Tag Archive for Clown world

Let me Spell It Out for you SML Shirkey

Unbelievably cringeworthy right here.


So, let me get this straight… our Republican controlled State Senate, without recorded vote, gifts extended power to what is an already known insecure narcissistic schoolmarm (yes, Shirkey, she made YOU a joke) the ability to transcend into the role she truly desires- Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest.

And we voters should somehow not laugh at your request for us to grovel respectfully at the feet of “That woman from Michigan” with control issues? Nah, I’ll give that a hard pass. You all shit the bed in Lansing, and it is YOUR taxpayer funded job to clean it up.

Do Senate and House Republicans not remember what “Half” Whitmer did with trashing the budget and spreading misery on Michiganians? Exactly how can they be so oblivious to the signs everyone else sees?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

Monday Divertere: You Are All Diseased

Menopausal schoolmarm nitWhitmer’s latest jackboot exercise of flexing government control closing all bars and restaurants in Michigan, makes this all the more funnier.

That was from 1999…. if George could only see how batshit crazy everyone has become over the Wuhan flu.

###UPDATE###: Welcome to 13% unemployment in Michigan.

The restaurant and hospitality industry employs more than 600,000 people in Michigan, he said. It’s possible that the state’s jobless rate will jump from about 3.8% in January to over 13% in a “blink of an eye,” Winslow said.

Gotta give Gov. nitWhitmer credit… it only took her one year in office to achieve double digit unemployed where it took Granholm two terms.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

12 with Wuhan Flu

Or, in other words, because of 0.00012015% of Michigan’s population?

I hope Gretchen is up to the task of delivering 380,587 Breakfasts, 750,095 Lunches, and 18,050 Afterschool Snacks for the next 14 working days because how is them chil’ens going to fight off the Kung Flu if they’re malnourished?

Knee-jerk much, nitWhitmer?

🤡 🌎

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Maybe Bat Guano?

Mike Shirkey forgot to use the dollar sign for his 's'

It is what it is.

Mike Shirkey, Michigan’s Republican Senate leader said what he felt at the time, but forgot that triggered people trigger.  Obviously his position is one of institutional respect, and the branches of our governmental authority must work together for the benefit of Michigan.  But straight out calling the governor and her Democrat counter parts a bad name?  Heaven forbid we continue our word oppression of the overly sensitive progressive.

It started earlier this month with Shirkey’s spokeswoman saying the governor “has proven herself untrustworthy” following a series of public events where Whitmer supported an organization — and then vetoed their state funding in her budget standoff with Shirkey and the GOP.

Then Shirkey spouted off in a speech before a group of College Republicans at Hillsdale College, reportedly painting Whitmer and her fellow Democrats as being “on the batshit crazy spectrum,” The Hillsdale Collegian student newspaper reported Thursday.

Oh crap, now he did it.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

There Goes the Neighborhood

It appears one of our straying pachyderm within Lansing’s Recucklican Majority believes that an ever overreaching State government knows best for how your local community functions than youthe homeowner.

Local bans on short-term rentals in Michigan could be barred themselves under controversial legislation being considered by a Republican-controlled state House committee.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Temperance, said the local zoning rules created to ban short-term rentals such as those available through Airbnb, Homeaway and VRBO infringe on private property rights and are an abuse of Michigan’s Zoning Enabling Act.

Now, bare in mind folks, this is the same jagoff that wants to ban boating for the majority of a 24 hour day on all inland lakes. Sell that one in a Pure Michigan ad campaign? Yah, Jason is a real deep thinker.

Furthermore, I smell a rat.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(3)

The Most Powerful Office in the State

Fellow Michganians, try to keep in mind that we still have 1,335 days remaining with smear merchant, Dangerous Dana.

Nessel’s revelation of the complaint against retired Michigan Court of Claims Judge Michael Talbot is problematic, experts said, since such accusations are usually kept confidential by the Attorney Grievance Commission until and unless public admonishment is deemed necessary.

The gravity of the disclosure is compounded by the fact that the complaint against Talbot had been dismissed months before — something the Attorney General’s office initially did not reveal. One expert said the result of such disclosures is “besmirching reputations,” while another called Nessel’s conduct an “unseemly inconsistency” between two separate parts of government.


Hmmm, exactly where do I recall such reprehensible tactics used in the past?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

nesseL : Lessen

Not even a month in operation and she’s in damage control mode.

The first-term Democrat testified before the Senate Oversight Committee, where she used her opening statement to dispel what she called “misconceptions” about the unit she officially launched last month.

“We are not policing thoughts or words,” Nessel told lawmakers. “While some people in this state may choose to exercise their right to free speech by thinking hateful thoughts, saying hateful words or associating with hate-filled people, as attorney general it is my job to protect that right, not to prosecute it, even if I vehemently disagree with those thoughts, words or associations.

And, Michiganians are supposed to believe a radical lesbian Democrat that just said this about upholding Law?

Uh-huh, here, pull my finger…

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

One Dumb Nerd

There is little doubt Slick Rick is brooding in his $2M condo with regrets about the Party division he and Calley created in during the 2018 election. Think not? Read on…

Washington — Michigan officials have provided congressional investigators with tens of thousands of documents related to the Flint water crisis since the start of the year.

The office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is continuing to work “cooperatively” with the House Oversight and Reform Committee to produce the documents that the panel requested, Nessel spokesman Dan Olsen said this week.

“Our office has already supplied the committee with tens of thousands of pages of documents, and we are diligently working to send the rest,” Olsen said.

Olsen added that, while some of the records provided to the committee have been submitted previously, “most of these pages of documents are new.”

The Attorney General’s Office is sending the documents in response to Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who in late December wrote to then-Gov. Rick Snyder asking he “fully comply” with the committee’s 2016 bipartisan request for documents related to the water crisis.

Well, there is a lesson to be learned in all this.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Nessel: Above The Law

This is pure evil.

Lansing — Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said Tuesday she would not enforce a state abortion ban if federal protections are overturned, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she would veto any new anti-abortion legislation that reaches her desk.

The first-term Democrats promised a dramatically new approach to abortion and reproductive rights in Michigan during separate speeches at a Planned Parenthood of Michigan conference in Lansing.

“You’ve got a powerful backstop in a veto from my office,” Whitmer said. “But the goal is not just to stop bad things from happening. It’s to set an agenda that respects women and girls and family planning.”

Irresponsible women getting knocked up and owning their choices = bad. “Butchering” infant boys and girls = okay, got it?

Why are you seeing things like this occur in Jason’s post?

Whitmer, Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson make up an “amazing” “triumvirate of women that protect us all in the state,” Planned Parenthood of Michigan CEO Lori Carpentier said during an introduction.

Boobus Michiganderus you’re getting the government you elected.

Oh, by the way… why does the Detroit News reference Rick Snyder vetos in the article?

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