AG @SchuetteOnDuty has #Michigan join a 23-state lawsuit to overturn @EPA’s power plant rule via @nannburke
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) October 24, 2015

AG @SchuetteOnDuty has #Michigan join a 23-state lawsuit to overturn @EPA’s power plant rule via @nannburke
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) October 24, 2015
Shut up, bur-head. ANYTHING to get the a****** out of Michigan.
Because the special interest root cause of Proposal 1 makes this timely.
Wood stoves? Close your school? This is our state government in action, folks. Lansing’s Republican majority dare touch the insurance industry’s $20B slush fund? Nyet.
Think this kind of government endorsed behavior has no effect on you?
Just wait until Lansing starts working on Snyder, Bloomberg, and Obama’s energy policy in Michigan.
Well informed readers cannot say they were not warned here, here, here, and here.
Because why shouldn’t we proud Michiganians (there is a difference) openly celebrate our tax dollars indoctrinating Michigan’s next crop of li’l dirt-worshiping comrades?
Huron County Pushes Stop Button on Wind Development
— MichCapCon (@MichCapCon) April 14, 2015
Hey, former Sen. Howard Walker? Screw you.
For that matter, this guy who bankrolled a bulk of this guy’s second term – screw them too!
With the way he operates, one does wonder if the State Troopers chauffeur him around in a Pontiac Aztek.
Gov. Snyder on raising taxes: "It's ok to ask for more revenue."
— (@MIRSnews) December 5, 2014
Don’t blame me. I did not vote for the big spending, Crony Capitalist, 2A loathing Progressive.
The fine folks over at MCC may as well get this plan out of their heads because this state has a load of English as a second language deadbeats waiting in the wings when .FEDGOV tightens its pursestrings.
Immigrants and their U.S.-born children make up more than 40 percent of new Medicaid recipients at a cost of $4.6 billion, according to an analysis of government data.
The Center for Immigration Studies, a low-immigration advocacy group, released a report early Thursday that found both legal and illegal
immigrants[aliens] and their minor children made up 42 percent of Medicaid growth from 2011 to last year.Part of the increased enrollment came as a result of the new healthcare law’s expansion of Medicaid to impoverished and low-income adults.
“The high rate and significant growth in Medicaid associated with immigrants is mainly the result of a legal immigration system that admits large numbers of immigrants with relatively low-levels of education, many of whom end up poor and uninsured,” the report says. “This fact, coupled with the extensive supports we provide to low-income residents, unavoidably creates very significant costs for taxpayers.”
As an aside regarding Obamacare, newly elected SML Arlan Meekhof is proving his weight in Nerd gold as to what a useless ass he’ll be for Conservatives.
Frankly, I just can’t begin to wrap my mind around the concept of Michigan’s delegation fighting anything in D.C. when they willfully turn a blind eye to sonofabitches in their own Party in Lansing, who work to implement Obama’s agenda.
Bloomberg has a story about the “Paltry” Democrat freshman class, whose only lawmaker elected is Gary Peters of Michigan.
Michigan is a good example of why the efforts to repeal the 17th Amendment makes clear sense. The framers of the constitution intended for senators to be picked by the legislatures of the respective states, and for the past four years in Michigan and for the future four years, Michigan will be dominated by Republicans. If the 17th Amendment had never been instituted a hundred years ago by progressivist constitution destroyers, it is highly unlikely that Michigan would have either Debbie Stabenow or the newly elected Gary Peters as senators, since they are both Democrats.
But to truly understand who the voters of Michigan picked as their newest Senator, you really do not need to go any further than Bloomberg.
After leaving elected office as mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, the anti-Second Amendment billionaire, has been working to be the counterweight to the NRA. He is the founder and owner of Bloomberg LP. He means business on gun control, and flexed his muscle in the 2014 elections by contributing over $20 million dollars. It is worth noting that he did not spend his money for short term gain alone, he is in it for the long haul, spending $50 million to start a grassroots gun control network called Everytown that claims to be for gun safety, but it is for gun control. Above education, above immigration, gun control is Bloomberg’s number one issue, and he is focusing all of his attention and resources toward it. As he told the New York Times, “You have to be careful if there’s two issues you care about, and they’re good on one, bad on the other, what do you do? And I think you’ve got to pick your issue. In our case, my case, it’s guns,” he told the New York Times. “I care very much about immigration. But guns are the No. 1 thing.”
Poof! PFM!
The average price of gas in Michigan is $ 3.10 a gallon for regular while the average is $3.06 in the metropolitan Detroit area.
In Monroe, gas has been hovering as low as $ 2.85 this week.
Ms. Hiltz sees the trend in prices declining throughout November and into December, and said it is possible for the state average to drop below $ 3, which hasn’t happened since 2010.
Notice how many in the linked article have been so conditioned that they’re *thankful* gas is around $3 when just a decade ago it was $1.44 a gallon? Sheeple were made to be shorn.
Keep that in mind for the Lame Duck in Lansing, if/when the Nerd is unleashed with his wholesale tax agenda & registration fee hike.