Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)


Who wants to place a bet that this will would be picked up by the legacy media here in Michigan?

Nah, just kidding!

We all know that the legacy media here in Michigan wouldn’t touch this story with a 10-foot pole!

Everyone’s favorite alcoholic (and promoter of drag queens in public schools) got a bit too sh…well, I cannot accurately describe this and keep RM SFW, so I’ll move on. Well, Michigan AG Nessel enjoyed the “spirits” a little too much and had to be removed from a football game last year.

Old news, you may say.

Here’s where things get interesting. In an attempt at damage control, Delusional Dana tried to put a lid on things by having her security detail sign a NDA in order to keep the public embarrassment to a minimum.

Read about the outcome here.

Hey, is that Republican Co-Chairman Ron Weiser tossing a few back with Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel???

Hey, is that Republican Co-Chairman Ron Weiser tossing a few back with Gretchen Whitmer and Dana Nessel???

H/T to 100% Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)