Noted Clown Presstitute and Media whore Nolan Finley thrashes about in the big-top of meaninglessness once more.
Since the hit piece by itself is hardly readable without a little vomit expunging itself in one’s throat, I have created a little guide that will help folks figure out what it is he thinks he is talking about.
**Nolan Finley Footnotes and Definitions**
**”GOP Regulars”
**”Mainstream Michigan Republicans”
**”Veteran GOP activists”
All used to firmly plant in the mind of the reader as the ‘NORMAL’ ones. but in reality = “Entrenched Unprincipled Progressives in the GOP”**”Extremists”
**”GOP fringe groups”
The folks who saved the party in 2010 from self destruction, gaining majorities in places undreamed of.**”most of Michigan’s GOP leadership.” = A select small group of individuals who feel a sense of entitlement to leadership and ownership for all the efforts REAL GRASS ROOTS perform. A group that does not like to share power, especially if it is with “Extremists”
**”detriment to the party’s success.” = A condition fully subjective and to the whim of “GOP Regulars”
**” a political action committee, called Advance Michigan” = Party hacks testing unexploded ordnance with a ball peen hammer like a bunch of chimpanzees. Some of which might carry a “have a nice day” smiley face sticker
**”common sense conservatism.” = A time tested method by progressives in the Republican party in which decline is clearly managed. (See “Surrender” in the French military handbook)
**” embarrassing the party” = Upholding party platform positions and mores.
**”“This will be a broad-based movement to help advance conservative principles” = A statement by a man standing on a precipice and one foot over the chasm (See Wile E. Coyote) We’ll be taking bets on whether the sign that says “help!” hangs in mid-air for a second after his descent.
And finally?
““We can be our own worst enemy.” = The Only thing that made any sense in the entire page.
Honk Honk.

Interesting that Mr. Finley, makes note of this.
Because nothing more loudly says mainstream than a multi-billionaires' wife that quit the Party chair position in a huff lending support for Affirmative Action, and still is directing who is allowed to say anything, and how it is said within the Party?
You do know that you're doing a disservice to legitimate clowns with that graphic.
Howdy, KG. Glad to see you made the migration. I sure wish I could take credit for the 'Shopped clown of Nolean to the Right Finkley, however, it is all J-man's handiwork.
Looking forward to your future postings on here.