Tag Archive for Jocelyn Benson

Jocelyn Benson Belongs Behind Bars

As if there’s not enough going on today involving our police, right? Now, our elected good guys with a badge not only have to watch for criminals on our streets, they also are tasked with the duty of keeping an eye on elected criminal Democrats in Lansing.

Sheriff Leaf notified Barry County through Facebook he had received a ballot application at his home for someone who not only hadn’t lived there in two decades but was also dead.

“This creates a problem with Sheriff’s Offices across the state because we are tasked with investigating voter fraud.” Leaf posted. “Our township, city and county clerks have the most up-to-date registered voter lists.”

Leaf says anyone who gets someone else’s ballot application should turn it over to police so they can protect the public from possible voter fraud.

Benson. Behind bars. She knows what she is doing does nothing but assist the Democrats with trying to steal the November election for senile pedo Joe and parasite Peters, to top it all off; Benson wants another $40M from the Feds to pay for the fraud because the $4.5M she has already pissed away just isn’t enough.

Notice what happens in the Fake News with ‘Experts’ because Gov. Whitmer made all of her Executive Orders a farce while virtue signaling? I bet you all thought the tongue-in-cheek remark at the end was just a joke. Nope. They’re all in on it together.

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Oy Vey!

Man Law: Be careful what you ask for, Nasty Nessel, you may receive your wish.

What’s the problem? You just had the land whale below working your phones instead of what her elected function is- clogging up the Pelosi Swamp.

Democrats always lie.

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At This Moment, Gretchen Whitmer and Jocelyn Benson Knew They had to Steal the Election From Bernie

How embarrassing….

Yep, 200 people. 🤣

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30 Minutes or less….

Remember that Benson campaign lie? Well, get a load of this.

“We have heard the call from individuals and communities across the state seeking a sex-designation that matches their reality,” Benson said in a statement.

Their reality….

Take a bow, Boobus Michiganderus, you voted for this.

Have you ever noticed that it’s the lunatics who like to pretend their vegetables are meat are also likely to embrace the irrational concept that *women* have dicks?

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That Has To Hurt

When something is SO bad it cannot be ignored.

Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel are probably less than enthused.

Less enthused about their prosecutorial discretion, given the fact they must actually dress down one of their own.  However, the fact that Southfield Clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins could possibly have been reached at her office, is a testament to the real justice in an election fraud case that these two ‘guardians’ of our vote are willing to pursue.  Nessel’s grand opening:

” “Voting is fundamental to the very essence of our democracy,” Nessel said during a Monday news conference. “It is incumbent upon state governments to safeguard the electoral process and ensure that every voter’s right to cast a ballot is protected.” “

Trust us to make this right.

Followed by Benson’s:

Hawkins’ alleged actions, did not alter the outcome of any election, Benson stressed, and “there were no voters that were disenfranchised.”

“All valid votes in the election were ultimately counted and the final official vote total was accurate,” Benson said.

Uh huh.

Downplay the potential damage, right?  In other words, “don’t worry, this is a one off, and all the Democrats won where Democrats win.”    ‘Writing a letter,’ Benson clearly sent a message however:

Benson said she sent a letter to Hawkins on Monday, saying that the pending charges compromise her ability to administer the upcoming Nov. 5 city election. In the interim, she said, the state’s Bureau of Elections with work with staff in the Southfield clerk’s office to handle all administration of elections in the city.

“My office will remain actively involved” to ensure elections in Southfield run smoothly, Benson said. “Our response is careful, measured, swift and the consequences are severe.”

Benson: “leave the ballot fraud to the pros.”

Sending the unmistakable message “Call me next time before you further embarrass us you rank amateur.”

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Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You So

The fallout from Michigan's prop 2 is clear as milk.

Prop 2 was a disaster in the making.

Controlling the process was never going to be neutral, and clearly the control would be in the hands of whichever party controls the elections, the questionable Jocelyn Benson.

We have pointed this out in the past with a series of videos, and now the outcome draws near.  The Michigan Republican Party in trying to ascertain the nature of the process being designed by our current Secretary of State for the NEW Gerrymandering schemes is being stonewalled with ridiculous FOIA fees. From the Detroit News:

The Secretary of State’s office estimated it would cost $45,904 to process an initial Freedom of Information Act request that sought “a vast amount of information” from the department, Chief Legal Director Michael Brady told the Michigan GOP in a June 7 letter.

The state used a “conservative” labor estimate to calculate a $10,049 fee for a “narrowed, but still very broad” second request, Brady said in a separate letter denying a Republican Party appeal.

All they want is an unadulterated explanation from documents addressing the process being formulated from the Sec of State.

Real transparency.

And as many who are familiar with FOIA might know, the cost is supposed to be premised on the labor rates of the lowest paid clerical workers who can perform the task.  This suggests one of two possibilities; that the clerical workers in the state are grossly overpaid, OR that Benson’s office isattempting to keeps it’s motivations and early planning from the people of the satet for political reasons.

One or the OTHER.


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Oh no, you’ve caught me in another lie! Now, what do I do?

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren't very smart nor can think for themselves.

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren’t very smart nor can think for themselves.

Perennial Michigan Secretary of State Candidate Jocelyn Benson was on Michigan Matters last weekend.

Despite claiming to be THE candidate for Michigan SoS (even noted democratic contributor Nolan Finley felt that she was more up to the job than Mary Treder Lang), she succeeded in shoving her head firmly up her anal database even before she bothered to open up her mouth.

Let’s just say that Carol Cain’s question right from the start immediately gave Ms. Benson the deer-in-the-headlights appearance for this so-called “Ready-for-Prime-Time” player.

Submitted without any further comment (the fun starts at this link right at the 1:00 mark).


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Lest We Forget

Jocelyn Benson's criminally culpable past should certainly be remembered.

In 2010, it was the office of Jocelyn Benson that was organizing the fake tea party fiasco.

It was Oakland county operatives who committed felony election fraud.  Those same operatives were toadies for Benson and other political players masterminding the scheme to defraud voters that year.  Michigan Freedom Fund noted this a month ago, but somehow we missed it.  (H/T CS)

Benson has been intimately linked to a 2010 election fraud scheme that resulted in nearly a dozen felony charges and two convictions.  Benson, who was running an unsuccessful campaign for Secretary of State even then, employed a campaign manager named Jason Bauer.  That year, Bauer pled no contest after being charged with multiple felony counts in connection with a voter fraud scheme.  Bauer and Michael McGuinness, Jocelyn Benson’s then operations director, were busted forging records to set up dummy candidates in an illegal effort to siphon votes away from Republican candidates in metro Detroit.

To this day, Benson has yet to answer for the election fraud scheme perpetrated by her senior staff members, or to offer any remorse or explanation for her improper handling as a candidate for the state’s top elections post of individuals who were attempting to rig our elections.

Michigan voters need to be reminded of whom it was that tried to manipulate our elections. they need to be reminded that the #PartyOfCrime never quits. Power seeking by illicit players needs to be checked.

And in this case, making Jocelyn Benson Michigan’s Secretary of State is giving the robber the keys to the vault.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Altruism has its own Rewards

Meet Ebola Patient Four

liberalsCraig Spencer, a 33-year-old emergency room doctor, is the fourth confirmed case in the U.S. and the first in the city.
Matt Lockwood, a spokesman for Wayne State University, said Spencer graduated from its School of Medicine in 2008.

“It doesn’t surprise us that one of our medical students was working for an organization like Doctors Without Borders in helping the under-served. A lot of our students come to Wayne State for its reputation of working with the under-served,” he said Thursday night. “Our thoughts are with him, and we wish the best for him.”


It’s way past time for Michigan’s public universities Socialism indoctrination centers to be weaned from the taxpayer’s teat with allowing them to financially stand on their own merit. If an adult chooses to enter these hives of egalitarianism they should pay full ticket price without coercive governmental subsidy. Which, this leads us back to our deceitful CPA governor who steals from K-12 only to prop up those like Matt Lockwood collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck while braying about their alumni Fabianism with reckless abandon.

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