I Guess Tipping Is Over?
I have always been 20 plus percent on the tips anyhow, so one way or another if all else remained…
READ MORE ►Susan Demas, a progressive Democrat, felt compelled to show the world what her views are of Detroit, through the eye of a liberal white female who lives in suburban 68.8% white Okemos CDP.
Thank you Gov. Whitmer! Every contribution made is help for accomplishing The Recall.
Whitmer order allows professional sports in Detroit — without any fans https://t.co/bJ0DQ5xXNy via @AP's @DavidEggert00
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) June 25, 2020
Seriously, after the entire organized professional sports world just virtue signaled their ‘take a knee’ nonsense and, especially, with NOOSECAR race card driver Bubba Smollett‘s stupidity, that outside of the mouth breathers who walk among us, does any rational person care? Nope.
Nasty Nessel likes envisioning she’s a legend in her own mind, hence, “the share” from one of the community who likes swimming and hanging out with 12-year-old boys. Well, as stated 18 years ago.
Hey, not judging- just … observing.
Sharing this bc the author labeled me "the most politically powerful lesbian in America." Take THAT Tammy Baldwin, Lori Lightfoot, and the lady with the Dorothy Hamill haircut outside Kroger who tried to get me to sign a ballot proposal to form a commission investigating aliens. https://t.co/PDgTB8YQnH
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) June 25, 2020
Actually, it is a worthwhile read.
For the actual science regarding wearing a mask, click here.
Hence, up Whitmer’s ass with a mask. There is No ‘Second Wave’ period
UPDATE. Okay, let’s up the ante on Gov. Whitmer’s latest mask game?
Your mask is making you stupid and subservient.
I’ll admit, I carry one in my pocket. I do so for when I absolutely MUST patronize an establishment, and cannot enter without playing the game. I respect private property, and those owners have to deal with their own licensing, etc.
I was even told to leave a hardware store because I wouldn’t comply, so went down the street to buy the paint I needed. But the doctor’s office for my physical? A slightly different story.
Whitmer, in her need to stay relevant and IN POWER reminds us regularly however that we must wear our masks! In fact, she uses all the resources the state of Michigan can afford for such propaganda and tweets:
Wear 👏 a 👏 mask 👏
That’s it, that’s the tweet. Pass it on.#MaskUpMichigan— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) June 24, 2020
um ..no.
There are a great number of replies to this brilliant tweet that really inspired this post. Of course there are the typical sycophants and afeared folks. But true patriots are aplenty, and let her know where she can shove those masks. I figured I would share some of them.
This is becoming such a common theme this year with Michigan Democrats. Case in point? Where was Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, when lawless Gov. Whitmer and AG Nasty Nessel actions were responsible for a Flint security guard getting shot dead over their illegitimate wear a mask “order“? Easy, David Leyton was hastily covering to shelter their crooked asses.
Looks what’s going on here. Where are the protesters? Was this man arrested? https://t.co/2E1UbU5vNN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 23, 2020
Where are the arrests, Mr. President? Same place the arrests were by David Leyton with regard to Brenda Simpson- nowhere to be found.
That’s why good people are blowing up David Leyton’s Facebook and Twitter accounts over this blatantly obvious crime in Genesee County, our President Trump brought to national attention.
Democrat run cities and counties are harbors of crime, and unsafe for everyone.
“Security guard“. “Allegedly“.
The man was protecting the group, according to his attorney, Lucas Dillon. Protection is needed because passersby have been threatening protesters, saying things like “you’re all going to die,” Dillon said.
Black Lies Matter
Headline: Opinion: Police should partner with social workers
The tragic and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many Black and Brown Americans by police officers has led our nation to a moment where we must act now to make real change happen.
That means reimagining how we respond to crime and the role of law enforcement in our communities so that we can better address problems and prevent crime. This can start with social work and police partnerships.
Hol’ up a moment… let’s review what Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit, thinks about “Black and Brown” seniors in Metro Detroit assisted living, nursing and, longterm care facilities, shall we?
Michigan Right to Life has just issued its endorsements for the 2020 primary. RTL swings a significant number of Michigan primary voters, so its endorsements will decide some races.
RTL will recommend all candidates if they are all pro-life, but if there is a serious non-pro-life candidate, they will pick one pro-life candidate to endorse. Their noteworthy endorsements are listed below.
President: Trump
US Senate: John James
All Republican incumbents are endorsed except for Fred Upton. Notably, Upton was endorsed in 2012, 2014, and 2016 despite a past pro-abortion record.
3. Afendoulis, Meijer, and Norton all endorsed
5. Tim Kelly solely endorsed
6. No endorsement
8. All four Republican candidates are endorsed.
9. Both Republican candidates are endorsed.
10. All three Republican candidates are endorsed.
State House: All Republican incumbents are endorsed except two.
13. (D) Bill Colovos
19. Crider and Ptashnik both endorsed.
20. John Lacny
21. Laurel Ness
25. All three Republican candidates are endorsed.
38. Chase Turner solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
39. No endorsement for incumbent Ryan Berman
41. Evan Agnello
45. No endorsement for Mark Tisdel
47. Bezotte and Reckling both endorsed.
48. David Martin solely endorsed.
56. TC Clements
58. Andrew Fink solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
59. Allen Balong solely endorsed. Some other candidates, including State Carra, are pro-life.
61. Bronwyn Haltom
62. Dave Morgan
70. Martin Ross solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
71. Barnes and Johnsen both endorsed.
73. All three Republican candidates are endorsed.
78. No endorsement for incumbent Brad Paquette
83. Gregory Alexander solely endorsed. Who is not pro-life here?
95. (D) James Graham
96. Bauer and Beson both endorsed.
104. Cerone and Roth both endorsed.
105. Cutler and Borton both endorsed.
107. No endorsement among the seven R candidates.