Awkwardness in the House: @CindyGamrat is withdrawing each of her amendments, one-by-one. There are 23 on a list I saw. Twenty-three.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) April 28, 2015
This better have something to do with Plan “B”.
‘Nuff said!
You Betcha!
(5)Nuh Uh.

What's going on? Not only are Todd, and Cindy, getting a good lesson on what happens when one shits in their hat but, also with putting it on their heads, oh say, by stabbing Norm in the back at the last moment in February. And, all those who thought it was cute to have Lt. Gilligan 'insurance mandate' Calley at their Powwow swearing in circus are getting one helluva lesson, too.