The Rest of the Story.
Commentary & Perspective
Edward McBroom is a sitting state senator from Michigan’s 38th district, who has listed his background credentials as a fourth-generation dairy farmer, who operates his family’s 100 year old dairy farm with cows, hay, wheat and corn. Mr. McBroom has served his Upper Peninsula community as the dairy superintendent of the Dickinson County Fair and director of the Norway City Band. Mr. McBroom holds bachelor’s degrees in music education and social studies secondary education from Northern Michigan University and he directs music at the First Baptist Church in Norway, Michigan.
Patrick Colbeck is a man who at this point in time could be considered one of We the People, who (in excerpts from his Linked-In account) has listed his background as “a graduate of the University of Michigan with bachelors and masters of science degrees in Aerospace Engineering and also the Life Sciences Department at the International Space University in Strasbourg, France. Mr. Colbeck’s professional career is highlighted by engineering design work on key elements of the life support system for the International Space Station. He also served as an instructor at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL.
Mr. Colbeck went on to provide management consulting services for over 11 years including 6 as a self-employed, independent consultant servicing industries as varied as Healthcare, Telecommunications, and Defense. He has been certified as a Microsoft Small Business Specialist and has authored two books, Wrestling Gators: An Outsiders Guide to Draining the Swamp and IT Roadmap for Professional Service Firms.”
Mr. Colbeck also served as a state senator from Michigan’s 7th district for two terms from 2011 to 2018 and he is a policy advisor for The Election Integrity Fund, president of Perspective Shifts, LLC, co-founder and board member of the MI Freedom Center (which serves those who serve us in the armed forces at Detroit Metro Airport and Regional MEPS Centers), and Mr. Colbeck is the CEO and board member of The MI Armed Forces Hospitality Center