Trump’s speech last night was just was this country needed.
All of what is going on can be stopped in just a few short minutes if we want to stop it. Riots, damage, and even the dreaded Chinese Flu, Covid-19. Below are some of my thoughts, and below the fold, a great message by our president..
Covid deaths and high mortality were exacerbated by our governor and others putting recovering folks in with the most vulnerable to the disease. We knew by the first week in March that the older population was a high risk group. There is NO excuse. Oh, and BTW, Hydroxychloroquine works!
BLM? Antifa? Seattle provided one of the greatest lessons with it’s Chaz nonsense. The Mayor allowed the kids to play ‘country,’ even tolerating two deaths during their playtime, and ruining millions of dollars in local businesses and property. It was cleared up in 30 minutes the day after those kids wanted to play ‘invading nation’ at the Mayor’s house.