Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)


Gosh, I Wonder What They Are up To?

From the Good-Reason-To-Go-Part-Time Department.

SB 0815 introduced yesterday by BIEDA and HOPGOOD to change the Michigan Campaign Finance Act.  Addtions include adding:

Committee includes a political organization recognized by the internal revenue service under 26 USC 527 that has an officer, director, board member, or trustee who is a resident of this state.

To the committee identification language.  Also adding:

     (k) For a candidate committee of a candidate who controls or directs a political organization recognized by the internal revenue service under 26 USC 527, all donors, contributions, and expenditures of that political organization. A candidate controls or directs a political organization if any director, officer, or board member of the political organization is employed by or serves as an agent to the candidate, as determined by the totality of the circumstances.

Nothing else changes


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This Is A Big Deal

voteMany Michigan ‘Snowbirds’ seem to have gotten wise to the February election trickery.

After expending taxpayer dollars to maximize win potential with the most obscure voting time, these Northern Michigan schools have found a much wiser electorate. Elk Rapids, was looking to cash in on a “close call” in November, published glossy mailers and went full tilt propaganda. It is only one of the following which has fallen backwards.

Elk Rapids School Bond Proposal – Totals (100.0%)

Candidate Votes % Votes
No 1,425 55.9%
Yes 1,126 44.1%

There are more.

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ICYMI – Detroit & Statewide Pastors Stand For Marriage

Making national news today, Detroit pastors Ministers, and other leaders of faith stood their ground in defense of traditional marriage, and for the integrity of Michigan Voters’ 2004 decision to maintain the definition of Marriage as that between a Man and a Woman.The video of the press conference

The video below.

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Is “Team” Snyder tied to Kawme Kilpatrick’s Criminal Enterprise?

Governor Rick Snyder’s economic “team” was one of several contractors who pumped millions into ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s alleged criminal enterprise. Although the government hid the companies’ identities in the indictment, public records and interviews helped put names to aliases. The list of companies includes deep-pocketed donors and powerful executives. Hmmm… maybe that’s why the governor chose to abolish the “Nerd Fund” rather than to expose his donors?

Kawme & SnyderThe companies involved are going to be needed by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to help prosecute the case. “It’s always hard to say whether the payer of a bribe is culpable or a victim of the crime,” said Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University and former federal prosecutor.

“Sometimes that’s hard to distinguish.” So far, most executives linked to the corruption probe have escaped indictment. Some witnesses were granted immunity and others are victims, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said.

Among the contractors who were allegedly extorted to retain Bobby Ferguson as a subcontractor include Walbridge, a general contractor headed by John Rakolta Jr., a longtime area powerbroker who was recently named to the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) by Snyder. Wayne County and its Building Authority has filed a law suit seeking to recover $154 million from 3 jail contractors including John Rakolta’s Walbridge.

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No, No You Cannot

eminent-domainA strange thing is happening.

I am not sure if it is the disease that has spread from the federal administration and is now infesting the minds of Michigan legislators is curable, but we had better get a handle on it.  Ignoring the constitution of the US by the president, and now that of Michigan by its lawmakers seems to be happening at a near feverish pace.

For the sake of not embarrassing 14 Michigan congress critters for their inability to serve articles of impeachment, we’ll forgo the multitude of Obama violations in this essay.  And perhaps we can breath a little easier (but only a little) that our legislators don’t enjoy the benefits of a Pen and a Phone, and a cowardly congress to make their abrogations easier.

Currently, and perhaps for very a reasonable cause, there is legislation that has already passed the house designating as legal, a violation of Michigan’s constitution as amended in 2006.  Perhaps without realizing it, State Representatives have passed 69-41, HB 5255.  The legislation is part of a package that will provide a mechanism for carbon sequestration, and apparently provide as well, a means for the use of CO2 as an alternative to fracking fluids or for pressurizing depleted wells.

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Finley: Snyder deaf on Obamacare

Well, here’s a wee bit of fun with Finley.

The Obama [Snyder] administration continues to deny the risk that its [the] Affordable Care Act will wreck the economy, even as it [the governor] does everything it [he] can to keep it [Medicaid expansion] from wrecking the Democratic [Republican] Party in the fall elections.

As if one would ever read Nol[e]an to-the-Right Finkley tar his Progressive Nerd buddy. So, what does the Governerd say about all this?

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is among several Republican governors who expanded their state’s Medicaid laws under the law.

“The whole dialogue on the Affordable Care Act is about people fighting, causing gridlock and a mess, instead of working on something important like wellness,” Snyder said, adding that he still has “a lot of issues” with the overhaul. “But it is the law, so I’m trying to work in that context.”

Jeez, it looks like Snyder just told Finley to shut the hell up. And there it is again. There is no noticeable difference between the Party’s in Michigan, other than the pathway and speed to serfdom.

As we have seen elsewhere here on RightMi, I want to make it clear that I will not be supporting this rank and file lost cause, either. Land had a chance to make a stand against the Nerd’s Obamacare entanglement, and epically failed. On top of that, I just despise a calculating, windsock of expediency, backbiter.

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The 2008 Henry Waxman Chair Ousting Hint Finally Sinks In

The audacity of it all.

Dingell retiring from Congress: ‘It’s time to cash it in’

There is what’s wrong with this nation today. The Marxstream Media actually has the gull to call the fossil not running for re-election a “retirement”. Public “servants” my ass. Better still?

Debbie Dingell expected to run for husband’s congressional seat


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