Trump's last stop before winning in 2016 will cap this year's effort as well!
In 2016, tens of thousands of folks in Grand Rapids gathered to wish the President well for the following day’s vote.
Trump won in Michigan by less than ONE vote per voting precinct, and won the election overall. Grand Rapids was his ‘lucky charm so-to-speak.
Make no mistake about it, the president is working twice as hard this year, and his efforts will see him TWICE in Michigan on the same day, the second time returning for an encore ‘WRAP UP’ with his friends in Grand Rapids.
The First event in Michigan will be at 5PM in Traverse City. I will of course be there to report and gather pictures, but those of you who want to travel can make your plans HERE
The Grand Rapids event will be at 1030PM reminding us of how late it ran in 2016. It also reminds us of how hard President Trump is willing to work for us! Make your plans HERE!
Gather your friends and make those events!
Have fun!