


And to think that my spineless squish and his pandering Democrat-lite friends capitulated to these losers.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

SHOCKER: did you Know That CEO’S Grow Things?

It’s good to see the folks over at Michigan Capitol Confidential are finally addressing this.

State Budget Has Increased Almost $5 Billion the Past Three Years

Click on the linked headline above. Read Mr. Gantert’s article. Let that sink in, Boobus Michiganderus. You are getting the government in Lansing that you voted for, and getting it good and hard. Snyder started from the path paved by Mike Bishop’s State Income Tax Increase in 2007 (how anyone could even considers sending this to an already dysfunctional D.C. is amazing), of which, Lansing’s current Republican Majority violated it’s roll down back to 3.9%, then doubled down on Democrat-lite with a 5% pension confiscation, which has netted Lansing results of a minimum 10+ Billion leaving the state. Yes, the reason a particular RightMi.com Tag is born.

RepublicratDo I think J-man is accurate in his assessment that folks are overwhelmed by Snyder’s relentless and completely repulsive Democrat-lite agenda? Damn right I believe there’s a good majority of us who are suffering burnout. I know that I’m sure as Hell tired of Slick Rick, his Chicago Democrat *adviser*, and his Obama-love for Growing Dependency, baiting illegal alien gatecrashers (Let this sink in), and fellating Bedouin moon pagans (they’re “national treasures,” don’tchya know?). Enjoying Snyder’s vision of us on the Home Team sent to the back of the bus? No, didn’t think you did. Problem is that most folks are busy just trying to raise their families, get in a few smiles and laughs along the journey of Life 101, and don’t have the time to bird dog the Ruling Class on both sides of the alleged different sides of the political aisle in this state. Nevertheless, what folks elected to Lansing in 2010, is an Executive Office that is ran by a crony capitalist agenda of Big Government solutions, a corporate snake that you were warned about.

You’re working as debt-slaves for the Government Store, Boobus Millennial Michiganders. Enjoy a future of less than your predecessors.

As I’ve stated before, if it weren’t for Ruth Johnson, I’d stay home in November. That also applies to Pettallia, and Stamas. Mrs. Terri Hibma? Forgettaboutit. Not interested in her dimwit opinions and blatant pandering to perversion, either.


You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(1)