Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)



It drives those with TDS crazy when they think the guy has finally made some major blunder, then finding out they’ve been fooled again.

If you aren’t sure what I am referring to?  Its OK.  Not a big deal.  in the mean time Just appreciate that we have Michigan Service members in that crowd below.  May God continue to bless the Trumps, and our nation.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Unicorn in Michigan?

Do unicorns exist? Is Christmas magic real? I say yes, definitely on the latter, but not so sure on the former. Until now… I now believe in policy unicorns, i.e., an extraordinarily rare and good event almost unheard of in politics and policy. Michigan policymakers can pull off a trifecta-of-a-policy-unicorn – fund essential programs, promote economic growth, and not raise taxes. Outgoing Gov. Rick Snyder can prove that policy unicorns are real by signing legislation legalizing online gaming in the Wolverine State.

Last week, the State Senate by a strong bipartisan vote approved a plan that would enable Michigan to join a growing roster of states that have legalized online gaming. The bill will create jobs and economic opportunity for thousands of Michigan residents.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Merry Christmas

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Merry Christmas from RightMi.Com. We wish you and your families all the blessings the promise of the season bring.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – Why Christmas?

“Why Christmas?” Why does the entire world seem to at least acknowledge that the 25th of December is Christmas?

For just a moment I’d like us to ignore the obvious – that it is the celebration of Christ’s birth, because if we were totally honest with ourselves, that isn’t what it means to the vast majority of people who celebrate it. I mean, look around us. This is a very festive looking room, but what don’t you see? I’d like to take a few moments to examine the history that surrounds some of the traditions of Christmas.

Many people realize the date of Christmas was originally used by pagans to celebrate the passing of the winter solstice. They knew that by this time in December that the shortest day and longest night had passed, and with that came the promise of longer days, shorter nights and eventually spring.  The date of December 25th, as the celebration of Christ’s birth, however, was first seen in a Roman calendar dating from approximately 336 AD.

But it is very unlikely that Christ was born during the winter months. Why not? Good question. In Luke 2:8 we read: “And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.” Now, the usual time for the sheep to be kept in the fields surrounding Bethlehem is after the last of the winter rains in April and before they start up again in November. So, if there were shepherds in the fields then the birth likely occurred between April and November.

But December wasn’t always the choice for celebrating Christ’s birthday. In the two hundred years after the death of Christ, Christians celebrated his birth on January 6, April 19, May 20 and several other dates. A few years ago a British physicist and astronomer, David Hughes, calculated that the date of Christ’s birth was September 17th, 7 BC.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Final Grift: A ‘Lame Duck’ Anecdote of Republican Cowardice

Lame duck session is one of the most fascinating and illuminating times within our government. It is a period when all pretenses of our democracy are jettisoned and a mad cash grab takes place as term-limited legislators secure employment and other benefits in smoke-filled backrooms with lobbyists. It rips off the facade and exposes government for the cruel, soulless machine that it truly is.

Few watched the late-night session that went past 3AM last week when the worst bills were being rammed down our throats. I tuned in to watch the after-hours con job the next day on the Michigan Legislature website as I was sleeping at the time. The fact that the proceedings took place in the dead of night begs the following questions: What are the optics of using the midnight hour to push the lousiest bills forward? What does someone who is less politically inclined think of Republicans after the media reports on these shenanigans? And is it any wonder why we took it on the chin during last month’s mid-term elections?

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s A Serious Cracker

There is nothing as seriously addictive as alcohol.

After watching two of the closest people to me drink themselves to death, one might think I would find drinking jokes to be offensive.  At least if I was a liberal, politically correct, over-sensitized, whiny baby, perhaps. I don’t however. Humor has truths that can make us uncomfortable, but speak a different language.

I cannot get over the overblown, yet seriously pathetic apology for using the cultural name of [methyl (1R,2R,3S,5S)-3- (benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octane-2-carboxylate], or “Crack” for a french fry.  It boggles the mind that anyone would so care about such a mild reference to something that is addictive, yet still, with any sense of propriety can still run an establishment that caters directly to those who suffer from the worst form of addiction, namely alcoholism.

This video is as priceless as it is pathetic and revealing of the cowardly culture we are backing ourselves into.

All is not lost however.  Visit the video page itself, and enjoy the commentary while it lasts.  If the snowflake who made the video is consistent, he will run from this video even faster than he did the ‘insensitive’ name for a deep fried potato.

H/T scales.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Snyder: “I’m Tired – And Not Really A Republican Anyhow”

His people got folks dead in Flint, and his instincts are off when faced down with the next lost decade.

Skubick asks what he’ll do with the GOP legislature’s attempt at reigning in the oncoming freight train of bureaucratic nightmares.  He says “just wait.”  From Fox2:

“In the new year Democrat Jocelyn Benson will be the new Secretary of State, Democrat Dana Nessel will be attorney general. Democrats have cried foul and want the governor to veto those bills.

The governor steadfastly refused to say what he will do even though he was pressed to do so.

“I will carefully evaluate and make a decision in the best interest for the people of Michigan,” Snyder said.

Tim Skubick: “Is it fair to say you would not have introduced this legislation if given the choice?”

“Tim. I’m not to get into all that speculation because people will try to read into what that means I’m going to do,” Snyder said.

The governor confesses he has personal feelings on this alleged power grab but he would not budge on that either.

“I have personal feelings on many issues but as governor I keep those feelings to myself,” Snyder said. “Because I am responsible to not act on my personal feelings but to represent the people of Michigan.”

Of course he is.

The IToldYouSo is so damned thick around here.

And it (and at least a couple dozen other stories chronicling Slick Rick’s reign of stupid)  ain’t wrong.


You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

77 Years Ago Today.

Sadly, what passes for the media in Michigan has totally forgotten the significance of today’s date in American History.

The same will very likely be said for what your Children, Grand-Children, Nieces or Nephews will be taught in their public schools today as well.

From NPS Website

Never forget.

Make sure that they never forget our history.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)