Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


It’s time to Unlock Michigan.

Fellow Liberty-Minded Michiganians,

We are currently at a historic crossroad within our state.

Our governor has taken it upon herself, to bestow her office with virtually unlimited power and authority.

She has utilized that to imprison our fellow citizens within their own homes, unilaterally decided which Michiganians are essential along with those of us who are not, has placed the health and safety of our most vulnerable population in mortal danger for the sake of her own bureaucratic convenience, has significantly damaged Michigan’s economy through a series of contradictory and mystifying executive orders and has turned Michiganian against Michiganian via the same.

This MUST stop!

{More below.}

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

July 2020 Michigan State House Fundraising

July 24 was the deadline for campaign finance reports for Michigan legislature.  Here are summaries of the total amount raised in competitive Michigan state house districts.  Totals include in-kind contributions.  Candidates who filed reporting waivers are generally omitted.  These numbers come from MIRS and the SOS campaign finance reports.  XX means the report has yet to be filed.

2. (D) Tate 108K, Harrell XX
3. (D) Thanedar 438K (all self), Mckinney 37K, Cochran 5K
4. (D) Aiyash 72K, Oberholtzer 58K, Holmes 37K, Ahmed 12K
6. (D) Carter 40K, Palmer 23K
7. (D) Scott 28K, Yancy 10K
8. (D) Etheridge 37K, Young 30K, Davis 24K
9. (D) Whitsett 22K, Ogburn 38K
10. (D) Cavanagh 13K, Hill 5K
13. (D) Liberati 34K, Estheimer 10K, Colovos XX
19. (R) Crider 54K (32K self), Ptashnik 45K (D) Pohutski 148K
20. (R) Lacny 30K (all self), Roush 3K (D) Koleszar 131K
21. (R) Nangle 6K, Hess 3K (D) Puri 128K, Petzold 55K
22. (D) Steenland 20K, Nelson 9K, Anderson 1.5K
25. (R) Smith 10K, Wiley 6K, Early waiver (D) Shannon 65K
27. (D) Weiss 50K, Kresch 33K, Stoel 22K, Williams 8K
35. (D) Bolden 61K, Martini 27K
37. (D) Bruce 111K, Steckloff 62K
38. (R) Turner 31K, Chereukuri XX (D) Breen 43K McAllister 33K
39. (R) Berman 67K (D) Pulver 117K
40. (R) Cleary 6K (D) Manoogian 160K
41. (R) Agnello 22K Sosnoski 7K (D) Kuppa 188K
43. (R) Schroeder 56K (D) Breadon 25K
44. (R) Maddock 83K (D) Forrest 44K
45. (R) Tisdel 42K (D) Johnson 58K, Anness 39K
46. (R) Reilly 51K (D) LaMacchia 98K
47. (R) Reckling 55K, Bezotte 46K (21K self), Dyba 5K
48. (R) Martin 11K, Cross 1.3K (D) Kennedy 85K
55. (D) Brabec 142K
56. (R) Clements 28K, Blaine 4K
58. (R) Fink 49K, Welden 23K (17K self), Wiseley 19K, Stockford 11K
59. (R) Coleman 52K (38K self), Carra 24K, Walton 15K, Balog 9K, Hinkle 8K (all self)
60. (D) Rogers 107K, Moore 43K
61. (R) Haltom 286K (100K self), Graham 6K (5K self) (D) Morse 165K
62. (R) Morgan 13K (9K self), Gregoire 4K (D) Haadsma 199K
66. (R) Griffin 85K (D) Wheeler 24K
70. (R) Outman 46K, Ross 17K (14K self), Comden 4K
71. (R) Johnsen 88K (42K self), Barnes 12K (D) Witwer 195K
72. (R) Johnson 18K (D) Wilson 15K, Cheng 7K
73. (R) Inhulsen 116K, Posthumus 53K, Regan 23K (12K self) (D) Saxton 89K
76. (R) Zandstra 55K (D) Hood 45K
79. (R) Wendzel 83K, Blackwell 3K (D) Pitchford 38K
83. (R) Alexander 60K, O’Mara 49K (all self), Beeler 30K, Keller 29K
90. (R) Slagh 90K, Northrup 5K
91. (R) VanWoerkem 112K (D) Hosticka 37K
95. (D) Bryant 16K, Hammond 13K, Graham 7K, Adams 4K
98. (R) Glenn 258K (D) Schulz 173K
99. (R) Hauck 58K (D) Zang 6K
100. (R) VanSingel 78K Sebolt 9K
101. (R) O’Malley 80K Cater waiver
104. (R) Roth 38K (22K self), Cerone 19K (D) O’Neil 210K
105. (R) Culter 56K, Borton 50K
107. (R) Damoose 70K (30K self), Fisher 28K (21K self), Lamb 25K (24K self), Twardy 8K, Lieurance 5K
110. (R) Markkanen 31K (D) Metsa 20K, Dale 6K

You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)

Big Gretch Fails … Again

The latest political stunt from our leading executive office deadly Democrats.

Did you ever notice all these mask harpies are the same people that hoarded all the toilet paper? They don’t care about anyone else, they only care about deflecting their own insignificance they see in the mirror every day onto others- science and common sense be damned!

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

See You in Court

More court information, here.

OABTW, headline November 7, 2018: ‘I Don’t Have A Penis’ Jewish Lesbian Wins In Michigan

That said, to the two old-fart ‘normies’ in other post, Mr. Stillings, and Mr. Ward, when they celebrate who and what they are, and somehow come to the conclusion that when restating said fact is a anti-semitic ‘tone’you are the problem in today’s societal decay. Kindly leave discourse to the adults in the room until you both catch a clue or, grow the hell up.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(6)

Mr. President, wait for July 23 to Send

What better way to mark a 53 year anniversary than sending in the feds, again.

Peacefully protest? Sure they aren’t. And, “systemic racism” in 78.6% black Detroit? That’s a helluva trick to pull off. Besides, the entire world sees Detroit for exactly the lawless hellhole it is.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why democrats are suddenly pushing so HARD for mandatory mask “laws”.

While speaking at a rally in Denver to “Back the Blue”…well, I’ll just let the video in the links speak for itself.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

You little snake.

When you’re the president of the Michigan SBA, wouldn’t it stand to reason that, I don’t know, YOU ACTUALLY STAND UP FOR THE MEMBERS YOU REPRESENT?

I don’t even own a business, but I do depend upon someone who does for my paycheck. I also don’t need someone to punch their lights out because they are compelled to follow some nonsensical “order”.

What has got me be cheesed off, other than the fact that we don’t have Waffle Houses here in Michigan?

{You know the drill}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

She’s Only right about One Thing

Michigan’s lesbian jew AG should’ve learned in law school that only the legislature makes law/statute, which are then either vetoed or, signed into law by the executive branch, as was Public Act 188 of 2009.

If this mask bullshit is “law,” then show us the votes, Nasty Nessel.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(4)

If you want a job done right…


Whatever shall our glorious leader do?

She’s goes off the reservation and issues even more illegal and unconstitutional “orders” for her loyal subjects to obey without question.

So, what does she do when no one is following her “orders” (at least here in Macomb, anyways)?

{Post continues below}

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)