The more that things over time change, the more they stay the same. Ignoring it will not change a thing.
Information from State data as of March 28, 2020.
Livingston County- 31 – 1 death
Macomb County- 404 – 14 deaths
Monroe County- 28
Oakland County- 834 – 26 deaths
St. Clair County- 15
Washtenaw County- 150 – 3 deaths
Wayne County & Detroit City- 1,810 – 37 death
Total- 3,262 or, 89.19% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 88.04% of all deaths (81).
Isolating the core problem is the only logical step to make across the country.
Thank you, Mr. President! Americans want to get back to work. This is what real leadership looks like, not like imposing a knee-jerk economic shutdown from Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer using the Democrats playbook to sink our economy by putting Michiganians out of work and shuttering business that bureaucrats in Lansing deem as ‘non-essential.’
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(7)Nuh Uh.