The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Be Like Johnny

Frankly, I am running out of time to be doing all of the animations etc..

In any event, enjoy this informational piece. It  is my latest on Prop 2.  It would make a GREAT RADIO SPOT if someone wanted to do the buy. Well, actually, it runs a little long, but what the heck.

Anyhow, have a great weekend.

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Michigan Benefits From Trump Tax Cuts

The left would have you believe that only billionaires are the winners from the GOP/Trump tax reform measures.

While some claim the tax cuts only increase the debt, the reality is that the economy must expand, it must grow.  It is only growth that can support the already ballooned national debt, and it is only growth that can free those who are chained to dependence on others including services that cost taxpayers so much.

So is it the rich who are the sole beneficiaries of the tax reforms?  In Michigan alone, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  From Bonuses, to lowered utility bills, the tax breaks extend to all, and allow the state’s economy to expand and create new opportunities that The Democrats would prefer you didn’t see.  Democrats like Debbie Stabenow, who wouldn’t support such performance increasing reforms.

Americans for Tax Reform have documented specific financial benefits (by state) that have developed as a result of Republicans taking the queue from President Trump. They report that:

Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by the Republican congress and signed by President Donald Trump, 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay. And companies of all sizes are already giving bonuses and raises and expanding the scope of their operations.

Michigan specific benefits are as follows:

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Vote NO on Proposal 2

All five of the videos created to let folks know what a disaster proposal 2 would be for Michigan. The latest video is first. The remainder below.

The bottom line is that proposal 2 is merely a change to a different form of gerrymandering. One that does its best to exclude one side, and make the process irreversible by eliminating answerability to the voters.

If you value accountability in Michigan politics, you MUST make sure all of your friends and family members understand what is at stake.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

Oakland County Medical Examiner Releases “Trunk Abortionist” Babies for Burial

There are some disturbing things that happen around us.

In August 2018 the bodies of 15 unborn children, discovered in the trunk of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth’s car by West Bloomfield police officers, were released by the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office to the Borek-Jennings Funeral Home. This was the result of a two-year effort by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society to obtain the aborted babies’ remains for burial.

In the wake of Detroit funeral home these 14 aborted babies will finally be laid to rest in a dignified service, Saturday, Nov. 3rd with an funeral Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit Robert Fisher, Transfiguration Parish, 25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI. Burial to follow at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 25800 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI.

A second funeral will take place for the 15th of the “Trunk Abortionist” babies as pro-lifers in Livingston County desired to bury one of the abortion victims in their area. That funeral is Nov. 24th, Mass, Holy Spirit Parish, 9565 Musch Rd, Brighton, MI. Burial will take place in cemetery.

The story behind this is disturbing.  In Sept. 2015 the remains of 15 aborted babies were discovered in the trunk of the car of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth by the West Bloomfield police department.

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Michiganders Deserve the Truth on Illegal Immigration

As thousands of migrants march their way up through Mexico intent on overrunning our Southern order, the issue of illegal immigration has become center stage in the race for governor of Michigan as Republican Bill Schuette hammers away at his opponent, Democrat candidate Gretchen Whitmer, and her radical support for dismantling America’s borders.

Whitmer’s support for open borders (a euphemism for ‘no borders’), sanctuary cities, and amnesty became even more evident last week as the two candidates faced off in a debate. Schuette’s positions were clear and rock solid. He boldly said that if elected, there will be “no sanctuary cities in Michigan.” Whitmer, on the other hand, has advocated for the undoing and abolishing of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), and her extremist running mate, Detroit activist Garlin Gilchrist, suggested that the Department of Homeland Security should be removed, a move that would leave America unprotected.

In the past, Whitmer has said that open borders were “fundamental” to who we are as Americans. She has promised to sue the federal government to have National Guard troops removed from our Southern Border. But this past week, when confronted with her position on critical issues, Whitmer dodged and weaved, refusing to answer questions about her support for harboring criminal aliens in sanctuary cities, instead pivoting to claims that Mr. Schuette’s positions were “extreme.”

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Proposal 2 Funders

The ‘grass roots’ effort to end gerrymandering in Michigan is a scam.

There was an effort by progressive liberals, to rig the game in their favor using the California model as a template.  Gullible voters could give them the win, but the funding for the proposal’s passage leaves us with more questions as to what they really want to do.

Out of state money is pressing hard to destroy accountability, but fighting the yes-vote is Michigan only Money.  MCFN notes the Tony Daunt comments:

Out-of-state special interests are trying to buy Michigan’s constitution, but our constitution is not for sale,” said Tony Daunt, spokesman for opposition group Protect My Vote, in a press release. “Hypocrite is too kind a description for the liars behind this sham proposal, and voters who’ve been duped by their scam have every right to be outraged.”

Over 80% of the funding for Prop 2 passage efforts comes from elsewhere.

Enjoy the video and pass along.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Resistance Comes to Michigan

Friday morning, the MIGOP filed a vandalism report with Lansing Police after hundreds of dollars of damage was done to the Michigan Republican Party headquarters.

We’ve always known what shenanigans they are capable of politically. However, this latest incident caps off a week of harassment by the Michigan Democrat Party (MDP) and their supporters against Michigan Republicans.

Beginning this week, MDP released an ad that displayed the social security numbers, in violation of the law, of Republican House candidate Christine Barnes and her ex-husband in an ad seen by at least 100,000 people, putting them both at risk for identity fraud.

On Wednesday, Mark Burton, a senior advisor for Gretchen Whitmer’s gubernatorial campaign, tweeted an anti-Semitic “joke” at Stu Sandler, a Jewish Republican consultant, as well John James, an African American U.S. Senate Candidate and Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette, implying that they were Nazis.

Congressman Tim Walberg’s campaign had numerous 4×4 yard signs stolen from homes across the 7thCongressional District. In the 1st district, Jack Bergman’s expensive 4×8 signs have been vandalized as well.

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2018 Michigan State House Races

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and RRH Elections.

All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.

Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm.  Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson’s showing in 2016, which led to more Libertarian candidates.  The elimination of straight ticket voting may help Republicans in downballot races.

Conservatives did reasonably well in 2018 primaries.  Conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader.

Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating.  The complete candidate list is available here:

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Oh no, you’ve caught me in another lie! Now, what do I do?

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren’t very smart nor can think for themselves.

Perennial Michigan Secretary of State Candidate Jocelyn Benson was on Michigan Matters last weekend.

Despite claiming to be THE candidate for Michigan SoS (even noted democratic contributor Nolan Finley felt that she was more up to the job than Mary Treder Lang), she succeeded in shoving her head firmly up her anal database even before she bothered to open up her mouth.

Let’s just say that Carol Cain’s question right from the start immediately gave Ms. Benson the deer-in-the-headlights appearance for this so-called “Ready-for-Prime-Time” player.

Submitted without any further comment (the fun starts at this link right at the 1:00 mark).


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