Tag Archive for Hillary

About That Roe v Wade

Clinton, Trump and Wallace Fumbled the Abortion Question/ Supreme Court Discussion

fuscaldoIt appears both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the media (Chris Wallace) know very little if anything about the legal parameters pertaining to the alleged “constitutional right” to an abortion.

This conclusion is based on the discussion pertaining to the candidates’ position on abortion set forth in last night’s debate. The same is true for the main stream media and their “puppet” hosts, authors and pundits who defend Planned Parenthood. In short they don’t know enough to know what they don’t know.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), ruled that an illusionary right to privacy existed under the “penumbra” of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. A decision that has been criticized by many constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle. This granted a limited right to a woman to have an abortion. Judge Blackmun held there is a broad right of privacy, although not explicitly set forth in the Constitution, that lurks in the “penumbras and shadows” of the Bill of Rights. This right of privacy allegedly grants women a right to have an abortion. Really? Contrary to popular belief, the Bill of Rights is not a positive grant of rights to the citizens, but a negative Bill of Limitations on what the Federal Government may not do, namely interfere with the rights retained by the states under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

So You Think Its Over?

Were the words spoken on a 'hot mic' eleven years ago the end for the GOP presidential nominee?

Oh My Goodness, Donald Trump said some vulgar things!

Some Republicans think it matters.  All the Hillary supporters think it matters; yet stand and boo God, crap on police cars, promote police slaying,  blithely stand by while liberal women objectify themselves (caution link includes naked liberals –  prepare eye bleach prior to visiting) in protests, murder the unborn in numbers that never stop increasing, and call for equal standing of those who would marry the same sex, animals, or children.

Yet what Donald Trump has said; the disgusting NY machismo statements made to a [Bush family] television personality during a soap opera shoot over a decade ago, is the end of all paths presidential?  Maybe Barack Obama might think otherwise.

Oh, but that is not in it’s proper context dear reader.  It’s only the president in his former life reading his fabled “Dreams from my father ” work.  He is simply doing a reading ..of what he wrote.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

This Is Why

To fight evil we must first call it out by name.

In 2007,  Congressman Pete Hoekstra told me that the Bush administration was going to call terrorist attacks “Man-Made disasters” going forward.

It was a report of incredulity. It was the first time I became aware that our federal government was not at all interested in fighting a ‘holy war,’ and was actually more concerned that any reference to Islam in a negative way would incite more violence and hostility from Muslims as such.

It was at that point, I knew we had lost a major battle in the fight against radical Islam.

Words matter, as other popular pundits note.  The failure to recognize one’s enemy can only guarantee that enemy remains invisible until it is too late.  This administration has made no attempt to reverse that policy, and has in-fact embraced it to the point that Islam Jihad has occurred on our soil several times since 2008.

No change would be expected under a 2nd Clinton administration either.  Of this we can be certain.  Hillary’s European style pandering would likely give us more Charlie Hebdo, or Paris theater style attacks.  As it is, she is calling out for more refugee settlement of radicalized Muslims in the US and IN MICHIGAN, a position that the Obama administration has been obliging.

This speech by Donald Trump should remind folks that he is not afraid to call out an evil by its name.


You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Inside Job

Just order the damned happy meal and be quiet.

Customer:     A Whopper with cheese please

BK Guy:    I think you would like the Big Mac better.

Customer:     Big Mac? Isn’t that McD’s?

BK Guy:    Yes.  They are quite good too.

Customer:     Is this BK selling Big Macs now for the McD’s next door?

BK Guy:    Oh.. Not really, but I am.  I just think that is a better choice.

Customer:     But you work here at BK?

BK Guy:    For about 60 years. Yessiree.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)