I would’ve said you’re joking if…

Are you aware of what the CDC has done quietly on December 3, 2020?
First, let’s set the frame of why Soros funded toady corrupt Detroit Democrat politburo team Benson is desperately wanting another $40M in federal funds to commit election fraud.
There are no coincidences in Michigan Democrat politics.
Do 👏 Not 👏 Look 👏 Away 👏
Speaking for myself, I am beyond tired of Gov. Whitmer’s victim act, yannow, always trying to scold good people about us having to “turn down the heat” (another lie exposed) every time she is caught up in the consequences from pushing her Democrat Party’s unAmerican and lawless agendas. Matter of fact, one of the glaring abominations Gov. Whitmer is caught up in is her contempt for our most vulnerable, which Mr. Sandler succinctly describes.
Many other states including California, New York and New Jersey reversed this dangerous nursing home policy. But @govwhitmer has stubbornly refused to causing more deaths in nursing homes. https://t.co/MR9LCo9HX2
— stusandler (@stusandler) June 1, 2020
Low and behold, today’s findings: Feds count more Michigan COVID-19 nursing home deaths than state’s tally