Tag Archive for Big Gretch

My Body, My Choice, Right? Right?

Sorry, that only applies to irresponsible females that choose to murder innocent babies in their wombs. Your Right to Commerce be damned!

What a shame. Like Obama, Democrat governors like Whitmer are willing to throw away all the goodwill that President Trump has built for cops all across this nation, with simply exercising their Power to Fire for insubordination any LEO who doesn’t “just following orders”.

Meet a true patriot👇

We’re awake all across America, Sir. Thanks you for all you do, Mr. Greg Anderson!

You have a choice, LEO. Do what is right (deep down you know it is), do the honorable thing, respect our U.S. Constitution or, let the chips fall where they may.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Data and Science says Whitmer? Jeffrey I. Barke, MD Responds

From Big Gretch’s latest tour on the Fakestream News media circuit.

Whitmer said, “None. I’m not going to succumb to political pressure or political demonstrations or social media pressure. The fact of the matter is we have to listen to our epidemiologists, experts in our phenomenal research universities in Michigan. We are talking with international experts as well. We’re going to stay tethered to the data, follow the science, and we’ve got to get this right. Anything else puts people in jeopardy, and I’m not willing to do that.”

Watch to the end and, you decide.

Did you see the most foundation-destroying issue that begs further discussion?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

Welcome to 1981 Poland and a Time to Reframe

“This is not going to be going away. These measures, social distancing and washing hands and perhaps even wearing masks I suspect will be part of the way we live for at least the next year until we get that broad immunity, until there’s an antiviral. But I think we are cautiously optimistic,” so says the Buckwheat-haired Kwame wannabe Detoileter.

“We’re going to be in a – new normal – for quite a while.” so says the obese beer-swilling sow.

“This is a big step and it’s right before the holiday weekend,” Whitmer said.

The bars, restaurants and offices reopening in Northern Michigan still must abide by limits on seating to promote social distancing. Local municipalities are allowed to enact tougher restrictions than Whitmer’s looser orders.

Now, why didn’t those business owners think of that before? I mean, the average restaurant operates on an 8% profit margin at full capacity so, why not cut seating in half as a pathway to prosperity! Most I know are not even going to waste their time opening for the holiday weekend due to expense of re-inventory costs, which meats have skyrocketed in price and finding staff that is now payed equal if not better to sit at home on their ass. Most have learned from the partial operation take-out fiasco that to simply close the doors they hemorrhage less money.

And, why is all this being rammed down everyone’s throat? What I have posted from the start of this farce flu bug shutdown.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Jew-hating, Terrorist-loving, Muslima Tlaib “sorta” Gets it Right

Can’t even make the joke about wondering if the mouth breathers within the Democrat party see nazis under their bed at night ’cause Tlaib’s peeps overseas really would love to nuke Israel if they could. Anyhoo, let’s cut straight to the chase on this demented shit-disturber.

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Saturday night that when she sees the statistics on COVID-19 in minority communities, she sees systemic racism — and when she hears a common term for heavily affected areas, she hears evasion.

“They call it hot spots,” she said during an online forum whose panelists included author and Harvard professor Dr. Cornel West and U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley. “You mean the African American communities. I want them to call it that.”

“A lot of folks are acting so surprised” about the high death rates, West said, but “it’s true in Detroit, it’s true in Wisconsin, it’s true in Chicago, across the board.”

Let’s factcheck Dr. Cornel West, yes? Low and behold, the good doctor got it correct: lard asses who have no respect for themselves are indeed in Democrat run urban hellholes.

Another fact? The only thing more costly to all people of society than COVID-19 flu… The Democratic Party and RINO’s.

Exit question: what the hell were you people thinking in CD-13?

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

And so it Begins

Imagine if you were a corrupt politician that is not going to be a VP pick because you’re now so wildly unpopular from the power-trip you been on that you’ve single-handedly delivered this state’s votes to the re-election of Donald J. Trump, and you’ve also blown a $6.2B dollar hole in the budget, which will demand deep immediate cuts by September, what would be the last thing you would want to see?

Headline: Michiganians flock to Ohio to enjoy state’s reopening

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine [Republican] on Friday restarted parts of his state’s economy, with selected businesses opening for the first time since he issued a stay-at-home order on March 22 in response to the coronavirus emergency.

Michiganians like Hamade of Temperance flocked across the border for goods and services still not available in their own state. Dozens of vehicles bearing Michigan license plates were parked outside Toledo businesses that reopened Friday.

“Staying at home was getting depressing,” said Hamade, a 38-year-old construction worker who is laid off because of the coronavirus. “You gain weight. You can’t see your relatives. This is really nice.”

The next phase of Ohio’s plan kicks in May 21, when indoor restaurants, gyms and other businesses are scheduled to reopen.

Just look at all them Michigan tax dollars now flowing into Ohio. I’m not upset, they earned it.

So, when do the Recall Whitmer petitions begin circulating?

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Big Gretch Blows a Kiss to the FSA

Color me not surprised

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has extended a statewide suspension on evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, her office announced Thursday night.

Under the executive order, which had been set to expire Friday and now is in force through June 11, tenants and mobile home owners can remain in their residences even if they are unable to pay their rent.

It relieves courts from some statutory restrictions so they can stay eviction-related proceedings until after the coronavirus outbreak has passed, the governor’s office said in a statement.

So, what’s the next goalpost waiting for Big Gretch to move?

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Executive Order … number … 84?!?!

65 days.

65 days from when sweaty greasy-forehead Big Gretch was busy campaigning for pervy creepy Sleepy Joe Biden, when first EO was issued to today, 65 days later- EO 2020-84

One can only hope for Nuremberg-style trials to happen with this farce of an administration.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)